Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Lesbian Activist Kicked Off Gay Rights Commission

Well, boys and girls, oh wait, should I use those pronouns? Anyway, as the title for this post states, a lesbian, Julia Beck, was kicked off the Baltimore Gay Rights Commission for using the wrong pronoun to describe a rapist. Yes, you read that correctly. Here's what Trace Gallagher on Tucker Carlson's show shared about the issue.

Julia Beck was offered the chance to join Baltimore Mayor Katherine Pew's LGBTQ Commission and Beck thought it was a prime opportunity for her to voice the concerns of the under represented. But, as the only lesbian on the commission, she immediately felt excluded.

She even wrote an article titled, "How I became the most hated lesbian in Baltimore" (afterellen.com). Beck writes that she committed the unforgivable saying, "Even if a male identifies as a female he's still a male." She cited the case of the convicted rapist Karen White, who is legally a man admitted to raping several women and was then sent to a women's prison in the U.K. where he proceeded to rape two other female inmates.

After all that, it remains unclear if Karen White, who was David Thompson, is actually in the process of transitioning into a woman. But, according to Julia Beck, questioning the White's gender was the final straw, and she was kicked off the commission, writing:

After a month long witch-hunt, I was found guilty of "violence." My crime? Using male pronouns to talk about a convicted male rapist who identifies as transgender and prefers female pronouns... It is far more criminal for me to call a rapist "he," than it is for him to rape.

We contacted the Baltimore Mayor's office for comment. It had no comment.

Now, here's the interview with Julia Beck on Carlson's show and what she had to say about this issue. I urge readers to watch this carefully, for it reveals some very important points which we all may be facing in the future, either in the workplace, or just interacting with people we meet, for which we are unaware might be going through the process of "transgendering," if there's such a word, and we might offend them. Be careful!

If you think I'm being over-reactive, then I offer you this video of John Stassel interviewing Jordan Peterson. I hope it opens your eyes to the reality of what kind of insanity the college students of the millennial age, or younger, today have been insisting we change to.

Well, I guess that movie title from several decades ago wasn't too far fetched after all. I'm referring to, "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, world!" But it's getting down right scary, if you ask me.

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