Sunday, June 16, 2019

Liberals... You Can't Have It Both Ways!

In all of the broo, ha, ha about the Stephanopoulos interviewing Pres. Trump and asking him about whether he'd listen to "dirt" from a foreign source, it's finally catching on.*

Liberals are not intellectually honest.

Liberals are refusing to have even a moment of moral consistency. They are suggesting that  information passed along from foreign officials is bad.

But then, they're suggesting that it's not bad if it's paid for.

Then again, liberals are suggesting that if Pres. Trump gets information from foreign sources he should pass it along to the FBI, which is what he said he would do in the interview with Stephanopoulos.

When Pres. Trump and his team did get suspect information from a foreign source about Joe Biden's son engaged in extremely shady deals in both Ukraine and China, and the president's team did pass that information on to the FBI did pass it along, like he should, it was the Democrats, and the New York Times - their allies over there - that jumped on Trump for weaponizing the government!

Folks, you simply can not have it both ways! Either we're supposed to contact the FBI, or we're not.

* Do NOT forget, folks, that George "Steponallofus" was Pres. Bill Clinton's main insider for both his campaign and presidency. Also, It's obvious to me that this interview was another set up by liberals to create more anti-Trump impeachment sentiment for their rabid base who can't stand the fact that Pres. Trump is totally upsetting the status quo of the hundreds of thousands who make their living within the "Swamp" inside the beltway of D.C. gradually nudging the country into a globalist new world order, and they can't stand it!

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