Sunday, May 20, 2018


That's right, why?

Why is America on the downhill skid as a nation? That, I'm certain, is the $60 Billion question on the minds of at least half the nation's population.

I keep hearing from our President that he's working furiously to "Make America Great Again". I understand that this massively humongous "ship of state" with its behemoth bureaucracy of unelected workers who make most of the country's regulations is very difficult to turn around. However, I can't help but wonder just how patient we who are asking this question will be.

For the past several years - with the last ten accelerating exponentially - our country has witnessed event after event and a steady increase in crime, homelessness, taxation and an increasing disregard for the very people who's productiveness is feeding local, state and national governments' coffers.

As I've pointed out in previous posts, the GOP has told us for decades now that we just needed control of Congress and things would begin turning that "ship of state". We know now, after only one-and-a-half years with Pres. Trump in the White House, and a majority in both houses of Congress, that we've once again been dupped by those we elected to change things.

The Omnibus Bill which passed recently and added another $1.5 TRILLON to our national debt is our latest glaring example to which I refer.

Yet, we now are witnessing states thumbing their noses at a DOJ which liberals claimed had the ultimate say in national policy when their "poster boy" was in office. And our A.G. of the DOJ seems to be comatose and lacking any chutzpah on dealing with them.

I believe the real issue with these problems lies in the local communities; the majority of which are part of my generation of senior citizens who've either given up on fighting this trend, or just don't care because they've been convinced it's a lost cause to fight them.

There are a few communities which have the fight still in them. They are those in southern California who've realized what their Governor Brown is doing to their standard of living by imposing his sanctuary city policies on them. But, their numbers are not enough yet to make a difference. And that's just one state.

Here in the Northwest, the homeless crisis is creating a "boiling point" which is beginning to reveal itself. Because they've tolerated policies by local government for so long, things have reached the level whereby they no longer can sit back and be silent. It's now impacting them personally with threats to their jobs, and their pocketbooks in the form of increased deductions from their wages in taxes.

The millennials and younger generation will be hit the hardest if something doesn't happen to generate enough momentum to bring this current trend of the "socialism train" to a screeching halt.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Further Drift Away From Our National Origins?

There have been multiple examples over the years of "progressive" influence which have gradually eroded our nation's founding principles of checks and balances away from a strong representative republic. After all, that has been the Progressive's intent all along.

However, each of those instances - however small and seemingly insignificant - over time have gradually built up to the point today where the nation's very existence is threatened in its once seemingly indestructible form of protecting liberties and freedoms.

To anyone who claims otherwise, in my opinion, is simply either ignorant of the facts as they are today, or have been convinced in some way or another, that some other form of governance - such as Venezuela - is better.

The state of Connecticut is the latest example of what I refer to here. This type of action by states is counter to efforts by conservatives, who understand the consequences of such a trend, to exercise our Constitution's Article V provision to call for a Convention of States which would propose amendments to strengthen it.

 If this type of movement is not stopped in its tracks, the chances of our nation dissolving into something akin to Venezuela in the future are good. How soon that would occur is anyone's guess. I just hope it's not while I'm still here, or things are going to get much, much worse than they already are!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Sound Transit is Ripping Off Consumers!

Just watch this video... it's self-explanatory. If I need to explain it to you further, you've been living in isolation too long.

Okay for Homeless to Defecate on the Street, But No Free Popcorn?

Okay, there are probably daily instances of local laws and ordinances across the country which impact businesses, but they are in place for a good reason; usually pubic safety.

But what of the damage done by those laws and ordinances to the intent of a business to generate a climate which fosters a positive community relations climate with their customers? Say, for instance, providing free popcorn to customers who step into their store.

Do those offices or agencies within the local community, county, or state care at all about the adverse impact which results from those laws or ordinances on businesses? One has to really wonder.

Take, for instance, this story of a community store in the San Diego area of California where for decades a hardware business has had free popcorn for those in the store, but has now been ordered to cease providing it because the health department claims it's not safe in preventing communicable diseases of those who might reach in and grab a handful of popcorn, rather than using a scoop and bag to put it in. What?

I understand the premise, but the bigger question to me is, is this action by the health department overkill? Surely, there's got to be a more simple answer or fix to this. Something tells me that this news report, once again, doesn't provide all the details in reporting this story that actually occurred.

I don't know about you, but have you ever been in a theater buying a hot dog and seen the teen behind the counter wipe his/her hands on their pants after coughing, then, without any protective gloves pick up a customer's hot dog off the shelf and place it into the cardboard tray, then attempt to serve it to them? If it were mine, I'd reject it and get something else!

Of all the food franchise establishments across the country, how many employees faithfully follow the health department's requirement for every employee to thoroughly wash their hands regularly... especially after going to the restroom? I mean, if the health department was really intending to stop potential situations where various pathogens or viruses could be transmitted to customers in such places, one would see someone from that agency at every establishment monitoring every employee as to whether or not they were following the requirements... or at least video cameras monitoring such things.

Currently, in many west coast cities the homeless problem is out of control and the unsanitary public conditions on those city's streets are way beyond "safe" for the public. Yet, we can't have free popcorn in a hardware store?

Where's the reasonable, common sense balance regarding this issue? Why is it that our tendency today is to have our civic leaders treat its people they serve as though they're our elite overlords? If they really cared about our health, they'd change their policies about the homeless for a start!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Makings of One of the All-Time Congressional Scandals

This post's title are part of the opening words of Congressman Ron DeSantis (R) FL, in this Full Measure article, Cyber Security, by Sharyl Attkisson, a weekly investigative report show.

The subject... how the Democratic Caucus in Washington, D.C. under the leadership of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hired five Pakistani IT workers who conducted activities outside the rules of Congressional workers who allegedly hacked personal emails of both Congress and their constituents, along with thousands of documents which may be classified, and sent them overseas, but which has met with stonewalling by both Democrat and Republican leaders of Congress.

Most of the public has not learned about this matter as the mainstream media and congressional circles have deliberately withheld information and news about it. I urge you to view this presentation by Attkisson on the link provided above to understand what occurred.

The particular remarks which caught my attention in this piece was from the defense attorney for Imran Awan, the principal person of interest in this case. He asserts the scenario that the five Muslims involved are simply victims of American bias against them... as Muslims, of course. 

That because they were stealing cyber information from Congress, then they're automatically doing it for Al-Quaida. How typical of him! Use the straw man strategy to explain why Awan is now in jail for bank fraud and money laundering; Awan apparently sent out hundreds of thousands of dollars to Pakistan just before he attempted to flee the country, but was arrested at the airport. It will be interesting to learn details of this lawyer's defense once the trial gets underway and, if at all, is reported in the media.

I wrote my congressman several months ago who had one of his aides call me directly. The conversation, to say the least, was extremely revealing in that the aide's approach in discussing the issue with me was one which shifted from him answering my inquiry on the subject to one where I was being asked to provide proof of the details regarding the issue for him to understand it; as though I was somehow privy to that information.

Saturday, May 12, 2018


The following is a Saturday morning email sent out by the Senate Republican Campaign Committee:
= = = = =
We can’t believe it. Despite so many businesses and voters joining together against Kshama Sawant’s head tax, the Seattle City Council still decided to advance it.
There are still a few hoops to jump through before it goes into effect, but that could happen as soon as Monday! Donate right now to give us the tools we need to fight back.
The Seattle City Council is prepared to work through the weekend to pass this job-destroying head tax. The next 48 hours are critical! If people come together right now to push back (and hard!), I know we can make a difference come Monday. It will only happen if you chip in right now.

Senate Democrats are looking to Seattle to set their agenda. If the head tax passes, you know Senate liberals will try to take this bad idea statewide. Republicans must take back the majority in the Senate – it’s more important than ever.
Justin Matheson 

= = = = = = = = 
And, from
“I am pretty blown away that an adult would behave this way, I find it appalling.” That’s what Seattleite Ari Hoffman said of Kshama Sawant’s rhetoric around the head tax. Unable to make an economic argument for the head tax, Sawant has instead called Jeff Bezos a “bully” and anyone opposing the head tax “right-wingers.” (Q13 Fox)
In an interview with Q13 Fox, Sawant took the recent pushback from workers and business owners as a reason to double down on the head tax. In a testy segment with Q13’s Brandi Kruse, Sawant called for an increase in the tax proposal from $75 million to $150 million a year. (Q13 Fox)
= = = = = = = = = =
Personally, I suspected this would go through. It makes perfect sense to me since it is clear that the leftists are desperate to maintain a semblance of control over their rapidly shrinking support base. Just consider how California's Governor Jerry Brown, and Oregon's Governor Kate Brown are conducting their states! Their policies are consistent with what Seattle's Mayor Jenny Durkan is doing with this head tax. 

If, as Justin implies in his message, the Senate liberals are looking at this move to take it statewide, should they gain any more seats in our state legislature over what they had last year, this could be devastating for our state's businesses.

Update: Here's a quote from a one week later article on this issue in the Daily Signal

The reasons for the surge in Seattle homelessness are many. Some argue that the presence of the rich simply increased the ranks of the poor as everything naturally becomes more expensive. But this misses the fact that government policies, such as extremely restrictive building codes and low-growth housing plans, have forced prices upward.

It appears from these developments that next fall's mid-term election races are going to be all the more critical.

Do I Have This Right?

Funny how a review of events in our recent past makes things a bit clearer...
= = = = = = = = = = = =
If we get nuked by missiles from Iran,
it'll be by missiles built with technology given to China by Bill Clinton,
funded by Iran with money Obama gave them,

with warheads developed from uranium sold to Russia by Hillary,
and refined by Iran into weapons-grade plutonium in Russian centrifuges,

bought with money Obama gave them.

And Trump is trying to undo this shit storm...but HE'S the Traitor to America according to the Democrats?!? No wonder they've come up with this claim Trump was colluding with Russia! They're using the art of misdirection... again!