Thursday, June 20, 2019

How to Legally Ruin People's Lives Who Are Innocent

It's now becoming more and more clear as the evidence is revealed from actual investigative journalists digging up details, that the Russian Collusion Hoax was just that; a hoax!

So, if you stop and think this through it comes down to a special prosecutor team going after innocent people who were never involved in any collusion with Russia because the whole premise upon which the accusations were made against Trump were without any actual evidence to back it up; those going after the man they HATED just made it all up!

How can this claim be made? Simple, just consider this example; and be sure to read through the whole report slowly to take it in and let it register:

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Stone Defense Team exposes DNC hacking fraud

By Thomas Lifson
As the Russia Hoax is being unwound, we are learning some deeply disturbing lessons about the level of corruption at the top levels of the agencies charged with protecting us from external threats.  One jaw-dropping example has just been exposed by the legal team defending Roger Stone.

Foundational to the entire narrative that Russia "interfered" with our election and that President Trump "colluded" with this interference is the conclusion issued by the "intelligence community" that the DNC emails were hacked by Russia. 

According to this assertion, the exposure of those emails affected the election, and therefore Trump benefited from Russian interference, and colluded by joking that Russia should locate the 30,000 emails Hillary Clinton deleted and BleachBitted, making recovery impossible.
There has already been ample reason to dismiss this collective judgment from the Intelligence Community, primarily focusing on the fact that the download speed of the emails could only have been achieved by loading it on a device attached to the server itself.  It was too fast to have been sent via the internet to a hacker.  But now, the Department of Justice had made an admission in response to a filing by Stone's defense team that reveals they did not carry out their basic responsibilities.
Sundance of Conservative Tree House explains:
Despite the Russian 'hacking' claim the DOJ previously admitted the DNC would not let FBI investigators review the DNC server.  Instead the DNC provided the FBI with analysis of a technical review done through a cyber-security contract with Crowdstrike.
In a court filing (full pdf below) the scale of sketchy has increased exponentially.
Suspecting they could prove the Russian hacking claim was false, lawyers representing Roger Stone requested the full Crowdstrike report on the DNC hack.  When the DOJ responded to the Stone motion they made a rather significant admission.  Not only did the FBI not review the DNC server, the FBI/DOJ never even saw the Crowdstrike report.
A series of official pronouncements were based on the DNC's redacted summary of the original report. The intelligence community, on which the US taxpayers spend scores of billions of dollars annually, put its credibility behind the DNC's word, without even letting us know the basis for their "conclusion."
This means the FBI and DOJ, and all of the downstream claims by the intelligence apparatus; including the December 2016 Joint Analysis Report and January 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment, all the way to the Weissmann/Mueller report and the continued claims therein; were based on the official intelligence agencies of the U.S. government and the U.S. Department of Justice taking the word of a hired contractor for the Democrat party….. despite their inability to examine the server and/or actually see an unredacted technical forensic report from the investigating contractor.
The entire apparatus of the U.S. government just took their word for it…
…and used the claim therein as an official position….
…which led to a subsequent government claim, in court, of absolute certainty that Russia hacked the DNC.
Why bother funding these agencies if they don't even check the basic data and then claim to have come to conclusions on their own?
John Durham plans to question the intelligence agencies. This should be part of the investigation.

If you want to help Roger Stone in this vital fight you can go to

Roger Stone is a longtime Republican strategist, commentator and New York Times Bestselling author. He is a veteran of eight national presidential campaigns including those of Presidents Nixon, Reagan and Trump. He served as Chairman of President Trump’s Exploratory Committee and has written for Newsmax, InfoWars, the Daily Caller, Breitbart, Big League Politics the Gateway Pundit and the New York Times. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

What Most Americans Don't Realize About Their Government

Over the past three generations, America's form of governance, has morphed from a deliberative body of elected representatives to one which has shirked its responsibility by delegating its law making to a fourth branch of government - the administrative state, more commonly known as "the bureaucracy" by most of us - has slowly but surely imposed a form of soft tyranny upon the sovereign who have become frustrated and apathetic about the whole process.

Why is this so, and how did it happen?

That issue is clearly addressed in this extremely informative and eye opening episode of Mark Levin's weekly show called "Life, Liberty & Levin" on the FOX channel each Sunday.  That episode aired just last Sunday, June 16, 2019 when he interviewed John Marini, a professor of Political Science at the University of Nevada, Reno, who wrote a book titled, "Unmasking the Administrative State: The Crisis of American Politics in the Twenty-First Century".

As my regular readers know, I've written many posts about the bureaucracy and its devastating effects on our country. This single episode of Levin interviewing this guest, however, is the first time I've ever had the complete and long range view and understanding revealed to me as to the how and why, for it makes everything I've been believing in parts, make total sense and confirms my theory about how there has been a deliberate effort to morph this great nation into a socialist - and eventually a communist - state.

I strongly and wholeheartedly urge my viewers to watch and, if necessary, re-watch, this video of that show and ponder just what this Prof. Marini is saying about how our nation has progressively been taken over by nefarious conspirators to destroy this great nation. Thank God we managed to upset the status quo's ability to get Hillary Clinton into the White House in the last election; for we would have absolutely been going over the proverbial cliff right now as a nation had she won.

Monday, June 17, 2019

You Can't Have It Both Ways - Part II

Here's some information I received which relates to my earlier post regarding the Biden family. Amazing!
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There is the America that Dems get to live in and the one Republicans are forced to live in. I bet that 95% of any group you ask has NO idea of ANY of the following:
In 2017, Joe Biden’s niece, Caroline Biden, stole $100,000 through a credit card scam, aka, GRAND LARCENY, was able to cut a deal with NY prosecutors and got off scott free without jail time or probation. This was her second arrest. She was able to deal her way out of that one too.  She has also been to rehab numerous times.
Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was kicked out of the Navy for failing a cocaine drug test
Then he divorced his wife, mother of his three daughters, after a year long affair, to marry his brother’s widow. WHO DOES THAT?
Over the course of the divorce, Hunter drained hundreds of thousands of dollars from the couple's assets by "spending extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations), while leaving the family with no funds to pay legitimate bills. It actually was worse than that, all outlined here:
And this is all on top of the BILLIONS his father dubiously arranged for him from communist China and Ukraine.
Biden ’s daughter with Jill, Ashley Biden Krein, has been arrested several times for drug charges. While he was Veep, she was videoed snorting cocaine but the news media decided to not to publish the video. She hid out in the Veep Delaware home for a week or so until things calmed down.
Okay…..all God’s children got problems…but damnation, what if these things had happened to the Trump children????  The Trump kids are truly beyond reproach. Biden has a passel of miscreants. But the Republicans are not interested in subpoenaing all of the Biden children bank and credit card accounts, are they? Why haven't we heard any of this from the networks, or read it in the "great" national newspapers?
Nothing to see here?... just move along? … Really!

Zombie Companies?

Is this article what drives the popular obsession about a "Zombie Apocalypse" coming?  No, but the term zombie has now become so popular that its use is profuse. For a history of the whole zombie culture obsession with this topic, I recommend this site for specifics.  

When it comes to the phrase "zombie companies", we're talking about those companies which are in debt and are struggling to just pay the interest on that debt, let alone the principle on that debt.

Most people out there are too busy doing what they're doing to even be interested in knowing much of anything about our nation's economy and how it actually works.  In a time when the cost of living keeps climbing, it tough enough for the majority to just make enough to pay all the bills, let alone accumulate any savings.

But, for those who do know something about how our nation's economic engine works today, this article will be of interest to you.  While it is longer than most are willing to dig through, it does contain some rather interesting information about how our nation came dangerously close to another economic collapse.

In the middle of the article there is a chart titled "S&P 1,5000 - Zombie Companies".  Just above that chart is with a link to this video which explains what our nation is headed for should we encounter another economic circumstance like it went through in 2008.

There are many who believe that, when we experience the next economic collapse, it will affect the world's economy and it will be much more severe than 2008; creating a  scenario of a zombie apocalypse which was popular on television titled "Walking Dead".

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Niceness Is Not A Virture?

No, and neither is pacifism a virtue.

Do you know what the word niceness means?

You may think you do, but I suggest you watch this video by Ann on the topic of why "nice" doesn't mean what you think.

You may be surprised.

Although this video was posted almost nine years ago, and the lack of HD quality of it makes it rather obvious, it is still very pertinent.

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To compliment this, I highly recommend watching this video of Jordan Peterson at Liberty University recently. He articulately warns that the current emphasis on feminism over masculinity is creating a social train wreck within a decade.

Liberals... You Can't Have It Both Ways!

In all of the broo, ha, ha about the Stephanopoulos interviewing Pres. Trump and asking him about whether he'd listen to "dirt" from a foreign source, it's finally catching on.*

Liberals are not intellectually honest.

Liberals are refusing to have even a moment of moral consistency. They are suggesting that  information passed along from foreign officials is bad.

But then, they're suggesting that it's not bad if it's paid for.

Then again, liberals are suggesting that if Pres. Trump gets information from foreign sources he should pass it along to the FBI, which is what he said he would do in the interview with Stephanopoulos.

When Pres. Trump and his team did get suspect information from a foreign source about Joe Biden's son engaged in extremely shady deals in both Ukraine and China, and the president's team did pass that information on to the FBI did pass it along, like he should, it was the Democrats, and the New York Times - their allies over there - that jumped on Trump for weaponizing the government!

Folks, you simply can not have it both ways! Either we're supposed to contact the FBI, or we're not.

* Do NOT forget, folks, that George "Steponallofus" was Pres. Bill Clinton's main insider for both his campaign and presidency. Also, It's obvious to me that this interview was another set up by liberals to create more anti-Trump impeachment sentiment for their rabid base who can't stand the fact that Pres. Trump is totally upsetting the status quo of the hundreds of thousands who make their living within the "Swamp" inside the beltway of D.C. gradually nudging the country into a globalist new world order, and they can't stand it!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

By Any Means Necessary

Over the last decade the political landscape has definitely changed.  How?  If you aren't sure how to, or can't, answer that question yourself, then you're either not aware of what's been gradually happening in the arena of politics, or you are inclined to agree with that shift going on.

I believe many Americans, especially the younger generations, don't realize the impact of what's going on.  Their perspective is one of normalcy; they've not lived long enough to have perspective of just how different things have become.  How accelerated it is, compared to, say, before they were born.  They've been exposed to conditions which convince them that this change is normal, if not an improvement that's making life in our country better.

What am I talking about? I'll put it this way...

I get emails regularly from friends sharing a collection of images with captions disparaging a political opponent; making fun of them. Alexandria Occasio-Cortez, the new "face of the Democrat Party" as the Media (D) likes to say.  Most make fun of her ignorance due to the many ignorant statements she's already made since taking office.

I get the point, but I can't help but wonder... how serious do those who distribute these humorous collections take her, or others?

Is she just a phenomenon?  A blip on the radar of the new face of politics? I think not.

But, I'll let you be the judge of that yourself by watching the video within this article.  Once you view it, you'll understand why I title this post the way I did.

As I've stated in my previous posts here, after seeing what was coming up through the ranks of students in my classrooms, and what they said, did, and believed, it's not surprising to me that this trend will continue to grow.

Don't agree with my prediction?  Have you not seen what Bernie Sanders is recently doing and saying on his campaign trail?

Here is an excerpt from the Atlantic online about his speech:
But the great differences among the movements and countries that have historically called themselves socialist also makes me skeptical about leftists who think that embracing this label is enough to explain what kind of future they want. Some members of the Democratic Socialists of America, for example, simply want to emulate the rich democracies that provide their citizens with a generous welfare state. But others seek to “abolish capitalism” or sing the praises of the Venezuelan dictatorship.

Here is the video of that speech, for those who missed it.

I rest my case!