Thursday, April 26, 2018
Guns In Schools - The Debate Rages On
I've addressed this issue in a few of my previous posts here, but this debate seems to have taken on a life of its own.
Background: As a retired teacher in public schools for 30 years, I have what liberals would consider a very odd view on this issue. In my late 20s after only being in the profession a short time, I started out getting involved in the teacher's union since my state has a law which requires new entries into any public school to become a dues paying union member. (Please, be patient, I will get to the guns in a bit.)
This irritated me, so, I felt I should at least be involved at the local level so I could better understand what the union was doing for me in exchange for taking monthly dues from my income.
In the second year of my involvement I decided to attend the NEA's national convention in Minneapolis, MN as an alternate delegate from my state. I went with the expectation that I would be spending time learning how I could be a better instructor; improve my teaching skills.
Yet, for one day's morning time on the floor of the convention with delegates from all states and territories, the discussion was on what should be in a letter to then Pres. Reagan chastising him for funding the Contras in Nicaragua.
It was at this point that I knew what the purpose of the teacher's union was; exercise political clout.
My next revelation as to their political agenda was when the sign at the entrance to my elementary school's parking lot from the main road at the front was posted. It read, "Gun Free Zone".
Having recently lost my brother to a gang member with a gun, I understood all too well just how vulnerable this sign made me feel.
I was a defenseless individual who had a concealed carry permit - that's right, I'm a law abiding, second amendment rights citizen exercising his ability unlike the individual who killed my brother - and knew how to use it, but I couldn't, or I risked being fired immediately for defending myself and my students.
So, after so many events of school mass shooting over the course of the rest of my career, I had to just pray that nothing ever happened in my school.
Now, after being retired for several years, the Parkland, FL incident has brought the issue to the front burner in the social media arena and we see articles popping up here and there almost every day. Here are only a couple of examples.
Our state governor has now gone as far as saying, "We are not going to have second graders packing on the hip at school." or something close to this, as if to make jest that such a proposal was being made. And the reason why is, the WEA and the NEA are going to fight this sensible measure to stop mass killings where everyone's like fish in a barrel, with every ounce of fight they've got in them!
Honestly, I doubt I'll see any serious legislation by Congress on this topic before I die. And that's why, sadly, more young students will die needlessly.
Monday, April 23, 2018
Bottom Up, Top Down, Inside Out
That phrase is what revolutionaries understand as the way in which they are working their social manipulation through the media for the purpose of steadily, but persistently, shift the attitude of youth to believe that being a social justice warrior is "cool" and "virtuous".
Here's what I'm talking about. Watch this four minute video from MRCTV and think about it. I don't believe I need to say anything further about it since any sane individual who watches it will understand instinctively what's happening here.
Here's what I'm talking about. Watch this four minute video from MRCTV and think about it. I don't believe I need to say anything further about it since any sane individual who watches it will understand instinctively what's happening here.
Sunday, April 22, 2018
What Our Leaders in D.C. Are Ignoring About Gun Control
There have been millions of people Killed because they were unable to protect themselves.
Why Grandpa Carries A Gun
The quintessential reason why Grandpa carries a gun.Please take time to read this and pay particular attention to, "A Little Gun History," about half way down . . . staggering numbers!
Why Carry a Gun?
My old Grandpa said to me, "Son, there comes a time in every man's life when he stops bustin' knuckles and starts bustin' caps, and usually it's when he becomes too old to take a whoopin'."
I don't carry a gun to kill people; I carry a gun to keep from being killed.
I don't carry a gun because I'm evil; I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the World.
I don't carry a gun because I hate government; I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government.
I don't carry a gun because I'm angry; I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared.
I don't carry a gun to shoot someone; I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow.
The quintessential reason why Grandpa carries a gun.Please take time to read this and pay particular attention to, "A Little Gun History," about half way down . . . staggering numbers!
Why Carry a Gun?
My old Grandpa said to me, "Son, there comes a time in every man's life when he stops bustin' knuckles and starts bustin' caps, and usually it's when he becomes too old to take a whoopin'."
I don't carry a gun to kill people; I carry a gun to keep from being killed.
I don't carry a gun because I'm evil; I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the World.
I don't carry a gun because I hate government; I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government.
I don't carry a gun because I'm angry; I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared.
I don't carry a gun to shoot someone; I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow.
I don't carry a gun to make me feel like a man; I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love.
I don't carry a gun because I feel inadequate; I carry a gun because, unarmed and facing an armed thug, I am inadequate.
I don't carry a gun because I love it; I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.
Police protection is an oxymoron: Free citizens must protect themselves because police do not protect you from crime; they just investigate the crime after it happens and then call someone in to clean up the mess.
Personally, I carry a gun because I'm too young to die and too old to take a whoopin'!
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control:From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
In 1911, Turkey established gun control:From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up/exterminated.
Germany established gun control in 1938:From 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
China established gun control in 1935:From 1948 to 1952, 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up/exterminated.
Guatemala established gun control in 1964:From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayans, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up/exterminated.
Uganda established gun control in 1970:From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up/exterminated.
Cambodia established gun control in 1956:From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up/exterminated.
56 million defenseless people were rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control.
You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians discussing disseminating this information.
Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens.
With guns, we are 'citizens'; without them, we can easily become 'subjects'.
During WW II, the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!
Gun owners in the USA are the largest armed force in the World!
If you value your freedom, please spread this anti-gun control message to all of your friends.
The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense.
The sword is more important than the shield and skill is most important.
I'm a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment! If you are too, please forward this. If you're not a believer, please reconsider the true facts. This is history; not what's being shown on TV, sanctioned by many of our most illustrious, delusional leaders in Washington.
This should go for Grandmas as well.
The Electoral College - A Good, or Bad Idea?
Over the past year or so since the 2016 election we've heard liberals pushing for eliminating the Electoral College in the voting process because, some claim, it's unfair, undemocratic, or just plain out dated. Really? Let's examine this with facts...
The following list of statistics has been making the rounds on the Internet. Is should finally put an end to the argument as to why the Electoral College is so important to our Federal Republic and makes sense.
Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories. - Thomas JeffersonIn their infinite wisdom, the Founding Fathers of the newly formed United States created the Electoral College to ensure that each and every state in the union was fairly represented; that called a Federal Republic. While we have incorporated some aspects of a democracy, it isn't a pure one. As the old saying goes, a true democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Yet this form of democracy is what Democrats are calling for. So, why should one or two states which are densely populated dictate the outcome of the entire country?
The following list of statistics has been making the rounds on the Internet. Is should finally put an end to the argument as to why the Electoral College is so important to our Federal Republic and makes sense.
- There are 3,141 counties in the United States.
- Trump won 3,084 of them.
- Clinton won 57.
- There are 62 counties in New York State.
- Trump won 46 of them.
- Clinton won 16.
- Clinton won the popular vote by approximately 1.5 million votes. (She continues to harp on this point alone.)
- In the 5 counties the encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties, while Trump won only Richmond.)
- Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton's winning the popular vote of the entire country.
- These 5 counties comprise only 319 square miles of land area.
- The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles of land area.
- When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election. Yet, the Democrats do!
- Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit, etc.) DO NOT and SHOULD NOT speak for the rest of our entire nation!
Another Step Nearer the Abyss
Most people - those who don't have a fortune of billions - do what it takes on a year-to-year basis to improve their financial lot in life; working hard, taking classes to improve their skill set, going the "extra mile" to prove to their boss that they deserve the promotion they so desperately need. These people know well the importance of living within their means; well, at least some of them who have a grasp on basic laws of finance and budgeting.
The growing credit debt today has rapidly increased due to greater consumer purchasing with their "miracle plastic". It creates a temporary good feeling for most when they can get that item they "must have"; flat screen television, video console, etc. However, when the monthly statement comes the shock of the total owed instantly returns them to the reality for which only they are responsible; increased debt. Living within our means today seems to no longer be important as a responsibility because too many parents never bothered teaching their children any basic concepts about finances and budgeting.
However, this is also true at the international banking level of finance. The U.S. Treasury, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank have, for many years, essentially done the same thing, and once again this year, have continued the practice of increasing their allotment of funds beyond what is actually available in order to try and stem the problem funding poorer nations who depend on their loans. This is done not because any parent failed to teach them basics, but because they were forced to get creative with their policies of finance when forced to make a tough decision, and they made a poor choice which ignored the laws of economics.
Here's my question... How well did Pres. Johnson's establishment of the Welfare Act of 1964 work for eliminating poverty in the U.S. after five decades and several billions of dollars spent on giving subsistence to low skilled individuals? Answer.... it HASN'T!!! And now, further down the road of time, our own country's policy is to continue passing bills which further extend our national debt. (Recall the most recent Omnibus Bill which added another $1.2 TRILLION.)
With the U.S. continuously increasing its own debt - 21 TRILLION and climbing - and other nations around the globe with their own debts, anyone who understands that the laws of economics can not be ignored for long - just like the individual can't ignore their credit card debt forever - I believe the global economy is eventually going to have a "day of reckoning" where the whole system collapses and the whole planet goes into a financial Armageddon.
The growing credit debt today has rapidly increased due to greater consumer purchasing with their "miracle plastic". It creates a temporary good feeling for most when they can get that item they "must have"; flat screen television, video console, etc. However, when the monthly statement comes the shock of the total owed instantly returns them to the reality for which only they are responsible; increased debt. Living within our means today seems to no longer be important as a responsibility because too many parents never bothered teaching their children any basic concepts about finances and budgeting.
However, this is also true at the international banking level of finance. The U.S. Treasury, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank have, for many years, essentially done the same thing, and once again this year, have continued the practice of increasing their allotment of funds beyond what is actually available in order to try and stem the problem funding poorer nations who depend on their loans. This is done not because any parent failed to teach them basics, but because they were forced to get creative with their policies of finance when forced to make a tough decision, and they made a poor choice which ignored the laws of economics.
Here's my question... How well did Pres. Johnson's establishment of the Welfare Act of 1964 work for eliminating poverty in the U.S. after five decades and several billions of dollars spent on giving subsistence to low skilled individuals? Answer.... it HASN'T!!! And now, further down the road of time, our own country's policy is to continue passing bills which further extend our national debt. (Recall the most recent Omnibus Bill which added another $1.2 TRILLION.)
With the U.S. continuously increasing its own debt - 21 TRILLION and climbing - and other nations around the globe with their own debts, anyone who understands that the laws of economics can not be ignored for long - just like the individual can't ignore their credit card debt forever - I believe the global economy is eventually going to have a "day of reckoning" where the whole system collapses and the whole planet goes into a financial Armageddon.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Henry Kissinger On President Trump
Agree or not, this is an interesting observation by a seasoned observer who understands international relations well. This appears to be an interesting collection of comments by Henry Kissinger on Donald Trump's political maneuverings as president. Using Google I've found bits of what follows, including a CBS interview, some of which is quoted here. I can't vouch for the whole collection, but it doesn't appear to be implausible based upon the pieces I've located.
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Kissinger on Trump
Recently, Henry Kissinger did an interview and said some very amazing things regarding President Trump. He starts with: "Donald Trump is phenomenon that foreign countries haven't seen."
The former Secretary of State Henry Kissenger gives us a new understanding of President Trump's foreign policy and predicts its success:
Liberals and those who favor (Hillary) Clinton will never admit it. They will never admit that he is the one true leader. The man doing changes like never before and does it all for the sake of the nation's people. After eight years of tyranny, we finally see the difference.Kissinger knows it and he continues with:
Every country now has to consider two things: One, their perception that the previous president, or the outgoing president, basically withdrew America from international politics, so that they had to make their own assessments of their necessities. And secondly, that there is a new president who's asking a lot of unfamiliar questions. And because of the combination of the partial vacuum and the new questions, one could imagine that something remarkable and new emerges out of it.Then, Kissinger puts it bluntly:
Trump puts America and its people first. This is why people love him and this is why he will remain in charge for so long. There is not a single thing wrong with him and people need to open their eyes.When he boasts that he has a "bigger red button" than Kim Jung Un does, he so transcends the mealy-mouthed rhetoric of the past that he forces a new recognition of American power. Kissinger once wrote, "The weak grow strong by effrontery. The strong grow weak through inhibition." No statement better captures the U.S.-North Korea relationship.
Trump is discarding the inhibitions and calling the bluff on North Korea's effrontery.
His point is that the contrast of American retreat under Obama and its new assertion of power under Trump creates a new dynamic that every one of our allies and of our enemies must consider. Our allies grew complacent with Obama's passivity and now are fearful due to Trump's activism. And they must balance the two in developing their policies. They realize that the old assumptions, catalyzed by Bush 43's preoccupation with Iraq and Obama's refusal to lead are obsolete. So, Trump is forcing a new calculus with a new power behind American interests.
Those - here and abroad - who rode the old apple cart worry about its being toppled. But, as Kissinger so boldly states, Trump "is one true leader" in world affairs and he is forcing policy changes that put America first.
Monday, April 16, 2018
Incest, It's Incestuous!
You want evidence? You got it! This will make your blood boil! I find it rather interesting to learn that my suspicions are confirmed.
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Incest, it’s Incestuous:
Timothy Clemmons
April 4 at 11:21pm
From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation.
A Grand Jury had been empaneled.
Governments from around the world had donated to the “Charity”.
Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared.
Hmmm, now you would think that an honest investigator would be able to figure this out.
Guess who took over this investigation in 2002?
Bet you can’t guess.
No other than James “Wassup Homey” Comey.
Now, that’s interesting, isn’t it?
Guess who was transferred in to the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS?
Your friend and mine, our favorite person in the whole world if you are a Tea Party Member, Pro-Life or a True the Vote supporter……. ding, ding, ding, ding Lois “Be on The Look Out” (BOLO) Lerner.
Now, that’s interesting, isn’t it?
It gets better, well not really, but I am sure this is all just a series of strange coincidences, right?
Guess who ran the Tax Division inside the Department of Injustice from 2001 to 2005?
No other than the Assistant Attorney General of the United States, Rod Rosenstein.
Now, that’s interesting, isn’t it?
Guess who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during this timeframe???
I know, it’s a miracle, just a coincidence, just an anomaly in statistics and chances, Robert Mueller.
What do all four casting characters have in common?
They all were briefed and/or were front line investigators into the Clinton Foundation Investigation.
Now that’s just a coincidence, right?
Ok, lets chalk the last one up to mere chance.
Let’s fast forward to 2009, shall we?
James “Wassup Homey” Comey leaves the Justice Department to go and cash-in at Lockheed Martin.
Hillary Clinton is running the State Department, on her own personal email server by the way.
The Uranium One “issue” comes to the attention of the Hildabeast.
Like all good public servants do, you know looking out for America’s best interest, she decides to support the decision and approve the sale of 20% of US Uranium to no other than, the Russians.
Now you would think that this is a fairly straight up deal, except it wasn’t, the People got absolutely nothing out of it.
However, prior to the sales approval, no other than Arkansas Bill goes to Moscow, gets paid 500K for a one hour speech then meets with Vladimir Putin at his home for a few hours.
Ok, no big deal right?
Well, not so fast, the FBI had a mole inside the money laundering and bribery scheme.
Guess who was the FBI Director during this timeframe?
Yep, Robert Mueller.
He even delivered a Uranium Sample to Moscow in 2009.
Guess who was handling that case within the Justice Department out of the US Attorney’s Office in Maryland.
No other than, Rod Rosenstein.
Guess what happened to the informant?
The Department of Justice placed a GAG order on him and threatened to lock him up if he spoke out about it.
Interesting, huh?
How does 20% of the most strategic asset of the United States of America end up in Russian hands when the FBI has an informant, a mole providing inside information to the FBI on the criminal enterprise?
Guess what happened soon after the sale was approved?
~145 million dollars in “donations” made their way into the Clinton Foundation from entities directly connected to the Uranium One deal.
Guess who was still at the Internal Revenue Service working the Charitable Division?
No other than, Lois “BOLO” Lerner.
Interesting, huh?
Ok, that’s all just another series of coincidences, nothing to see here, right?
Let’s fast forward to 2015.
Due to a series of tragic events in Benghazi and after the 9 “investigations” the House, Senate and at State Department, Trey Gowdy who was running the 10th investigation as Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi discovers that the Hildabeast ran the State Department on a unclassified, unauthorized, outlaw personal email server.
He also discovered that none of those emails had been turned over when she departed her “Public Service” as Secretary of State which was required by law.
He also discovered that there was Top Secret information contained within her personally archived email.
I will spare you the State Departments cover up, the nostrums they floated, the delay tactics that were employed and the outright lies that were spewed forth from the necks of the Kerry State Department, we shall leave it with this…… they did everything humanly possible to cover for the Hildabeast.
Now this is amazing, guess who became FBI Director in 2013?
Guess who secured 17 no bid contracts for his employer with the State Department and was rewarded with a six million dollar thank you present when he departed his employer.
No other than James “Wassup Homey” Comey.
Amazing how all those no-bids just went right through at State, huh?
Now he is the FBI Director in charge of the “Clinton Email Investigation” after of course his FBI Investigates the Lois Lerner “Matter” at the Internal Revenue Service and exonerates her.
Nope couldn’t find any crimes there.
Can you guess what happened next?
In April 2016, James “Wassup Homey” Comey drafts an exoneration letter of Hillary Rodham Clinton, meanwhile the DOJ is handing out immunity deals like candy.
They didn’t even convene a Grand Jury.
Like a lightning bolt of statistical impossibility, like a miracle from God himself, like the true “Gangsta” Homey is, James steps out into the cameras of an awaiting press conference on July the 8th of 2016, and exonerates the Hildabeast from any wrongdoing.
Can you see the pattern?
I could go on, Rosenstein becomes Asst. Attorney General, Comey gets fired based upon a letter by Rosenstein, Comey leaks government information to the press, Mueller is assigned to the Russian Investigation sham by Rosenstein to provide cover for decades of malfeasance within the FBI and DOJ and the story continues.
FISA Abuse, political espionage..... pick a crime, any crime, chances are...... this group and a few others did it.
All the same players.
All compromised and conflicted.
All working fervently to NOT go to jail themselves.
All connected in one way or another to the Clinton's.
They are like battery acid, they corrode and corrupt everything they touch.
How many lives have these two destroyed?
It cannot be numbered.
Incest, it’s Incestuous
As of this writing, the Clinton Foundation, in its 20+ years of operation of being the largest International Charity Fraud in the history of mankind, has never been audited by the Internal Revenue Service.
April 4 at 11:21pm
From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation.
A Grand Jury had been empaneled.
Governments from around the world had donated to the “Charity”.
Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared.
Hmmm, now you would think that an honest investigator would be able to figure this out.
Guess who took over this investigation in 2002?
Bet you can’t guess.
No other than James “Wassup Homey” Comey.
Now, that’s interesting, isn’t it?
Guess who was transferred in to the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS?
Your friend and mine, our favorite person in the whole world if you are a Tea Party Member, Pro-Life or a True the Vote supporter……. ding, ding, ding, ding Lois “Be on The Look Out” (BOLO) Lerner.
Now, that’s interesting, isn’t it?
It gets better, well not really, but I am sure this is all just a series of strange coincidences, right?
Guess who ran the Tax Division inside the Department of Injustice from 2001 to 2005?
No other than the Assistant Attorney General of the United States, Rod Rosenstein.
Now, that’s interesting, isn’t it?
Guess who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during this timeframe???
I know, it’s a miracle, just a coincidence, just an anomaly in statistics and chances, Robert Mueller.
What do all four casting characters have in common?
They all were briefed and/or were front line investigators into the Clinton Foundation Investigation.
Now that’s just a coincidence, right?
Ok, lets chalk the last one up to mere chance.
Let’s fast forward to 2009, shall we?
James “Wassup Homey” Comey leaves the Justice Department to go and cash-in at Lockheed Martin.
Hillary Clinton is running the State Department, on her own personal email server by the way.
The Uranium One “issue” comes to the attention of the Hildabeast.
Like all good public servants do, you know looking out for America’s best interest, she decides to support the decision and approve the sale of 20% of US Uranium to no other than, the Russians.
Now you would think that this is a fairly straight up deal, except it wasn’t, the People got absolutely nothing out of it.
However, prior to the sales approval, no other than Arkansas Bill goes to Moscow, gets paid 500K for a one hour speech then meets with Vladimir Putin at his home for a few hours.
Ok, no big deal right?
Well, not so fast, the FBI had a mole inside the money laundering and bribery scheme.
Guess who was the FBI Director during this timeframe?
Yep, Robert Mueller.
He even delivered a Uranium Sample to Moscow in 2009.
Guess who was handling that case within the Justice Department out of the US Attorney’s Office in Maryland.
No other than, Rod Rosenstein.
Guess what happened to the informant?
The Department of Justice placed a GAG order on him and threatened to lock him up if he spoke out about it.
Interesting, huh?
How does 20% of the most strategic asset of the United States of America end up in Russian hands when the FBI has an informant, a mole providing inside information to the FBI on the criminal enterprise?
Guess what happened soon after the sale was approved?
~145 million dollars in “donations” made their way into the Clinton Foundation from entities directly connected to the Uranium One deal.
Guess who was still at the Internal Revenue Service working the Charitable Division?
No other than, Lois “BOLO” Lerner.
Interesting, huh?
Ok, that’s all just another series of coincidences, nothing to see here, right?
Let’s fast forward to 2015.
Due to a series of tragic events in Benghazi and after the 9 “investigations” the House, Senate and at State Department, Trey Gowdy who was running the 10th investigation as Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi discovers that the Hildabeast ran the State Department on a unclassified, unauthorized, outlaw personal email server.
He also discovered that none of those emails had been turned over when she departed her “Public Service” as Secretary of State which was required by law.
He also discovered that there was Top Secret information contained within her personally archived email.
I will spare you the State Departments cover up, the nostrums they floated, the delay tactics that were employed and the outright lies that were spewed forth from the necks of the Kerry State Department, we shall leave it with this…… they did everything humanly possible to cover for the Hildabeast.
Now this is amazing, guess who became FBI Director in 2013?
Guess who secured 17 no bid contracts for his employer with the State Department and was rewarded with a six million dollar thank you present when he departed his employer.
No other than James “Wassup Homey” Comey.
Amazing how all those no-bids just went right through at State, huh?
Now he is the FBI Director in charge of the “Clinton Email Investigation” after of course his FBI Investigates the Lois Lerner “Matter” at the Internal Revenue Service and exonerates her.
Nope couldn’t find any crimes there.
Can you guess what happened next?
In April 2016, James “Wassup Homey” Comey drafts an exoneration letter of Hillary Rodham Clinton, meanwhile the DOJ is handing out immunity deals like candy.
They didn’t even convene a Grand Jury.
Like a lightning bolt of statistical impossibility, like a miracle from God himself, like the true “Gangsta” Homey is, James steps out into the cameras of an awaiting press conference on July the 8th of 2016, and exonerates the Hildabeast from any wrongdoing.
Can you see the pattern?
I could go on, Rosenstein becomes Asst. Attorney General, Comey gets fired based upon a letter by Rosenstein, Comey leaks government information to the press, Mueller is assigned to the Russian Investigation sham by Rosenstein to provide cover for decades of malfeasance within the FBI and DOJ and the story continues.
FISA Abuse, political espionage..... pick a crime, any crime, chances are...... this group and a few others did it.
All the same players.
All compromised and conflicted.
All working fervently to NOT go to jail themselves.
All connected in one way or another to the Clinton's.
They are like battery acid, they corrode and corrupt everything they touch.
How many lives have these two destroyed?
It cannot be numbered.
Incest, it’s Incestuous
As of this writing, the Clinton Foundation, in its 20+ years of operation of being the largest International Charity Fraud in the history of mankind, has never been audited by the Internal Revenue Service.
Not mentioned in this article is that Rosenstein's wife is a major
lawyer for Clinton [who] specialize[s] in fighting all FOIA request so that
the public doesn't get to see the nefarious actions of their clients.
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