For several years now, I've done my best finanially to support various organizations which I believe are fighting against the liberal/leftist onslaught of socialism. However, after being told by our politicians in the swamp that they just needed the House, then the Senate, then the White House - which we managed to give them over a long struggle - the House was once again lost to the Democrats in this last mid-term election.
I realize this is the way things go, but I have to ask a question or two.
Why, when the Republicans had the House, the Senate, and the White House - just like the Democrats had all three for their first two years during the Obummer administration - didn't they deal with some of the critical issue confronting our nation; like immigration?
As a citizen who's worked his ass off over his career and abides by the laws which make for a civilized culture, why do I see things constantly go nowhere by those we elect into positions of representation in Wasington, D.C., only to discover later that we were lied to?
Therefore, I've decided to create a response letter to the fundraising mailings I'm now getting multiple of every week and am including them in every one I get. and mailing them back to them with it inside. I recognize that this may not create the result I'm seeking, but if I don't try... and I'm not even mentioning the plethora of emails which are doing the same. But that's easier with the delete button.
This is it below:
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To Whom It
May Concern:
Why do I get
the distinct feeling that, once I donate a small amount of money – what I feel
I can afford on retirement – the organization I sent it to sells my contact
information to a dozen other fundraising organizations?
Not only
does the original organization I sent my donation to send me repeated requests
for more, but I start getting the dozen other mailings from those organizations
which they made money off of by selling my contact information.
Then, I
begin to believe that these organizations only consider me their ATM,
repeatedly sending me mailings which I then have to spend time hauling out of
my mailbox, and disposing of them in my recycling bin. What a waist of paper!
I can
understand they want to help make America great again, but what they don’t seem
to understand is that I am not Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, or any
other billionaire; just a working stiff who managed to survive the onslaught of
liberal/leftists who’ve already managed to suck more of my hard-earned money
out of my income than I care to think of.
Then too,
how do I know whether the organization which is asking for survey input from me
will even bother to tally my response? For all I know, the might just be processing
the check or credit card donation. I know they NEVER send me the results!
Therefore, I
am asking you nicely to STOP sending me your snail mailings to ask me for more
money I can’t afford giving. If I do decide I’m feeling rich, I’ll get online
and donate through your web site.
Thanks for
= = = = = = = =
Perhaps this quote from an article by Sebastian Gorka at the Daily Caller provides a bit of insight into what I'm getting at here. Check the full article out, it's very illuminating:
Most Americans are
apolitical and couldn’t tell you the difference between Matt Drudge and Paul
Krugman. They want to be able to pay the bills at the end of the month, and to feel
secure about their future and the future of their families. But even the most
apolitical American citizen associates certain key characteristics with each
side of the political divide.
Our job is simple but hard. We must show—not tell—our fellow Americans
that the good is inextricably tied to freedom, to small government, to
free markets, and to earned success, and that circumscribed lives, big
government, constrained economies, and federal handouts destroy the soul
and sap the life blood of healthy societies.
With his capacity to connect
to the forgotten men and women of America, to the unemployed steel workers of
the Rust Belt, with his ability to win over black communities in numbers we
have not seen in decades, Donald Trump has opened a window for the conservative
movement of the 21st century.
Now it is our job to convince fellow Americans that the principles of
our Founding can provide for them better than any version of socialism
ever could, that American exceptionalism is real and “good,” and that
all of us can be a part of the American dream no matter who we are.
= = = = = = = = =
Instead, this is what I'm doing for my part as a patriot; My Faith Votes... at least this organization provides its contributors with survey results. You may want to consider them as an alternative.