Friday, January 25, 2019

The Politics of Personal Destruction

The special prosecutor "witch hunt" has taken in its sixth Trump campaign staffer; Roger J. Stone.

 AP News reported that the FBI conducted an early morning raid on Mr. Stone's house in Florida. Why? The article's eleventh paragraph states:
"Well-known for his political antics and hard ball tactics, Stone has reveled in being a Washington wheeler-dealer dating back to the Nixon administration. He has also pushed several conspiracy theories and was an early and vocal supporter of Trump’s candidacy."
And, just prior to that paragraph, Pres. Trump's press secretary said last Friday, 01/18:
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump’s press secretary, told CNN Friday the charges brought against Stone “don’t have anything to do with the president.”
There you have it! 

Because as a young man in the '70s, Stone was helping the left's first major casualty - Pres Nixon - and was a member of Pres. Trump's campaign team in the last election, and because he wrote a book revealing information and evidence that V.P. LBJ was behind having JFK assassinated, the special prosecutor is going after all of those associated in any way with the man the liberals utterly despise because they lost to an outsider of the "swamp" whose now exposing all of their corruption. (I wouldn't be surprised, then, if Mr. McClellan was arrested by the special prosecutor as well.)

Since no evidence at all has been revealed by this rigged special prosecutor team of salivating "pit bulls", the only way they seem to be able to satisfy their leftist followers on CNN is to entrap campaign team members in "process crimes" which mostly consist of omitting a point about something which has nothing to do with the alleged "collusion with Russia to get Trump elected". Quoting from the Reuters article:

Michael Zeldin, a former federal prosecutor, said the indictment underscored the Trump's campaign's pursuit of damaging information, much like the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Trump campaign aides and a Russian lawyer with ties to the Kremlin. Trump's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., has acknowledged he was expecting to get "dirt" on Clinton at the meeting.

Zeldin said the new details in the indictment were damaging politically to Trump but that it remained unclear if there was criminal exposure for anyone else in Trump's orbit. He noted that Mueller made a point of portraying WikiLeaks as an organization that has repeatedly been involved in posting stolen documents from U.S. citizens.
In other words, manufacture crimes on the target to make it look as though the special prosecutor team is justified for spending hundreds of millions of taxpayer money for sustaining a "witch hunt" that isn't finding anything significant against the president. After all, it was Asst. A.G. Rosentsein who authorized the special prosecutor, and he's clearly part of a liberal "inner circle" as my previous post has pointed out.

However, I caution those who feel that, because they've not found anything on Pres. Trump, he won't be impeached by the liberals in the House. Since it's becoming apparent from recent reports about those in Trump's cabinet who were doing their best to undermine the president's agenda, the "resistance" won't have a difficult time coming up with something that will stick to the wall. After all, it's payback for them to get Donald for Bill.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Core Competency Differences

I received this from my brother in California who is a retired architectural engineer and former Air Force pilot. I share it hear because it shed light on one of the main reasons the liberal/socialists are so bitter towards President Trump. Read'll make sense at the end. [These remarks inside the brackets are ones I've added.]


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These numbers help explain why these last eight years were disastrous for the USA. I read the last item and then looked at Trump's Cabinet. No wonder Washington, DC is in a turmoil. Trump's picks are bosses who expect their employees to work. [Anyone who watched "The Apprentice" for years should've realized this. Instead, they're being totally sore losers about who they wanted to continue running the country into the ground after their "first Black President" who only knew how to organize a community to pressure the local city council to get what they wanted.]
These are Eye Opening Numbers. This is what bothers a lot of people about Trump. He won't accept a can't do attitude, or inexperienced, incompetent performance. He will get results; it just might not be smooth or pretty. [But man, does he know how to get things done!]
Here are some amazing stats: Make sure you read to the bottom. An eye opener!
1. These 10 States now have more people on welfare than they do employed!
New Mexico
New York
Maine, and
South Carolina

2. Last month, the Senate Budget Committee reports that in fiscal year 2012, between food stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid and other benefits, the average U.S. Household below the poverty line received $168.00 a day in government support.
What's the problem with that much support?  Well the average household income in America is just over $50,000, which averages out to $137.13 a day.
To put it another way, being on welfare now pays the equivalent of $30.00 an hour for 40 hour week, while the average job pays $24.00 an hour.
3. Check this last set of statistics!! [This is where the glaring difference appears.]
The percentage of each past president's cabinet who had worked in the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet. You know what the private business sector is: A real-life business not a government job.
Here are the percentages:
38% T. Roosevelt
40% Taft
52% Wilson
49% Harding
48% Coolidge
42% Hoover
50% F. D. Roosevelt
50% Truman
57% Eisenhower
30% Kennedy
47% Johnson
53% Nixon
42% Ford
32% Carter
56% Reagan
51% GH Bush
39% Clinton
55% GW Bush
8% Obama
90% Trump
This helps explain the bias, if not the incompetence, of the last administration: ONLY 8% of them have ever worked in private business! [Emphasis mine.]
That's right! Only eight percent - the least, by far of the last 19 presidents! And these people [Obama bureaucrats] tried to tell our corporations how to run their businesses?
 How could Obama, president of a major nation and society, the one with the most successful economic system in world history, stand and talk about business when he's never worked for one?  Or about jobs when he has never really had one? And, when it's the same for 92% of his senior staff and closest advisers? They spent most of their time in academia, government, and/or non-profit jobs or as "community organizers." [I guess you could say it's the liberal/socialists "bread & butter".]

Probably a good idea to pass this on, because we'll NEVER see these facts in the main stream media, or from the alphabet networks.

The Confrontation at the Lincoln Memorial

By now, you've certainly heard and seen many reports about this incident which seems to be growing further and further out of control and ignoring common decency.

Typical of the Media (D), reporting about the incident which has now consumed most of the week's news without getting the facts on what really went on, they jumped on the confrontation between the Native Americans who stood in the face of a group of Covington Catholic students visiting the Lincoln Memorial in D.C. without getting the facts and slanted their reporting to make those who were aggressive to this group of students look as though the table was turned.

I've deliberately held off saying anything about it because I wanted to see how this issue played out. Now, the lawyer representing the families of the students has announced a warning that if apologies are forthcoming, then a liable law suit will commence against those stations which refuse to apologize.

Given how things have developed on this, it's obvious that this is going beyond the usual "screw up" and the Media (D) is refusing to apologize now that the facts have been clearly established. That's why I've donated to MRC's fundraising efforts on dealing with their obstinate stance on their inaccurate reporting and refusing to apologize. Just watch Brent Bozel's video explaining this

I hope you'll donate as well.

A Couple of Prime Example of Our Current Federal Governance

This excerpt - from GrasstopsUSA - is from one of the many "Please, send us your cash and we'll fix this mess." style emails I get each and every day now. I include it here because it does have a very valid point which accurately indicates just how bad our situation has become.

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We Know We've Been Lying To You For Years But You Can Believe Us Now. If You Just Let Us Reopen Parts Of The Federal Government Now, We'll Entertain The Notion Of A Border Wall Later!

       That's the lie that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and radical Democrats and RINOs have been feeding to you for years. As far as they are concerned, you're so stupid that you'll believe any lie they throw your way.

       Fortunately, the Trump administration isn't buying it anymore.

       We've been down this road one too many times folks. A year ago, Paul Ryan promised President Trump that if he approved a budget and allow the federal government to remain open, he would bring a real border security bill to his desk. It didn't happen.

       Several months ago, Paul Ryan made the promise to President Trump again... Please don't allow the government to be shutdown prior to the November election Mr. President! We promise that we'll send a real border security bill to your desk before the end of the year. Once again, it didn't happen.

       President Trump refuses to be fooled a third time and Paul Ryan was forced into retirement because he realized, perhaps too late, that Republicans would lose the House of Representatives for repeatedly betraying the American people on a solemn promise that had been made one too many times.

       President Trump figured it out. Promise made must be kept. Sadly, far too many Republicans in the Senate haven't figured it out. They'd rather keep the government open and kick border security down the road because - in reality - the deep-pocketed special interest who line their campaign coffers want open borders.

       They're under the delusion that you'll simply go along with any lie they tell you and they open the drawers on their cash registers. They'll lock arms with Nancy Pelosi and her cronies because they believe you will not hold them accountable.

Here's yet another example from the Heritage Foundation:

President Trump has bundled five issues together into a compromise package in negotiation with democrats to secure the border and reopen the government. Democrats have rejected the proposal, which is both expected and bewildering.
It’s expected because Democrats have been bitterly partisan during the entirety of the Trump Presidency; and it’s bewildering because all five issues on the table are issues which Democrats have overwhelmingly supported in the past.
Today, the Senate will vote on the compromise proposal and Democrats are largely expected to vote “no.” But here is how they have voted on each of the five components in the past:

The bill, End the Shutdown and Secure the Border Act, not only will take a first major step to secure the border, it includes policy Democrats have supported before. But, out of bitter partisanship, they are rejecting it.
And in case you still aren’t convinced that’s the case, let me just leave you with a sampling of Democrat quotes about immigration and the border wall that predate President Trump’s request for $5.7 billion in funding:

  • "Let me elaborate...illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple. Until the American people are convinced that we will stop future flows of illegal immigration, we will make no progress on dealing with the millions of illegal immigrants who are here now, and on rationalizing our system of legal immigration." - Sen. Minority Leader Schumer (D-N.Y.) in 2009
  • “I look at border security as technology, manpower, wall, fencing however you want to put it." - Sen. Tester (Mont.) 2018
  • "I'm deeply opposed to illegal immigration and I call on the federal government, the President, and the immigration services to stop the inflood of illegal immigrants into this country." - Sen. Kaine (Va.) in 2005
  • “We need to repair the wall. We'll need to build more wall. We need to do whatever we can to secure the border.” - Sen. Manchin (W.V.) 2018
  • "The people who should be here are those who come legally at this time and for the time being we have to enforce our borders." - Sen. Feinstein (Calif.) in 1993

The New American Socialist; Mission Accomplished?

The realization that others recognize what I've been subtly pointing out here on my blog is both comforting and depressing. I've done my best to be optimistic about this through prayer and hope, but the more I learn, the less hopeful I find myself being. I shall not cease to pray about it! None of us should.

I urge you to take the time to read this excellent piece shared by an e-friend:

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— 01/18/19 05:00 PM EST 
It seems that socialism is like an infectious disease that everyone has to get ill of to develop immunity. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn pointed out, “For us in Russia, communism is a dead dog, while for many people in the West, it is still a living lion.”
This dead dog, expelled from Russia, acquired a new life in the United States and regained vitality to become a living lion within the Democratic Party.
The 2018 Democratic victory in the midterms brought new Marxist arrivals to the House of Representatives who are interpreting the elections as an endorsement of socialist policies. They dropped all the pretenses — no liberals, no progressives — they are proud Marxist-Leninists driven by the ideology and committed to converting this country into the United Socialist States of America.
This militant crowd is comprised of uninformed and misinformed people looking at themselves as unfortunate, underpaid, under appreciated victims of capitalism, overwhelmed with jealousy that there are people who are everything they are not. [Emphasis mine.]
They are the face of new Democratic Party – “We have been naught, we shall be all.”
The Democratic Party explicitly casts itself as an inheritor of Marxism. The Democrats’ demands are [an] almost total inversion of the Constitutional arrangements and traditional American values. The economic redistribution, open borders, repeal of the Second Amendment, the abolition of the Electoral College, the election of a president by popular vote, voting rights and free health care to illegal aliens are just part of the comprehensive strategy of putting the harness [millstone] of socialism around the necks of the American people. [Emphasis mine.]
The driving force of the Democratic Party is economic “inequality” — the argument socialists have never tired of invoking since the dawn of capitalism. The mantra brought into play by the French Revolution — “War to the palace, peace to the cottage” — is alive and well today in the Democratic Party. The seductive idea of wealth redistribution has prove[n] to be irresistible to the masses discontented by the inequities. The philosophy of envy and siphoning from the rich appeals to a large segment of the population that does not realize that the definition of “rich” is a spiral of devolution that eventually will reach every business and every individual who works for a living. [Any thinking individual will recognize this will only result in a condition of third world circumstances.]
From the Democrats’ perspective, President Donald J. Trump is a disrupter of what had been a smooth transition to the bright socialist future [led by the likes of George Soros]. In a concerted effort to denigrate the President and paralyze executive authority, they are branding him a racist and blatantly subvert every program on his agenda. To render him ineffective, they actively support a collective mania [of] ever more sweeping investigations of dubious claims, rumors, unsubstantiated allegations and innuendos that has descended over the President, his family, his associates, and nominees. People who cannot even spell “impeachment” demand one without any substantiation. They act as if their fiat is turning the country into chaos, or as Lenin called it, “revolutionary environment.”
Unfortunately, the contemporary political thinking of the American people is more backward than that of the Russians or Chinese, and too many of them are living in a flat-earth, know-nothing, Jesse Watters’ world. Neither education, nor upbringing, nor life experience prepares Americans for grasping the veracity of the socialist assault on the American way of life. [Emphasis mine.]
Thanks to the fatuity [complacent stupidity; foolishness.] of the American public, there has not been any effective comprehension of the totality of the assault nor its enervating effect [to deprive of force or strength; destroy the vigor of; weaken.] upon national vigilance. We may surmise that the socialist dragon has come of age and socialism in America, be it democratic or otherwise, no longer looks like an exceedingly lofty ambition. 
The great historical irony is that unlike the Russian people who understood the perils of socialism and fought the Bolsheviks in a bloody three-year civil war that by some estimates took fifteen million lives, the freedom-loving Americans keep voting themselves into socialism. [Emphasis mine.]
Indeed, Communist leaders from Lenin to Brezhnev are sardonically grinning from hell and watching in disbelief as what was impossible for the Soviet Union to accomplish with all its military might and nuclear arsenal is being endorsed by the duly elected American legislators.[As I've stated in prior posts on this blog, I believe based on the goals of the Communist Party U.S.A., we are witnessing the fruition of decades long implementation of those goals to reach this stage of devolution in America.]
Fifty-five years ago, in 1964, Ronald Reagan gave a speech on behalf of presidential candidate Barry Goldwater that would become known as “A Time for Choosing.” His ardent warning of the advance of socialism in the United States resonates even more today:
"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."
Did we? [Emphasis mine!]
Alexander G. Markovsky is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, a conservative think tank hosted at King’s College, New York City, which examines national security, energy, risk-analysis and other public policy issues, He is the author of "Anatomy of a Bolshevik" and "Liberal Bolshevism: America Did Not Defeat Communism, She Adopted It.” He is the owner and CEO of Litwin Management Services, LLC.

What Trump and Lincoln Have in Common

This piece by Newt Gingrich is fascinating. As a history scholar, Gringrich has awareness and insight into what most of us have, or will, know. In thinking back about my education and history of this period, I find it interesting that this particular aspect of the Civil War was rarely, if ever, mentioned.

This realization caused me to think about why, and in light of how the media has predominantly been the liberal's arena, it makes perfect sense; history by omission. If you don't put it in the books that kids learn about, then they'll have no awareness of how he was treated by them. 

Of course, if the teachers who taught from the book weren't Civil War era scholars, then it's understandable why they wouldn't mention it either. This only points out to me how deficient our knowledge of our nation's true history is.

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Originally published at Fox News
Presidents Trump and Lincoln and the Media When The New York Times printed a wildly false headline asserting that President Trump was possibly a Russian agent, I was furious. 

However, I was also reminded of another time in our nation’s history in which the press was this hostile to the American President.

I called President Trump and told him no president since Abraham Lincoln had faced the kind of unending bias and hostility that he is living through.

Indeed, the Media Research Center reported for both 2017 and 2018 that the mainstream evening TV media had been at least 90 percent anti-Trump in its reporting. This relentless hostility parallels what President Lincoln had to endure in the media.

As I wrote in my #1 New York Times best seller Understanding Trump, many news outlets opposed Lincoln from the beginning – much like President Trump.

Upon Lincoln’s election, the Memphis Daily Appeal wrote on November 13, 1860:
“Within 90 days from the time Lincoln is inaugurated, the Republican Party will be utterly ruined and destroyed. His path is environed with so many difficulties, that even if he had the ability of Jefferson and the energy of Jackson, he would fail, but he is a weak and inexperienced man, and his administration will be doomed from the commencement. If he takes that radical section of the Republican Party, the conservative wing of it will cut loose and repudiate him. If, on the other hand, he courts the conservatives and pursues a moderate conciliatory policy, the radicals will make open war upon his administration.”

These criticisms of Lincoln were not confined to the South.
In his book 1864: Lincoln at the Gates of History, author Charles Bracelen Flood noted that The New York Herald once wrote that “his election was a rash experiment, his administration is a deplorable failure.” The northern paper’s editors also said, “As President of the United States he must have enough sense to see and acknowledge he has been an egregious failure. One thing must be self-evident to him, and that is that under no circumstances can he hope to be the next President of the United States… [He should] retire from the position to which, in an evil hour, he was exalted.”

Does any of this sound familiar?

Just as President Trump rails against “fake news,” President Lincoln felt that a significant front in his war to preserve the Union was against the news media. This made Lincoln highly critical and skeptical of media.

According to Noah Brooks, a reporter who had regular access to Lincoln, President Lincoln often said, "the worst feature about newspapers was that they were so sure to be 'ahead of the hounds,' outrunning events, and exciting expectations which were sure to be disappointed."

Lincoln, who was embroiled in a civil war in which the very survival of the country was at stake, was also much tougher and more aggressive with the media than anyone could imagine in the modern era. This included shutting down newspapers and imprisoning journalists who supported secession from the Union.

But the hostility toward Lincoln within the Washington establishment and the political elite was just as ferocious.
Edward Everett, the famous orator who spoke for hours at Gettysburg while Lincoln gave a very brief but historically and morally a much more powerful speech, wrote in his diary that Lincoln was, “evidently a person of very inferior cast of character, wholly unequal to the crisis."

According to George Templeton Strong, a prominent New York lawyer, Lincoln was “a barbarian, Scythian, yahoo, or gorilla.”

Even the general who Lincoln chose to lead the Union Army, George McClellan, dismissed President Lincoln as a frontier hack, “an idiot,” and “the original gorilla.”
Even among his fellow Republicans, Lincoln encountered fierce attacks.

Republican William M. Dickson of Ohio wrote in 1861 that Lincoln “is universally an admitted failure, has no will, no courage, no executive capacity … and his spirit necessarily infuses itself downwards through all departments.”

You decide whether attacks on President Trump’s hair or attacks on Lincoln’s intelligence are more demeaning.
President Lincoln was a very different man facing a radically more dangerous situation than President Trump. Yet each president represents a direct threat to a national establishment by an outsider.

The next time you hear a nasty attack on President Trump, consider what people wrote and said about President Lincoln.

There is a lot more similarity between the Lincoln crisis of the Union and the Trump crisis of the Establishment than most people will want to even consider.

Your Friend,

P.S. In my New York Times bestselling books, Understanding Trump and Trump's America, I discuss more on the media's unending hostility toward President Trump.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Border States of America: The Crisis is Worse Than You Realize

A must see video! (See link at bottom of page.)

Most Americans don't fully understand the extreme emergency situation that now exists along our southern border until they view this 58 minute video because the mainstream media is not presenting the actual situation. This video is not a news broadcast, it's a documentary film. 
While it is obviously not current - produced during the last administration - it presents no political message. It is just the cold hard facts of the terrible tragedy that this invasion of people from 75 different countries is causing to our country as they cross our border, many with drugs which are killing Americans by the tens of thousands each year. Seeing this video is very much like witnessing a war zone. In the film footage you see the vast expanse of border land that has absolutely no fencing of any kind and sometimes where you do see scant barbed wire fencing on the border, it wouldn't even keep in cattle. 

I strongly urge you to watch this film and listen to the people who live along our Mexican-U.S. border and hear their harrowing tales of violence taking place every single day. Then listen to the large numbers of sheriffs who attempt to patrol this border with critically understaffed police personnel. Listen to the senior border patrol personnel describe for you just how dangerous this situation is for all Americans. 
This is a totally compelling video. Please pass it along to your friends and people on your email list. You will definitely have a much better understanding of just how bad this crisis is if watch this video in its entirety. It's very well presented. A quite professional documentary from start to finish.