I found this interesting article from the Daily Caller - Tents, Homelessness and Misery - 9 Things I Saw in San Francisco - in my email box and took the time to read it for a couple of reasons. And, although it was fairly long and well written, I could totally relate to what the woman author shared.
In my early years as a student in high school I attended only 70 miles north of San Francisco, I had many an opportunity to visit S.F. because of a female of interest who I dated occasionally, which never turned out to be any more than that. Back then, it was only the Tenderloin district of the city that one avoided because of the drug use and prostitution which prevailed there. The rest of the city was free of any pan handlers because the city police enforced the vagrancy laws of the city. The tourist industry flourished during the late '60s and early '70s; with the only other exception being the Haight/Ashbury district that became a pilgrimage for the "Hypie culture" of that same period.
During the mid-'70s, I ran the Bay To Breakers race across the city twice. At that time the appearance of Gay Community members within the crowds and the race was just gaining momentum, but the city was basically decent to visit.
Fast forward 50 years...
After retiring 10 years ago from the classroom in the Pacific NW, I decided to spend several years doing guard work at the two sports arenas in south Seattle; what's known as the SODO district near the Amtrak Station. CenturyLink Field is the northern of the two, with what was then Safeco Field. The Seattle Seahawks, along with the Seattle Sounders Soccer team, play in CenturyLink, while the Mariners baseball team play in what is now called T-Mobile Park due to new sponsorship.
In the fall of 2009, when I first began working at CenturyLink Field, homelessness was mostly non-existent. Yes, there were a few hanging around on the streets, but of no real significance. They didn't live in tent communities or pan handle because the city police enforce the existing ordinances and kept the streets free for the tourists; a big industry which is now suffering from the homeless influx of the past few years.
As the years went by and I picked up doing guard work also at Safeco Field in 2015, the scene in the SODO district began to change exponentially. More and more tent communities - such as the infamous "Jungle" underneath the raise freeway of Interstate 5 along the eastern edge of that area which made news after it was discovered that drug dealing and use, along with prostitution, were rampant, and at least one person was killed by someone with a gun inside the area - pan handlers and street sleepers became much more noticeable to the fans and stadium workers coming to games or work.
Sadly, this has resulted in several deaths of individuals in Seattle by homeless persons over the last several years of the past decade. The first and most tragic of that time was Prof. Troy Wolf who was walking through Pioneer Square north of CenturyLink stadium from a Sounders game and was knifed to death by a delusional homeless man.
Changing policy and the involvement of the federal DOJ during the Obama administration's A.G. Eric Holder, created a climate among city police which caused most police officers to "choose their battles" very carefully. A series of different incidences - a Sounders fan walking home through the Pioneer Square area from a game was murdered by a homeless individual, a homeless man was shot dead by police when he refused to drop a knife he was wielding, and other similar situations - brought about an imposed set of federal requirements that snuffed any real enforcement of low level crimes as a result.
Then too, the writer of the Daily Caller article cited above didn't mention the Kate Steinle incident of 2015 and the perpetrator's consequent overturned conviction for murdering her, or the influx of illegal immigrants who've been allowed to remain at large due to the city's "Sanctuary" policy of refusing to notify ICE of their presence when getting out of jail for a felony conviction.
Now S.F. has voted in a new kind of District Attorney, Chase Boudin, who has announced that low level crimes will not be prosecuted out of supposed compassion for the homeless. His campaign was known to be funded by George Soros; a former Hedge Fund manager who, from his European residence, is working to turn law and order on its head, as this article points out.
So, both S.F. and Seattle have plenty in common when it comes to the homeless issue. Yes, folks, the liberals/leftists/socialists are doing their best to "progressively" move this nation into their utopia of concocted rights for everyone with no rational basis backing them. Personally, I believe it's virtue signaling which is part of their modern religion.
My question is... If we continue to allow this trend to move forward, at what point will we have to get to for a "tipping point" to occur in triggering a reversal and return to civility and decency?
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Friday, January 17, 2020
Could This Be Why Hillary Erased 30K Emails?
Do you know what the Skolkavo Project in Russia was about? Are you
aware what the Army Intelligence has pointed out about it?
Are you aware of the network of connected people involved as
contributors to the Clinton Foundation and what was going on at the same
time Billy collected $500K for that speech in Moscow?
Folks, the documented information and facts which Dan Bongino in
today's show about these points asked above is revealed from the
31:31 mark to the 53:00 mark of the
video edition of his presentation.
Careful... Dan moves through this fast, so you may need to click back
on the time bar and replay certain portions, but it's well worth the
time to be clear what he's pointing out.
I cannot urge you enough to take the time to watch this fascinating
piece which, if one uses a simple application of deductive reasoning,
will come to the obvious conclusion that Hillary was well aware of the
legal jeopardy she was in to the point of treasonous actions if
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
How the Cabal Operates and Protects Their Own
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Much of what we are witnessing going on today in "the Swamp" with the House impeaching the president is only one small part of the vast cabal of east coast elitists who have networked for generations in circles of power and influence to retain that position, even though much of what they've done is criminal and reason for prosecution and conviction of a crime. This is why "the Swamp" stinks so badly.
My first insight into this fact was when I got and read Sydney Powell's book, "Licensed to Lie" which is her experience in defending one of the accused Enron employees in the Arthur Andersen, Merril Lynch and Enron scandal of the late 1990s and early 2000s. It is an account of the massive prosecutorial misconduct by the lawyers who were assigned to prosecute for the government the Enron case. One of those employees of Enron was the client Powell represented who ended up going to prison for the simple fact that those lawyers representing the government withheld exculpatory evidence known as "Brady material". It was only after a year serving time that he was finally released after an appeal resulted in a unanimous vote in the U.S. Supreme Court which overturned his conviction. Thus, an innocent man served a year or so in prison!
From Powell's book, which came out in 2014, I'm going to quote from one of the final chapters about one particular individual which I shall connect to in the following paragraphs through a very revealing article.
Now, you're probably wondering which particular individual I'm focusing in on from that paragraph. For those who've been paying attention to the now infamous Mueller Investigation team, one name might have stood out as Mueller's right-hand man who was actually doing most of the work for him; Andrew Weissmann, also known as "The Pitbull" for his aggressive actions as a lawyer.
It's been speculated by many pundits who followed and wrote about the two and a half year long investigation that it was Weissmann who actually wrote the report when it became apparent that Mueller, during his testimony before Congressional Hearings, revealed he knew little about the contents and who the key players were in much of the case.
With Weissmann as part of the Enron Task Force team which withheld evidence from the court case which sent an innocent man to prison, and the fact that we now have Manafort, Cohen, and Stone in prison for reasons unrelated to any actual Russian collusion by the Trump Campaign, I ask the reader to read this article by Sara Carter, who you may recognize as one of the few remaining actual investigative journalists today who is frequently on Sean Hannity's show with legal consultant Gregg Jarrett. Reading this article will connect the dots on why I began this post the way I did.
Oh, and by the way, you may not realize that Sydney Powell, who is a Fifth Circuit U.S. Attorney, is now Lt. Gn. Michael Flynn's attorney who just filed in his court case to rescind his guilty plea for supposedly lying to two FBI agents. But, that's a whole other post I've already covered.
Much of what we are witnessing going on today in "the Swamp" with the House impeaching the president is only one small part of the vast cabal of east coast elitists who have networked for generations in circles of power and influence to retain that position, even though much of what they've done is criminal and reason for prosecution and conviction of a crime. This is why "the Swamp" stinks so badly.
My first insight into this fact was when I got and read Sydney Powell's book, "Licensed to Lie" which is her experience in defending one of the accused Enron employees in the Arthur Andersen, Merril Lynch and Enron scandal of the late 1990s and early 2000s. It is an account of the massive prosecutorial misconduct by the lawyers who were assigned to prosecute for the government the Enron case. One of those employees of Enron was the client Powell represented who ended up going to prison for the simple fact that those lawyers representing the government withheld exculpatory evidence known as "Brady material". It was only after a year serving time that he was finally released after an appeal resulted in a unanimous vote in the U.S. Supreme Court which overturned his conviction. Thus, an innocent man served a year or so in prison!
From Powell's book, which came out in 2014, I'm going to quote from one of the final chapters about one particular individual which I shall connect to in the following paragraphs through a very revealing article.
The games and tactics of Fredrich, Ruemmler, Weissmann, Caldwell, and others on the Enron Task Force should never have been tolerated by the Houston federal judiciary or by the Fifth Circuit - much less reinvigorated by Friedrich and Glavin as heads of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice to pervert the trial of a United States Senator [Ted Stevens (R) of Alaska] There is no telling how many others have been or will be wrongly convicted as this cabal of corrupt cronies ambitiously climbs and weaves through the highest ranks of the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the White House - in between their powerful partnerships in some of our country's most prestigious and influential law firms. (pg. 402)
Now, you're probably wondering which particular individual I'm focusing in on from that paragraph. For those who've been paying attention to the now infamous Mueller Investigation team, one name might have stood out as Mueller's right-hand man who was actually doing most of the work for him; Andrew Weissmann, also known as "The Pitbull" for his aggressive actions as a lawyer.
It's been speculated by many pundits who followed and wrote about the two and a half year long investigation that it was Weissmann who actually wrote the report when it became apparent that Mueller, during his testimony before Congressional Hearings, revealed he knew little about the contents and who the key players were in much of the case.
With Weissmann as part of the Enron Task Force team which withheld evidence from the court case which sent an innocent man to prison, and the fact that we now have Manafort, Cohen, and Stone in prison for reasons unrelated to any actual Russian collusion by the Trump Campaign, I ask the reader to read this article by Sara Carter, who you may recognize as one of the few remaining actual investigative journalists today who is frequently on Sean Hannity's show with legal consultant Gregg Jarrett. Reading this article will connect the dots on why I began this post the way I did.
Oh, and by the way, you may not realize that Sydney Powell, who is a Fifth Circuit U.S. Attorney, is now Lt. Gn. Michael Flynn's attorney who just filed in his court case to rescind his guilty plea for supposedly lying to two FBI agents. But, that's a whole other post I've already covered.
It's Embarassing and Concerning!
As I watched the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D) CA, announce who the nine impeachment managers would be to take the articles of impeachment over to the Senate today, it became apparent that this woman has some issues which are making the rest of us senior citizens look bad. Born in 1940, Pelosi will be turning 80 years old in March! Note that, the average age of Members of the House at the beginning of the 115th Congress was 57.8 years; of Senators, 61.8 years, among the oldest in U.S. history.
She's so obsessed with her position of power that she has no common sense to recognize she's got problems and it seems intends to die while a member of Congress in hopes of getting some form of national day of mourning in doing so. Her speech is clearly impeded by whatever condition is causing it in her old age. She's recently repeatedly slurring and having to correct her own pronunciation of words, or names, and it's downright embarrassing to witness!
I can't help but be concerned that we citizens have reelected repeatedly such obviously disabled people - just look at Jerry Nadler standing next to Pelosi in that video - to office to make such critical decisions for us. On top it all, she designates Adam "Shifty" Schiff as the lead manager of the group of nine; a known lair who clearly defines most Democrats in Congress.
In her announcement speech this morning, she stated that it was about the Constitution. Since when did the Democrats give a damn about the Constitution? They've been doing everything in their power to disregard it in every way possible to ignore or change it. I don't have to explain the details regarding this point; any adult who's been paying attention to what's been going on with this sham in the House over the past two years is aware of how much of a joke it is.
No, folks, it is clear to me that this whole process is nothing more than a distraction from having exposed what the Democrats were doing in collusion with many of the corrupt Ukrainians during the Obama administration. Everything which has been revealed thus far points to actions on the Democrats part to stop the will of the people of this nation from restoring any measure of respect, decency, and morality to our great country.
Despite the appearance that we may have already lost our republic to these leftist socialists, the silent majority in this great nation needs to unify by standing up against what is clearly a concerted effort to turn our nation into a socialist one. We must unify by urging everyone we know to vote next November to re-elect Pres. Trump. Anyone who doesn't think he's done a fantastic job of improving everyone's lives over the short time he's been in the White House is delusional and blinded by their ideological bias and prejudice.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Joe Biden & Son - A Bit of History
If there was ever a "classic" example of just how corrupt and nepotistic "the Swamp" is these days, this is a prime one!
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
By Your Friend Bill in Kentucky - a retired teacher
ever there were a more worthy politician to circle the drain to
oblivion, it is Joe Biden. He has been feeding at the public trough
since 1972. That equates to 47 years out of his present 76 years of age. First of all, Joe was elected to congress with Kennedy's money.
graduating 506 out of a class of 688 at the University of Delaware, he
entered Syracuse University of Law. During his first year there, he was
accused of having plagiarized five of 15 pages of a law review article.
Biden said it was inadvertent due to his "not knowing the proper rules
of citation", and he was permitted to retake the course after receiving
an "F" grade, which was subsequently dropped from his record. This
incident would later attract attention when further plagiarism
accusations emerged in 1987. He received his Juris Doctor in 1968,
graduating 76th of 85 in his class.
now that I have established that Joe and the truth were often times
strangers, let's explore how after a life in "public service" the
notoriously cheap Joe Biden has amassed a net worth of 9 million
dollars. $9,000,000.00! And in case you think his wife has been a big
moneymaker, I would like to point out that she is a glorified school
teacher. And it turns out his Ukrainian scheme was not the first time
Creepy Joe strong-armed his way into hush money for him and his cocaine
loving son. Which is exactly why Robert Hunter Biden, secured a
prestigious direct commission to the U.S. Naval Reserves in 2012 as a
public affairs officer. The program recruits civilians without prior
military service who have special skills that are critical to sustaining
military operations. Hunter Biden's primary qualification for the cushy
part-time job was his last name. The power of nepotism came in handy
when he was forced to seek not one, but two waivers, to secure the job.
applicants have to meet age restrictions (under 40 at the time he
sought the position, now 42). He was 43. Then Hunter needed a second
waiver to get a pass for prior cocaine use. Granted! Only six public
affairs officers received such direct appointments from the Navy
Reserves that year. Amazing, isn't it, that there wasn't a single other
applicant in America (population: 327 million) with a clean drug history
and proper age eligibility to take the slot.
for all that string-pulling effort, Hunter Biden barely served a year.
After testing positive for cocaine during a random drug test, he was
discharged quietly in February 2014. The hush-hush deal, undisclosed
until a whistle blower told The Wall Street Journal eight months later,
was yet another perk of Biden patronage. So was his immunity from any
investigation or review of his law license by the Connecticut bar. And
so, too, was his quick career bounce back.
month after his humiliating discharge from our military, Biden's
coke-abusing party boy was appointed to the board of directors of
Ukraine's largest private gas producer, Burisma Holdings, owned by a
powerful Russian government sympathizer, who had fled to Russia that
year. It's also the same company a top Ukrainian prosecutor was
investigating for corruption before he was fired at the behest of Creepy
Joe, according to Joe himself, who bragged about threatening to
withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees to Ukraine during a Council of
Foreign Relations speech in 2018.
reporting earlier this month that Ukrainian officials are still probing
the shady company and its dealings with Hunter, The Hill's John Solomon
proposed pointed questions for the Democratic presidential
front-runner: Was it appropriate for your son and his firm to cash in on
Ukraine while you served as point man for Ukraine policy? What work was
performed for the money Hunter Biden's firm received? Did you know
about the Burisma probe (and) should you have recused yourself?
queries apply to Hunter Biden's other position at investment firm
Rosemont Seneca, which snagged a $1 billion deal in 2013 with the
Communist Bank of China, just days after Creepy Joe had met with China's
President Xi Jinping.
is all part of the crooked pattern in the Biden family finances.
Hunter's first job, acquired after Joe Biden won his 1996 Senate
reelection bid in Delaware, was with MBNA, the credit card conglomerate
and top campaign finance donor to then Sen. Biden. The elder Biden
secured his custom-built, multi million-dollar house in Delaware's
Chateau Country with the help of a leading MBNA corporate executive.
Biden went on to carry legislative water for MBNA in the Senate for
became a founding partner in the lobbying firm of Oldaker, Biden, and
Belair in 2002. William Oldaker was Papa Biden's former fundraiser,
campaign treasurer, and general counsel. Under Oldaker's tutelage,
Hunter lobbied for drug companies, universities and other deep-pocketed
clients to the tune of nearly $4 million billed to the company by 2007.
held a top position at Paradigm Global Advisors, a hedge fund holding
company founded with Joe's brother, James, and marketed by convicted
finance fraudster Allen Stanford. Hunter oversaw half a billion dollars
of client money invested in hedge funds while remaining a D.C. lobbyist.
The ill-fated venture went bust amid nasty fraud lawsuits.
also served on the board of directors of taxpayer-subsidized Amtrak,
for which his father secured a $53 billion high-speed train initiative.
a life filled with fraud and service, this nasty old man has the
temerity to run for our nation's highest office. Ever the narcissist he
positions himself in front of the camera almost daily and lies his head
off about anything he thinks will secure his nomination. Except for now.
Hunter, got a woman pregnant in Arkansas, and when she told him about
it, he ignored her and walked away. This was after he was having an
affair with his dead brother's widow. Classy guy this Hunter. The state
of Arkansas laws required a paternity test, and sure enough, Hunter was
the father. It's only because the law "forced" him to, did he help this
woman out with child support. It's not like this scumbag isn't rolling
in money.
Monday, January 13, 2020
More Proof of Subversiveness Against America
"They have instituted a regime that attacks American values
systematically by design, providing a haven for insurrectionary ideas to
thrive within academia."
I often wonder how many more examples of how our nation's freedoms and liberties must come under attack before a sufficient majority of our people will realize we must take action against it.
Of course, the real question from the pull-quote above is, just who are THEY?
As someone who's spent their career in public education, I can personally testify to the fact that my experience has revealed that there has long been a concerted effort into even the K-12 sector of our education system. Many of the recently implemented curriculum in the U.S. have come from those organizations who not only have received funds from foreign entities, but have dedicated themselves persistently to lobbying both national and state governments to promote their tyrannical and despotic concepts on the youth of our nation.
This article from the Wall Street Journal, however, only addresses the threat from without - rather than the threat from within through the NEA and its state affiliates - on college and university campuses across our country. Should we allow foreign entities to donate or contribute to programs in our institutes of "higher learning" which support the influx of patently insane and ridiculous concepts such as identity politics, entitlement, socialism and communism, and reparations to those who've never been enslaved, just to name a few?
Yet, the more insidious and effective campaign by those who wish to foment further insurrection against our freedoms and liberties are those promoting the lie that we should be our child's friend, rather than the experienced and caring adult who understands the need to not allow them everything they want or desire. Growing up without experiencing any hardships or difficulties, and getting whatever one feels entitled to, will inevitably grow into a young adult who will be unprepared to handle the real world issues they will confront. Why do you think we're seeing this phenomenon of "snowflakes" today?
There are, no doubt, those who may not believe that we can possibly turn this "ship of state" around, but if we don't even try, then we'll never even see a change of course.
I often wonder how many more examples of how our nation's freedoms and liberties must come under attack before a sufficient majority of our people will realize we must take action against it.
Of course, the real question from the pull-quote above is, just who are THEY?
As someone who's spent their career in public education, I can personally testify to the fact that my experience has revealed that there has long been a concerted effort into even the K-12 sector of our education system. Many of the recently implemented curriculum in the U.S. have come from those organizations who not only have received funds from foreign entities, but have dedicated themselves persistently to lobbying both national and state governments to promote their tyrannical and despotic concepts on the youth of our nation.
This article from the Wall Street Journal, however, only addresses the threat from without - rather than the threat from within through the NEA and its state affiliates - on college and university campuses across our country. Should we allow foreign entities to donate or contribute to programs in our institutes of "higher learning" which support the influx of patently insane and ridiculous concepts such as identity politics, entitlement, socialism and communism, and reparations to those who've never been enslaved, just to name a few?
Yet, the more insidious and effective campaign by those who wish to foment further insurrection against our freedoms and liberties are those promoting the lie that we should be our child's friend, rather than the experienced and caring adult who understands the need to not allow them everything they want or desire. Growing up without experiencing any hardships or difficulties, and getting whatever one feels entitled to, will inevitably grow into a young adult who will be unprepared to handle the real world issues they will confront. Why do you think we're seeing this phenomenon of "snowflakes" today?
There are, no doubt, those who may not believe that we can possibly turn this "ship of state" around, but if we don't even try, then we'll never even see a change of course.
Friday, January 10, 2020
It's Coming to America!
The longer I live, the more convinced I'm becoming that not only is liberalism a mental disorder - thank you, Michael Savage, for coining that phrase - it is what's becoming the newest form of fascism that's becoming extremely dangerous.
An article in the Daily Caller today covers how a female employee in Great Britain was fired from her job and lost her plea to the country's employment tribunal. When J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, came to the woman's defense on social media, she's come under attack for doing so by hoards of responders.
What is most incredible and disturbing is the fascistic reasoning used in the tribunal's response to denying her right to have an opposing view.
An article in the Daily Caller today covers how a female employee in Great Britain was fired from her job and lost her plea to the country's employment tribunal. When J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, came to the woman's defense on social media, she's come under attack for doing so by hoards of responders.
What is most incredible and disturbing is the fascistic reasoning used in the tribunal's response to denying her right to have an opposing view.
The tribunal rejected her claim. In a lengthy judgment issued on Dec. 18, Judge James Tayler ruled that her view is “not worthy of respect in a democratic society,” calling it “absolutist” and “incompatible with human dignity and fundamental rights of others.”
What’s more, Tayler said Forstater’s views are not protected as a “philosophical belief” under the Equality Act 2010, even though “religion or belief” is one of the nine categories protected in the law. The Equality Act is the basis of anti-discrimination law in Great Britain.As one who reads the full article will learn, Nicole Russel the author of the article states:
This case makes clear what had previously been more ambiguous: British law no longer protects speech that goes against progressive sexual orthodoxy, because said speech now violates a person’s “dignity.”Russel, aptly points out at the end of the article the following:
Thankfully in the U.S., the First Amendment remains strong enough to protect the kind of speech Forstater has been penalized for in the U.K. But if “gender identity” is added as a protected class to federal civil rights law—as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the left have pushed for, and passed in the House—our system would move in the same grim direction as the U.K.
What? I don't agree, Nicole, as the posting of a comment under the piece makes the interesting point:
Protecting marginalized groups from blatant discrimination is not at issue here. We all agree that is wrong. But penalizing people who believe in only two sexes—as we all did until a few short years ago—is an affront to the most rights of human beings: to have free thoughts, and to be able to speak them.
I'm in complete agreement with this individual's point. Well said!‘We all agree that is wrong.’
Since I don't agree, that invalidates your truism.
I think the right of discrimination is bound up with freedom of association, free speech, and in the end, with natural law.
If I’m a white business man, I have the natural freedom to only hire White men, only cater to white men, and in short, to associate with only those people I desire to associate with, and no government tyranny can remove that right to discriminate from me.
Same is true if you’re black, lesbian, or a black lesbian. The only entity not allowed by law to discriminate is THE GOVERNMENT. This is about We The People > Government.
The instant you change that inequality sign in the other direction you have tyranny, plain and simple.
I’m ready to defend discrimination. To do otherwise is simply to cede more power to government and to those who wish to use government to its own ends.
Stop retreating.
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