Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Panic of the Right

It's an interesting phenomenon. When the conservatives in Congress, or our state's legislature, were in power - you know, had the majority - after pushing its voter base to put them into that position, the public watched and waited to see what they'd get done.

During their time "in control" all kinds of talk with a confident tone was heard and the public held its breath and hoped that Obamacare would be repealed. Finally, we'd managed to put the liberal-socialists into the minority.

The email messages from the array of conservative organizations - mostly across the Potomac River in Virginia - were spouting how they needed contributions from the voter base to get certain agendas accomplished or bills passed via their lobbyists. We were buoyant that sending our $10, $25, or $50 to one that we wished to support would result in the change we hoped for.

Then, things shifted as the mid-term elections approached, and still, Obamacare hadn't been repealed.

The requests became a focus of campaign contributions from nearly every candidate in every state. "If I'm elected, I'll make sure the job gets done in Congress." Again, our hope sprang eternal and we gave what we could.

The shock came after the results rolled in that the liberal-socialists had won and they'd regained power in the House. That's right, Nancy Pelosi, also known as "crazy Nancy" to many, became Speaker of the House again!

What happened, I asked myself. We had control of both houses for two years, yet we couldn't get done what they told us they were going to do. Was it the RINOs, yes partly, or was it the lack of public will to stay in the game of writing their elected representatives? Did too many of us go "soft", or back off the game once we got into power after Trump got in the White House? Maybe!

Now, the various conservative organizations are panicking by increasing the email solicitation frequency, requesting contributions from the conservative base out of fear of socialism and the extreme left getting their insane and absurd ideas - like the "Green New Deal" - in the form of bills passed into law. I'm also starting to question whether some of these are "copy cats" attempting to ride on the wave of concern. I've not seen this frequency and intensity of emails at this level before, and it's got me wondering!

Wait... Didn't we get some new conservatives into Congress? Didn't we maintain control of the Senate? Doesn't the Senate have to pass the bills from the House before they go to the President who would most likely veto them because they don't align with his agenda? 

As I go through  each day's new emails which have dropped into my in-box overnight, more and more each week I get the stronger and stronger impression that the voter base is being played. We the people are the virtual ATM for the perpetual machine of politics that promises change, but doesn't quite deliver any real results. Maybe, it's because more and more voters are beginning to see the light about getting played, and are letting the excessively wealth elite be the ones who determine the outcome. And, at the same time, we see the national debt continue to reach new astronomical heights at levels most of us can hardly fathom.

Meanwhile, the charade continues on the left with the Russian Collusion Hoax. Here's the latest email from Rep. Devine Nunez (R - CA):
FBI leaker Andrew McCabe finally admitted that
top officials in the FBI and Department of Justice
tried to exclude Devin Nunes from congressional
briefings as they continued their bogus
investigations into the Trump campaign!

Now McCabe is on a self-serving book tour trying to
justify his lying and leaking that resulted in his firing
from the FBI.  

McCabe and the Fake News media have slandered
President Trump as a Russian agent for more than
two years.  

They’re fabricating entire smear campaigns
against Devin, who has vowed to make criminal
referrals against perpetrators of the Russia hoax.

The only collusion that’s really happened is the collusion among the Left’s leakers, the Fake News media, and the Democrats to sideline and slander anyone who disputes their ridiculous Russia conspiracy theories.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't help but get the feeling that this game of political contribution collection is precisely honed to a science of applying the fine tuned formula which keeps them going no matter which party is in power.

But, I'm just one of the millions of working class stiffs who see their lives slowly being steered in a direction that isn't where they want it to go. I won't even be able to afford that high speed train to Hawaii.

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