Monday, August 5, 2019

Social Media Vs. Social Interaction

Ever since the inception of the United States of America our culture has had guns.

As recently as the 1960s when I was going to high school, many schools across the country actually had shooting clubs and ranges in basements.

Why weren't there mass murders then, like we're experience more regularly today?

In the decades after W.W. II those men who came home from Europe, or the Pacific, did their best to put behind them the horrid memories of that experience, married, or returned to their wives, to raise their families and work. Guns were still part of the culture, but there weren't the types of incidences we see today?

 So, what's different today that we didn't have then?

In those post war decades Americans focused on building up its culture by focusing on social interactions and maintaining the long standing tradition of going to their church of choice where morals were focused on weekly. During this period there were a wide variety of community oriented social clubs; Rotary, Kiwanis, Elks, Eagles, Bowling Leagues, Boy Scouts, Girls Scouts, etc. which all focused on developing individual character and integrity.

When I point out social interaction, I mean such things as understanding the norms of the day when it comes to etiquette; how one was expected to conduct themselves, both within the family unit, and out in public. 

Within the family, the man of the household - with the team approach support of the spouse - would spend time explaining, correcting, and even disciplining their child(ren) when behavior didn't meet the common social norms of the time period.

In public, certain behaviors were expected and taught as part of their upbringing; respect, conduct which reflected honorably on the parent(s), and even other adults in the neighborhood would often play a role in "parenting" when children were found to be misbehaving.

Today our cultural norms have all but disappeared. What has contributed to such a drastic change?

In my honest opinion what changed over the decades after the sixties is technology.

Television became a dominant influence by setting an attitude about various issues of the day. My mother used to refer to television as the "peephole to paradise", meaning that we were consuming the concepts which allowed us to escape from reality and accept that we deserved this, or that, even if we couldn't afford it. 

But with the advent of the Internet, social interactions transitioned to social media and anonymity. No longer were expectations of conduct in a decent way part of the culture. 

Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat, you name it, it's become apparent to me that courtesy and decency has gone the way of penny loafers and sock hops of a by-gone era when families produced happy, belonging, and contributing adults to society.

I once drove by a group of about six people standing on a street corner, and every one of them were all looking into their cell phones; not one interacting with the other. It's jokingly shown in commercials on occasion how families sitting at a dinner table eating, are all looking at their phones and texting each other, instead of looking at, and speaking to, one another.

Yes, now we have young men who spend there time filling their minds with garbage that only causes them to feel detached from others and reality. Those before them have given them a copy-cat opportunity for notoriety and fame; even if they go out in the process of killing others.

We're now finding out that these few deranged are fueled by hate and warped ideals of white-supremacy, reeking havoc out in pubic venues by killing innocent victims and creating tragedy for many connect in some way to those lost to it.

And yet, today we continue to wonder why we have such horrible things happening.You might want to watch this video, it'll make it perfectly clear where we've ended up.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

A Crazy Premonition On Growing Mass Murders

I've been reluctant to write about this, but after spending all day working in the hot weather during this time of year, and coming home to learn of the El Paso, Texas massacre in a WallMart, I had a very bizarre premonition that came to me while soaking away my aches and pains from overtaxing my body all day in the heat.

Of course, it's absurd to say anything about such events before any hard facts are announced in the media, but then they tend these days to ignore such common sense out of motivation to be the first to break news, or project their ideological bias on the situation in hopes that it garners more anti-gun supporters who don't understand what they're saying or doing.

So, here goes... I realize this is JUST a thought, but sometimes these have a weird way of making sense. What if there are some anti-gun liberals who are brainwashing so effectively a "soft-target" individual to carry out such massacres for the purpose of keeping the anti-gun agenda alive? Think about this! With all the infringements happening against lawful gun owners who just want to protect and defend themselves, or their families, it doesn't seem to be that outlandish.

Update (8/5/19): This type of response is no surprise from the liberals... in fact, it's expected. But, in a way, it lends credence to my premonition. We just have to learn more of the motive and background of these sick people who carried out these horrors.

Depending on what's learned about this latest individual who carried out this mass killing spree, there might be something to such an absurd notion. But, that's all my premonition is, just a notion.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Where Unicorns Fart Money Into Your Ledger

From the interactions President Trump is engaging in with certain members of the liberal establishment this past week, I believe the president is deliberately doing this with a duel purpose in mind; first, he's maintaining the upper hand in the campaign by keeping the liberals jockeying for nomination in their party (He already knows that any of the current 20 odd Democrat candidates haven't got much of a chance against his past two years of accomplishments.) and, to point out to the public who still have even a smidgen of common sense, to understand how leftist/socialism has ruined our urban centers across the land. He's pointing out that hundreds of millions have been poured in from both federal and state coffers, yet their policies have resulted in consistent misery, or worsening conditions for many, and have remained the status quo.

Some readers may already know who Stefan Molyneux from Canada is. But, for those who may be seeing him for the first time in this more recent video about the situation in L.A. you will soon learn that he is not a fan of what has developed in most of the major urban cities; Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, et al, and all run by liberals. Stefan attempts to speak to the city council about the fiscal aspect of offering sanctuary to immigrants who've entered the country illegally, but gets shut down because they do not want to hear any opposition. He points out in the last segment the workings of the psychology which is obviously at work within the ranks of the liberal leftists who believe in virtue signaling their beneficence to those they believe have just as much "rights" as non-citizens.

In the second episode of this new series, Molyneux covers the conditions down on Skid Row within downtown L.A. by speaking with General Jeff - Activits Mayor of Skid Row about the history behind it and the faulty system by design.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Exposing the Hoax of Climate Change

I know, I know... we've all received previous messages on this topic, BUT, you've not seen a video interview of one of the top climatologists explain why it's a hoax in such simple and easy to understand words.

As you know, many of the Democrat candidates in the recent debates have been claiming that it is the "existential" threat to mankind - even our WA state governor was harping it as his only campaign focus - but it is pointed out in this interview how it is being used as a "fear" motivator to garner votes for them.

Monday, July 29, 2019

What's the Deal with the Green New Deal?

Yep, PragerU has come out with a factual and concise video on the issue. So, with all the misinformation swirling around out there in the Media (D), I thought I'd provide this for viewing.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Rep. Gosar Statement on Mueller Testimony

If it takes this much today to prove liberals have been lying all along because they can't accept the outcome of the election, then we're in worse trouble than we thought!
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (R-AZ-04) released the following statement after Special Counsel Robert Mueller's appearance before the House Committee on the Judiciary and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence:

“Americans are sick and tired of hearing about Robert Mueller. Mueller spent thirty million dollars, pestered over five hundred witnesses, and still found no evidence of obstruction or collusion. House Democrats continue to re-litigate the 2016 election, instead of accepting the fact that Americans duly elected Donald J. Trump as our 45th president. I wish Democrats in Congress were as passionate about securing the border as they are about harassing the Trump administration.”
And then, there's this article which has a great clip from the questioning of Mueller which turned into the great fiasco for the Democrats.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Role of Religion in Society

This video is very short; only about 90 seconds long.

But its topic is very profound, especially in light of the growing lack of social courtesy and respect we are seeing today, such as the dowsing of police in N.Y. with buckets of water that has recently been happening. Update: Three men involved in this incident were arrested, the N.Y. Post reports.

It's worth the brief time it will take to watch, but it's more importantly worth the time to listen to... especially the last sentence.

View it here.

Think about it very carefully and ask yourself... why is this happening and what can we do to turn this around?

P.S. Then, there's the remark made in this parody about the values of the Democrats at the 2:50 mark in this video about religion which provides another example of how our respect for the rule of law has been degraded.