Monday, April 16, 2018

How Much Immigration Do American Citizens Want?

Have the citizens of the United States, those by the definition of our nation's laws which derive from the Constitution are the ones who dictate priorities through voting, asked Congress to increase the number of foreigners coming into the country on an annual basis?

Watch this NumbersUSA 30 second spot video and consider the answer to that question. It may surprise and frustrate you. Why are the Democrats today so vehemently defending immigrants coming into the country from outside in such numbers?

If one takes this thinking posed in the question further, it may cause them to realize that since it was Sen. Ted Kennedy who pushed and got passed into law that immigration quotas be increased, it was for a long range ulterior motive that he did so.

Turning Law & Order On Its Head

In my previous post, I shared an article titled "Black Lives DO Matter". It uses statistics in a factual, but sarcastic way to illustrate how this group of social agitators are doing their best to convince the public that anything done by any police officer is out of malice and racist motives toward those of color.

Any individual who has a modicum of common sense, and has experienced years of social interaction, knows that this  premise is bogus. They understand that most police they meet or know are decent, fair people, and that most of such claims are actually the bias of those making the claim, or that it only serves to further their socialist/radical agenda to attempt to turn our societal norms which allow for civility and law and order into a shift in the power structure.

How can I say this? Simple. If one watches and considers what is presented in this latest Prager U video about police officers doing their job, it will become clear. Sure, nearly everyone who gets pulled over by a police cruiser for speeding, or some other traffic infraction tends to view the circumstance as though the police officer is just selecting us out to ruin our day and harass us.

However, when our frustration about it has passed after some time and we think rationally about it, most of us realize that it was ourself who was in the wrong, and we deserved the ticket or other action taken by that police officer. That's what they're there for, to see that the laws, however much we disagree with them, are enforced for the good of society and its safety. 

That's what civil society is about. Without it, chaos and lawlessness reigns.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Yes, Black Lives DO Matter - by L. Todd Wood

This analysis/opinion piece is further evidence supporting my point in this blog about how Democrats have been setting this country up for decades for its fall into socialism and tyranny under their global governance model they have wet dreams about implementing.
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L. Todd Wood

L.. Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd is a contributor to Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, the New York Post, the National Review, Zero Hedge and others.. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit
By L. Todd Wood - - Tuesday, September 26, 2017

I know of no white person alive today in the United States who has ever legally owned a black slave, or any slave for that matter. Almost 700,000 mostly white men died 160 years ago to end slavery. Jim Crow ended generations ago. Yet black America, for the most part, is still locked in inner-city gang violence and economic hardship. Why?

Is it because America is racist?  Is it because of some overhanging white supremacy?  Is it because of the Illuminati?

No, unfortunately, it is because of black culture and the adoption of Democratic Party government dependency. 
We have just had eight years of the first black president.  Black athletes, and entertainers, routinely earn multi-million dollar incomes.  I can easily name several black billionaires without even trying too hard. A large percentage of black America is very successful. But, it is not enough. Too many black youth are being left behind.

And it is no one but black America’s fault. 

No one can solve this problem but black America.  No one can throw enough money at it.  We’ve tried that.  Black America needs to look in the mirror and stop blaming others, especially white people.

I am obviously white and conservative, and I served in the military, which, during my time, was as color blind as you could be. I can also honestly say I don’t give a damn what color your skin is, neither do any of my friends.  I do care about your actions. 

Blacks are around 15 percent of the population. Depending on what study you look at, they commit around 40 percent to 50 percent of violent crime in America. Of course, there is going to be a problem with police.  And, of course, there are some bad policemen. However, those bad apples do not kill black people statistically anymore than they kill white people.  Even Harvard said that recently. If you were a cop, and you had to work in a neighborhood infested with crime and murder, wouldn’t you act differently than in a neighborhood where there was little crime? The most effective thing black America could do to improve its relationship with police is to significantly reduce violent crime where they live.  Yes, that means change the culture of where you live and your community. 

I for one am tired of being blamed.  I am tired of dealing with people who only want something from others.  I don’t oppress anyone.  I don’t hold anyone down.  I’m tired of getting on the D.C. metro and seeing white people being harassed by roaming gangs of black youth with their pants around their knees.  Yes, you want a white person uncomfortable?  That makes me uncomfortable.  It’s our nation’s capital and it’s embarrassing. 

Blacks have nothing but opportunity in America.  Try finding the same opportunity anywhere else in the world.  If you are born in America you’ve won life’s economic lottery.  Take advantage of it. 

The problem is this generation has been taught an agenda of cultural Marxism by our education system.  They’ve been taught to be a victim, and it’s still going on.  All you have to do is watch the young black, female student at Yale screaming at the college president to understand that.  Blacks in America don’t even know how good they have it .

Don’t kneel when my anthem is played.  Too many people died for that flag.  You are free to protest but not then..  I am free to not watch, or pay to watch you play if you do that.  The NFL should make it a rule that you stand for the national anthem.  There is no free speech to disobey a private employer on private property..  This would solve the problem immediately.

The NFL has deeply offended most of America.  They will pay an economic and reputational price, as they should.

We have a real cultural problem in this country, the result of the Leftist multicultural agenda.  Multi-ethnicity is perfect and should be encouraged.  Having more than one American culture is destroying the country  But then again, that is what the Left wants.

Do Black Lives Matter?
It is your job to determine if this is a racist rant or just a review of factual data...
Amount of people in poverty would drop - 34%,
The prison population would go down by -37%,
Welfare recipients would go down by - - - 42%,
Gang members would go down by - - - - - 53%
Chlamydia cases would go down - - - - - - 54%,
Homelessness would go down - - - - - - - -57%
Syphilis would go down  - - - - - - - - - - - - 58%.
AIDS & HIV would go down by - - - - - - - -65%,
Gonorrhea would go down - - - - - - - - - - -69%,
Average ACT scores would go UP - - - - - 5.5 points.
Average IQ would go UP - - - - - - - - - - - -7.4 points,  putting us 3rd in the world tied with Japan,
Average SAT scores would go UP almost - - - - -100 points,
The average income for Americans would go UP over $20,000 a year,
And, many criminal defense attorneys would have to find another line of work!
Yes, Black lives DO matter!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Who's Playing Who For A Sucker?

The following text is from one of my two representatives in the 27th Legislative Dist. of Tacoma, WA. The way it's written - the choice of words and phrases - and the overall tone of the information is a perfect example, in my view, of just how misleading it is to the constituents. Granted, because most of them are dependent on the state government for their subsistence, or they're ideology aligns mostly with such tripe, so they're happy as clams to learn this information. However, those with conservative views may not care for what they see going on.

It will be my pleasure to make a few observational remarks regarding this message and lay out a few uncomfortable facts about it. Please scroll down to below the dashed line for these remarks. Immediately below is this reps. message:

Dear friends and neighbors,
It's been just over a month since the 2018 session concluded, and all bills passed during the session have now been signed into law. Most go into effect on June 7th. For a complete list of bills signed into law this year or in previous years, click here.
In this newsletter, I'm focusing on a package of "Access to Democracy" bills signed by the governor on March 19th. These historic election reforms are one of the victories of the 2018 session. They will help increase participation and improve representation, both of which are necessary for a healthy democracy. I'm proud our state is leading the way on this. Last month, I spoke at the student-led March For Our Lives Tacoma event, and I can say with certainty that youth are paying attention and want their voices heard. This year, we're making it easier for them and for all Washingtonians who are legally eligible to vote to register.
See below for more details on each of the bills.
[Meeting dates & location have been omitted from this portion of the total message.]
It's an honor serving as your representative.

Access to Democracy bills signed

Access to Democracy graphic
State lawmakers passed several election reform measures this year, many with bipartisan support. These measures aim to improve ballot access, increase campaign finance transparency, boost turnout, give local communities the opportunity to elect more reflective and responsive leadership, and ensure the security and integrity of our elections:
The Washington Voting Rights Act (SB 6002) - Allows communities that are systemically disenfranchised in local elections to work collaboratively - rather than through litigation - with their local governing bodies on remedies, such as districted systems.
Same-Day Registration (SB 6021) - Permits same-day voter registration, allows in-person registration by 8 p.m. on Election Day, or online or mail registration within eight days of the election. 
Automatic Registration (HB 2595) - Provides for the automatic voting registration of individuals who have received an Enhanced Drivers license from the Department of Licensing.
Youth Voter Pre-Registration (HB 1513) - Authorizes youth to pre-register to vote at age 16. Once they turn 18, they will automatically receive their voter ballot.
DISCLOSE Act (SB 5991) - Requires disclosure of large donations to non-profit organizations who participate in political activities.
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First off, I wish to point out what some may not realize. When the Democrats were not in control of the Legislature, their messages were constantly harping on how the Republicans were screwing up their efforts to accomplish anything. Now that they took control of the legislature last session, all of a sudden everything they say is so positive and happy... as though whatever they do is all wonderful and helpful to everyone. NOT!!!
Just exactly what does this person mean when stating that their actions "... are necessary for a healthy democracy." What type of democracy is this referring to, the pure type where we have two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner, or is it a representative type where all views and issues are taken into consideration in order to make a decision? Notice that the word "healthy" sounds good, but isn't defined. The same goes for the phrase "Access to Democracy". Is this person implying that somehow the opposition party is deliberately taking steps to "disenfranchise" some of their constituency from participating in the governing process?
As for the paragraph just below the color graphic... a lot of good more laws about transparency are going to do; like the Democrats are honoring the existing ones! And reflective and responsive leadership? Puulleeeese!!!! What laugh it is that it is being claimed that the Democrats are ensuring and securing the integrity of our elections. Ever heard of the phrase... the fox is in the hen house?
Moving on to the next point, this person's involvement in the March for Our Lives event in Tacoma tells us plenty about her position is when it comes to promoting future radical leftist "non-thinkers", or ignorant followers of the anti-second amendment crowd. Note carefully the sentence which follows about voter registration! This is clearly implying that she is pushing for the popular concept floating around about getting voter age changed to an even younger age which will garner the left even more voter base beyond the illegal immigrants already in the country upon which Democrats can use and prey on to achieve their socialist agenda.
How can I say this? Simple, just look through the color graphic used in her message of "Access to Democracy" bills she's touting. Same day voter registration? Liberals must believe that ALL individuals registering to vote on election day - up to 8 pm - are as honest as the day is long. If you believe that, I've got property on the moon I'd like to sell you.
However, I've not gotten to the two big illegal manipulations they pulled off in the session's last days. In the final days of the session, the Democrats monkeyed with Initiative 940 and blocked people from voting on it. This established an extraordinarily dangerous precedent. Now, Tim Eyman has filed a lawsuit against the state on it. 
More importantly, the Democrats raided the "Rainy Day Fund" of $700 million. Why's this such a bad thing? Well, back in 2007 the Legislature and voters of the state passed a constitutional amendment establishing the Fund. In 2011, the Legislature passed another constitutional amendment strengthening the Fund. The Constitution mandates that extraordinary revenue growth "shall be transferred" to this Fund. This was in response to a circumstance the state went through in prior years whereby the state was teetering on the edge of insolvency. This legislative session the Democrats ignored this requirement. The Constitution stipulates that the Legislature is to take revenue out of the Rainy Day Fund with a 60% legislative vote. The Democrats ignored that too. Again, Tim Eyman has filed another lawsuit on this as well.
If this doesn't raise alarm bells for you, then you need to pay closer attention to what's going on under your noses folks!

The Destructiveness of Socialism

It seems that today's youth have been indoctrinated to believe that the more those we allow to lead us to dictate the level at which our "life blood" is drawn from our income as we struggle to maintain a decent standard of living, the more virtuous we should feel. This attitude is somehow more virtuous than the premise upon which this nation was founded and has thrived; the individual is in control and gets to determine how much we will allow our leaders to draw from us to support government.

The longer time moves on the more examples we see of leaders making moves to turn the traditional concept of the government being controlled and answering to the voters on its head. Two cases come to mind which have been in the news this week; Gov. Inslee's "Carbon Tax" initiative and Kshama Sawant's demand for the city of Seattle to impose a "head tax" on businesses.

This trend is dangerous in that it will ultimately lead to the destructiveness of the capitalistic economic model our nation used to become the world leader under. We eventually will become another among the many third world countries if this trend isn't stopped. Did the left in this country under Obama do that good of a job in slapping down my generation of Baby-Boomers back when the Tea Party - formed at the grassroots level across this great country - stood up and told him that we'd been taxed enough in 2011? Perhaps it was the mantra from the Republican Establishment which kept telling us that they needed to win the House, then the Senate, then the White House, in order to get the changes needed done. Oh yea, we know how that's turned out. We delivered for them, and they haven't.

So, are we continuing to press on and not give up, or, have we already given up and left our children and grandchildren to the horrors of self-destructive socialism?

Some Dreamers Are Nightmares

With DACA going nowhere due to the Democrats unwillingness to negotiate on the President's demands for keeping the country safe from criminals, the media is all but ignoring reporting anything involving those among this group who are committing criminal acts against innocent citizens.

In this report by Ann Coulter, several cases involving "Dreamers" - which are "Nightmares" for their victims - are cited which the media have essentially ignored.Note: Should any future reader get the impression that I'm anti-immigrant, don't jump to conclusions too fast. My family sponsored a family to naturalize into the U.S. back in the '60s when I was a child. I have no animosity toward foreigners who come into the country legally.

It's my personal belief that when Pres. Obama enacted D.A.C.A. he did so with the realization that this move was another in the many that would accomplish one of two things: either bolster Hillary's plans after being elected to move the nations without borders agenda forward, or in the likelihood that Trump won, would create a situation we are now witnessing on a monthly basis whereby those who support the left's ideology - whether it's a sanctuary city, or state - would make it difficult to eradicate those criminals from the country; thereby putting law abiding citizens and children at risk.

Do you, like me, get the crystal clear impression that Leftists today no longer give a damn about anyone else in our country but those who agree with their way of looking at what this country should be in the future? Long gone are the days when political parties which differed in their path to a better America understood it was necessary to get along in a civil and decent social manner.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Laura Ingraham Announces New Series

On Laura Ingraham's evening show, The Ingraham Angle, on FOX News last night, she introduced a new series she will be covering on the topic of suppression of free speech - one of our three first amendment rights - which the liberal/socialist leftists are exercising today. Here's the link to the opening segment explaining the problem of free speech suppression.

Here's the almost two minute announcement she shared at the end of her show last night. I share this because we've seen too many examples of this happening over the past several years, but it's only getting worse. In it, when she refers to Diamond & Silk's issue of being labeled by Facebook as " unsafe brand for the community." this is the clip to which she's referring. To me, it's obvious what was left out of this phrase of Facebook's. That was one word - "an unsafe brand for the liberal community." (Even this morning while watching the second day's congressional hearings on Facebook with Zuckerberg testifying, he was asked about these two women's case and flat out perpetuated the lie that Facebook had contacted them about the "mistake" it had made in censoring them.) As a result of this revelation, I permanently, rather than temporarily, terminated my Facebook account; like thousands, if not tens of thousands, have been doing.

Then, just this morning, I came across this local example where a professor is now being censored by the university administration. This is only one of many similar circumstances which are occurring across the nation on our college/university campuses. 

The focus of who's in control has been shifted by the left to the youth; inexperienced, delicate snowflakes who's characters have been given a weapon which is a very insidious and subtle bludgeon by which leftist ideology is allowed to dominate over traditional common sense. This, in my view, is the greatest tragedy of today's cultural climate. 

And then... there's the new bill just introduced in the California state assembly. Wrap you head in duct tape first before reading this. 

Update: On 4/19 Bill O'Reilly wrote this article about this issue, describing it as Stalinist.