Friday, February 1, 2019

How Do Civil Wars Happen?

The Civil War we know about and understand is a historical event which happened in 1861 - 1865, or 158 years ago.

The man who's most noted as the key figure in this war was Abraham Lincoln who was the first Republican president to be elected. We also learned that the reason why the Republican Party came to be was because a former party - the Whigs - gradually fell out of favor with the voters of the country over several decades prior.

Why do I make this point? Because it's become obvious to me that history is about to repeat itself. Only this time, it will be the Democrat Party's turn.

When two or more sides disagree on who should run the country and these sides can't settle this question through our election process as the accepted way to decide who's in charge, a civil war begins to percolate across the country. Thank God it hasn't already broken out!

Back in the late 1850s this circumstance occurred, just as it is occurring today. Only today, when you stop accepting election results - as in 2000 and our most recent election of 2016 - you have a civil war brewing. Once Lincoln was in office, the press savaged him regarding his handling of the war which broke out over the issue of slavery and state's rights. The only real difference between then, and now, is that there was an expected level of decorum and social decency during Lincoln's term. Today... forget it! (Then too, we know how Lincoln's second term ended. I pray it doesn't happen again.)

Simply put, the Mueller investigation - for those of us who've done our research on the facts about this, which the vast majority of the Media (D) will not disclose to their viewers - is about removing President Trump from office and overturning the results of the 2016 election. Consider the fact that, after the mid-terms, that in the now dominated House run by Speaker Pelosi, we're witnessing impeachment proceedings gearing up. I can't help but wonder, is this payback for impeaching Pres. Clinton over being "Lewinskied" in a side room of the Oval Office?

But, this is not the first time a Republican president has been elected recently where the Democrats said he didn't really win. We saw weeks of ballot recounts and the Florida State Supreme Court finally was overruled by the U.S. Supreme Court to give "Bush 43" the nod over Al Gore; the Democratic Party nominee. (Wait, didn't we just have another similar debacle about votes in Florida in our last mid-term elections? How interesting!)

Fast forward to Trump winning the election in 2016, much to the dumbfounded shock and disbelief of the Media (D), and all of a sudden this president can't do anything. He can't undo the DACA law his predecessor enacted illegally. No, a Republican president isn't allowed to have total and complete 'discretion' to reverse anything a Democrat president did.

Do you recognize a pattern here? If the Democrats rejected "Bush 43's" win and the media pummeled him relentlessly over his two terms in office - remember how they made him out to be stupid and "cowboyish" - and the same thing is happening when the next Republican winner who's an "outsider" gets into to office over their presumptive winner, what does it mean? It means that they don't accept any results when they don't win. It also means that they don't accept that transfers of power from one party to another are determined by elections as practiced for over two centuries now. Remember when, shortly after the 2016 election, we heard talk from the Democrats about abolishing the Electoral College?

So, in my view, this is a new civil war simmering!

The only difference between the last one, and this one, is that there's no shooting. Well, at least yet. There was that one off incident in Virginia where the guy attempted to kill a bunch of Republican Congressman playing at a baseball game practice and nearly killing Congressman Scalise. 

Democrats claim they're practicing "resistance". And, the more time goes by, the more we learn about the ranks of bureaucrats who've been in their agency positions during Obummer's two terms and are still there, and the subversive acts those bureaucrats are implementing to sabotage our current president's efforts to enact real, meaningful changes to our nation's policies on all levels.

Such revelations are making it more and more clear that the Democrats really want a form of soft dictatorship wrapped in a socialist blanket. Their very own dictatorship. The only legitimate form of power, in this country according to the Democrats, is its own. After they lost the Congress, and the White House, they implemented their "plan B"; ruling the country via Federal Court judges and bureaucrats.

How many times have we seen the president enact an executive order - the same type of action by the previous president - only to have some judge in Hawaii or Seattle slap an injunction on it because it went against their policy on the issue? Folks, that's a form of civil war by usurping a president's authority. As we all know, our system of government is based on the Constitution. However, that doesn't seem to be the way our system's now being run! Fits right into their notion of a "living document" that morphs to their needs, doesn't it?

As the Democrats see it, their system is that any part of the government that it runs through their infiltration of nearly every level - from city, to state, to federal - gets total and unlimited power over the entire country. When Pres. Obummer was in the White House, he could do anything. Think back for a second. He gave temporary amnesty to a select group of illegal aliens. He also told you that you could keep your current health insurance plan or doctor if you liked either, or both, over 20 times and for several months leading up to the passage of the bill. He also told us repeatedly that we'd save an average of $2,500 per person! Speaker Pelosi told us we had to pass it before we knew what it would contain. Then, after passing, we learned that we'd be fined for not having the "Affordable Healthcare" which wasn't affordable at all, and premiums skyrocketed!

Let's not forget that when Democrat presidents are in office, states aren't allowed to enforce federal immigration law; especially when it goes against his policy. Remember Arizona? Yet, when a Republican president is in office, states - like California - can create their own immigration laws; like being a sanctuary state, or Governor Jerry Brown saying that his state is an independent republic and can sign treaties with other countries. Well folks, the Constitution has something to say about that! (Sadly, but perhaps for a very good reason we don't yet know, or understand, nothing's been done about these abuses of law.)

No, the left can move power around, whether it's federal, state, executive, legislative or judiciary, to run the country when their party isn't in the White House these days. Thus, their moving form of dictatorship is to control every institution and make it the supreme power of the land whenever a Republican president is in the executive branch.

If this president has done anything of major significance, it is to expose the professional government, also known as the massive bureaucracy they've carefully nurtured and grown over several decades. In other words, it has become a guild much like the ones that existed in the medieval days. You are not allowed to serve in it if you're not a member. You must be indoctrinated into its arcane rituals. Intersectionality, global warming or climate change that's going to end the world in just 12 more years, you know, that sort of stuff. And Trump definitely isn't in the club. Since he brought in a bunch of people who also aren't in the club, we're seeing results which make the amateurs who've never held a real job in the Obummer administration look utterly incompetent. But that's because they have no clue what works; only their utopian dreams. Trade deals, foreign policy re-alignments, record employment for all groups, the list goes on and on.

Instead, the Democrats spy on them, investigate them and send some of Trump's low level operatives to jail for process crimes of not being able to keep dates, times, or places straight. They use the only thing they know and understand... power as a dictator would.

That's NOT a free country!

FBI agents who adamantly support the Democrat Party's nominee and take out "an insurance policy" against the opposition candidate from winning the election, and when their president's officials engage in the massive unmasking of their opposition, or when power players aligned with the loser ban free speech rights of conservatives on social media platforms, but more importantly, when all of the above collude together to overturn an election's outcome because their candidate was supposed to win and the opposition was supposed to lose, but did, then we don't have a free country; we have a two tiered justice system and tyranny.

And now, we are going through the issue of funding the wall. After the longest ever government shutdown because of the Democrat's refusal to even negotiate a compromise with Pres. Trump, he's given them what they wanted by providing a three week period to reopen the government in order to sit down and talk, with the condition that the president will call for a national emergency if an agreement isn't reached. Yet, both Sen. Schumer and Speaker Pelosi are reneging on what they asked for, and no progress is forthcoming as of this date. Most of us don't really understand what this could portend if the nation is under the cloud of a national emergency. Perhaps we'll find out.

Let's be very clear! We are in a civil war, folks. It's between Conservative volunteer government that serves the true power base - the interest of the people - and the leftists Democrat professionals in government who desire to implement a dictatorship using socialism as their new banner held up by Alexandria Ocassio-Cortez; the all knowing.

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