Saturday, February 9, 2019

Where Did This Ignorant Certainty Come From?

To those of us who are in our 50s and older, the witnessing of the behavior and attitude of some of the younger generations is baffling, to say the least. We wonder, or are perplexed about why they appear so clueless, and have an attitude that is obviously naive'. With the current news buzz about the youngest member of Congress, I'm not that surprised.

The old proverb, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." is, sadly, a truth that works both ways. (Proverbs 22:6)

I'm sad in having to admit this, but the type of ignorance and naivete AOC is conveying, is the same type of attitude and behavior many, but not all, of my middle-school students were expressing 10 years ago when I was still teaching Science classes only a few years before retiring. I'm a conservative who managed to survive 30 years in a profession which convinced me that it has been the long range plan of the left to dominate education; one part of a grander scheme to eventually eradicate capitalism and implement socialism. 

Thus, from my experience, this type of attitude has been the result of students of the younger generations who have been indoctrinated into believing that the left's climate change agenda is absolute truth because they've couched it in "science" that's nothing more than junk science; manipulation of data and actual results which don't match the claims. More importantly, the data is highly selective, and doesn't take into account the longer range climate trends evidence which have shown change in other directions - ie: ice age(s) - in the past.

While I didn't agree with the claims they put forth, I was wise enough to not jeopardize my job over it before I reached retirement. (This factor is one of the reasons the left has succeeded in promoting this junk science; they know they've got the "sword of Damocles" hanging over the heads of those who disagree, in one form, or another. The other reason is too many parents were either unaware, or were too busy to realize just what their child was learning and didn't care to challenge it.) Had I been aware of this long range agenda of the leftists while in college out of the military in the late '70s, I would have chosen another major.

Then too, for those of us who grew up as a child in the '50s or '60s, we grew up in a time when our culture had not yet taken the technological leap it did in the late '80s and '90s. We were fortunate to grow up in a period of semi-innocence. (The cultural/drug revolution of the '60s, with the assassination of Pres. Kennedy, his brother Robert, and M.L.K. were the events I'm referring to here.) With the advent of social media, combined with the "dumbing down" of education, and the progression of the media's effect on the attitudes of our children growing up under the influence of a "me" centered emphasis, we are only now beginning witness the fruits of this.

My wife, who also taught for a few years more than I did, has claimed that the younger batch of students which have been coming through school are different; more focused and less self-centered. I have my doubts.

Personally, I take a slightly pessimistic view that indications are pointing in the direction of self-annihilation in the future; either through the implementation of their agenda which will devolve our culture, or a more "spiritual" event predicted by men who followed the One who promised to return after ascending. But, that's where I'm at.

Footnote: It wasn't until today that I learned the real reason the women Democrats in the SOTU address wore all white. Here's the statement I came across:
Ocasio-Cortez, Pelosi and other female Democrats in Congress wore white to pay tribute to the suffragette movement – the early 1900s movement among women to ratify a Constitutional amendment that gave them the right to vote. (Great American Daily)

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