Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Why Are Liberals So Obsessed With Taxing Everyone?

As I was listening to Rush this morning I heard the following interview. Something this person said hit me with a thought that I'd NEVER considered before. I'd like my readers to go through this script from Rush's show and see if you can detect exactly what it was that this teacher in L.A. said that sparked this speculation. I will share that particular thought after the script.
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RUSH: Hi. Welcome back. Rush Limbaugh, cutting edge of societal evolution. We go to Dallas to get started on the phones. I’m sorry, it’s Los Angeles, and Dallas is the guy’s name. Great to have you, Dallas. Welcome to the program.
CALLER: Thanks, Rush. It’s great to talk to you.
RUSH: Thank you, sir.
CALLER: I am a gay schoolteacher living in Los Angeles, California. I voted for Obama twice, and the left has gone so far they have pushed me out of the party and have me seething, So what in the hell are they doing to the industrial Midwest?
RUSH: You know, this is another good point. I’m glad that you mentioned this. You say you voted for Obama twice. How old are you? How long have you been voting?
CALLER: I’m 40.
RUSH: You’re 40. By the way, how do you survive in California as a teacher with the tax rate and all the taxes out there? I mean, that’s gotta be… (crosstalk) Do you have any disposable income left, Dallas?
CALLER: I got a little bit left over ’cause I don’t have kids. If I had a family, I could never do it. But, yeah. I get into some very interesting discussions all the time because I want to have open-minded discussions. Trump, to me, exposed both parties and what they’re about. It’s the “uni-party” versus the American people.
RUSH: That’s another great point. See, it dovetails with the belief that l I think there are Trump voters more than there are Republican voters. Even though he’s got 90% approval among Republican voters. But, look, this is something that we will never hear about. In fact, we’re hearing the opposite. But here’s Dallas. He’s a gay schoolteacher in Los Angeles. He has left the Democrat Party after he voted for Obama twice. They’re too nuts! They’ve gone too radical leftist even for him. Now he’s probably not shouting from the rooftops that he’s switching or not voting Democrat. But, still, he’s not.
Now, all the while this is going on, the media wants you to believe that Trump is losing suburban voters because he’s not agreeing to gun control. You want to talk about a political myth? “Yeah, Trump is losing suburban voters!” In other words, suburban voters want guns taken away and Trump won’t do it, and so Trump is losing suburban voters. It’s the exact opposite. The story here is what is happening to the Democrat Party that Joe Biden is the frontrunner in this party?
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So, did you catch that remark about family and taxes from Dallas? I've always, as most do, known that liberals love to tax everyone to the point of making it difficult to get by, but this gay guy's statement about how he could never do it if he had a family caused a sudden realization that made a connection for me... liberals are using taxation on the citizens to make it all the more difficult to raise a family. Why is this significant? 

Well, we also know that liberals, first of all, consider themselves to be so smart that they've got all the ideas that will solve all the world's problems, right? Okay, we also know that the vast majority of liberals have their shorts in a twist about climate change, and how it's going to kill the planet in about a decade... and, we also know that they've promoted the idea that the world's population needs to be reduced, right?

So, if we connect their pension for taxation which makes it more difficult for a couple to raise a family, with climate change and population, then... are you getting where I'm going with this? If the liberal's overarching agenda is to reduce the population of our country, while wanting to deal with climate change, then one way to tackle both issues simultaneously, is to tax them to death while filling their coffers for all their social programs to keep the masses dependent on them for their needs. Brilliant!

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