Friday, August 2, 2019

Where Unicorns Fart Money Into Your Ledger

From the interactions President Trump is engaging in with certain members of the liberal establishment this past week, I believe the president is deliberately doing this with a duel purpose in mind; first, he's maintaining the upper hand in the campaign by keeping the liberals jockeying for nomination in their party (He already knows that any of the current 20 odd Democrat candidates haven't got much of a chance against his past two years of accomplishments.) and, to point out to the public who still have even a smidgen of common sense, to understand how leftist/socialism has ruined our urban centers across the land. He's pointing out that hundreds of millions have been poured in from both federal and state coffers, yet their policies have resulted in consistent misery, or worsening conditions for many, and have remained the status quo.

Some readers may already know who Stefan Molyneux from Canada is. But, for those who may be seeing him for the first time in this more recent video about the situation in L.A. you will soon learn that he is not a fan of what has developed in most of the major urban cities; Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, et al, and all run by liberals. Stefan attempts to speak to the city council about the fiscal aspect of offering sanctuary to immigrants who've entered the country illegally, but gets shut down because they do not want to hear any opposition. He points out in the last segment the workings of the psychology which is obviously at work within the ranks of the liberal leftists who believe in virtue signaling their beneficence to those they believe have just as much "rights" as non-citizens.

In the second episode of this new series, Molyneux covers the conditions down on Skid Row within downtown L.A. by speaking with General Jeff - Activits Mayor of Skid Row about the history behind it and the faulty system by design.

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