Sunday, March 4, 2018

Dick's "Sporting Bads", Not Goods

In the aftermath of the Parkland, Florida massacre Dick's Sporting Goods has made a corporate decision based on a meeting held shortly after the tragic incident:

Their decision, in my opinion, is a typical corporate "group think" style response which includes false notions that the underground/illegal gun market doesn't exist and that by just keeping firearms from law abiding citizens it will solve the problem and stop future massacres from happening. How ignorant and irrational is that? Such a proposal only plays on the emotions. To understand why I say this, watch this video of a state delegate, running for State Senator to unseat Sen. Tim Kane, explain the issue well.

What the CEO's statement fails to recognize about these " are brave enough, and do what they're doing..." is merely a parroting of the indoctrination received in their public schools from their left oriented teachers who dominate the teaching profession. It also doesn't reveal that as a result of their actions, future marches to put pressure on local legislatures and assemblies will be orchestrated and funded by leftist anti-gun organizations, celebrities, and foundations.

This is how the socialists/progressives have structured their network of support for their furthering their agenda; using the old '60s style protest marches, which is actually an earlier strategy of communist and revolutionary agitators to create social pressure on elected officials who are ignorant of the facts and concepts behind this right to keep our government in check and defend our lives in our homes, or on the increasingly risky and violent streets.

As other conservative bloggers, no doubt, have already suggested, I'm personally never going to set foot in a Dick's establishment again. At least we who understand the underlying concept of the 2nd amendment in the Constitution, we still have the power of the wallet which they can't control. We can still shop elsewhere for sporting goods, rather than supporting "sporting bads".

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