Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Political Posturing By The Left Over Wall

In a recent post, I shared an overview of various situations and acts by the Leftists in Congress and the country which explain how the leftists have done their best to obstruct the president's efforts to do anything.

Now, news has broke that just yesterday - Monday, February 4th - they've introduced a bill to prevent Pres. Trump from being able to use any resources to build any border barriers or structures to impede the immigrants coming into the country illegally.

For me, it's not the bill they've introduced, as much as it is the intent to try and control the president's ability to execute his Constitutional duty of protecting the country in what is clearly a long overdue crisis which must be dealt with in light of the fact that we now have several more immigrants coming north through Mexico from an assortment of Central American countries. (My search resulted in only one report. "Tech Tyranny" is alive and well!)

And the excuse used to justify this bill is that it creates an unequal power between the legislative and executive branches of government. That's so laughable because they know that this is how the Constitution was and is set up, but they - in their ongoing effort to manufacture in the public's mind that something exists, which does not - they're attempting to generate significant public support for their side of a phantom argument. They realize they're losing this battle and becoming desperate.

To more clearly illustrate this point about the Democrats' tactics, I urge my readers to watch this Senate speech and learn how, during the shutdown, they absolutely refused to vote for a bill that the Republicans introduced which would pay the Coast Guard for purely political reasons. Over 2.3 million views already!

Anyone who knows the basic process by which bills are introduced in either house of Congress, this act by Speaker Pelosi - and, of course, supported by Sen. Schumer in the Senate - is no more than political posturing and will certainly die in the Senate. More importantly, they know full well that even if it did pass in the Senate by some miracle - given that the Senate is majority Republican, the president still has to sign such a bill into law. Like... DUH!!! that's going to happen.

This, clearly, is the Leftists doing their best to fire up public sentiment against the president in waging their war on his efforts to deal with the crisis. We who support the president need to call and/or write our senators and representative to express our sentiments about this absurd bill knowing full well that Pres. Trump has the Constitutional authority to declare a national emergency. In fact, last night on Tucker Carlson Tonight, it was pointed out that there have been multiple national emergencies declared by presidents of which some have gone on for as long as nine years.

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