Sunday, August 18, 2019

They're Coming To America

Neil Diamond's song of this post title rings true of those who, living in a country with different, but less fortunate  circumstances, hear about the opportunity which awaits them if they go to the effort of getting here through the legal process.

When they finally arrive, often through great difficulty - leaving their loved ones behind due to the expense of such a trip - they discover that the stories about America are true and many times, even more amazing and wonderful. This was the case for Carla from a South American country. Having lived in America for several decades, she was motivated to become naturalized because of what Pres. Trump has done in his first term.

Sadly, as Rush Limbaugh pointed out recently in his radio show, the globalists who want to promote broderless countries are working at achieving the exact opposite. They - George Soros being one of the more prominent figures in the effort - finance organizations to recruit and encourage Hondurans, Guatemalans, or El Salvadorans to form massive "caravans" of people to simply march up through Mexico to the southern border and either sneak across the border, or take advantage of laws which eventually allow them to fade into the shadows of our various cities.

This process of applying the "Cloward & Piven" strategy of overwhelming a specific system, and thereby bring about a crisis that attempts to break the system established down, is the goal of such an activity by these globalists elitists; like George Soros and his Open Society.

So, I ask the question: Why is that Carla understands the importance of supporting the president, while many who've lived in America all their lives don't? Is it just that they have different political ideals, or is it out of ignorance, because they have never experienced anything other than what this great country has to offer, and thus take it for granted?

I've long believed that this nation's affluence has contributed to the latter mindset, where the concept of "fairness" and "privilege" have been perverted to work for those who want to promote socialism and not applying one's self to what it takes in order to accomplish those things which make for a better life within the social structure of law & order for all.

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