Monday, March 5, 2018

Solution to Gun Control

In 1865, a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States .

In 1881, a left wing radical Democrat shot James Garfield, President of the United States - who later died from the wound.

In 1963, a radical left wing socialist shot and killed John F.
Kennedy, President of the United States.

In 1975, a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at Gerald Ford, President of the United States.

In 1983, a registered Democrat shot and wounded Ronald Reagan, President of the United States.

In 1984, James Hubert, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 22 people in a McDonalds restaurant.

In 1986, Patrick Sherrill, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 15 people in an Oklahoma post office.

In 1990, James Pough, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 10 people at a GMAC office.

In 1991, George Hennard, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 23 people in a Luby's cafeteria in Killeen , TX.

In 1995, James Daniel Simpson, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 5 coworkers in a Texas laboratory.

In 1999, Larry Asbrook, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 8 people at a church service.

In 2001, a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at the White House in a failed attempt to kill George W Bush, President of the US.

In 2003, Douglas Williams, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people at a Lockheed Martin plant.

In 2007, a registered Democrat named Seung - Hui Cho, shot and killed 32 people in Virginia Tech.

In 2010, a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner, shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others.

In 2011, a registered Democrat named James Holmes, went into a movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.

In 2012, Andrew Engeldinger, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.

In 2013, a registered Democrat named Adam Lanza, shot and killed 26 people in a school in Newtown ,CT.

As recently as Sept 2013, an angry Democrat shot 12 at a Navy ship yard.

[June 2017, James Hodgkinson, and disgruntled Bernie Sanders supporter, shot and wound several players, including Rep. Steve Scalise, during a congressional baseball game in Virginia.]

Clearly, there is a problem with Democrats and guns.

Not one NRA member, Tea Party member, or Republican conservative was involved in any of these shootings and murders.


It should be illegal for Democrats to own guns.

We don't need gun control, we need Democrat control.

Guns don't kill people, Democrats do!

Was it Trump's, or Obama's administration that had over 500,000 felon's names deleted from the database

8 stubborn facts on gun violence in America

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
The following snippet pasted from an email I received from a legislator in the Seattle area said the following... note the air that is conveyed in these sentences of, "Yes, we progressives are doing what it takes to save our state from these horrible injustices we face." But, especially note the last few lines and how they honestly believe their intervention will be honored by all the criminals who already own "bump stocks".
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

Other progressive priorities

The Pacific Ocean and our inland sea are their own ecosystems. Atlantic salmon do not belong there. I am thrilled to tell you that the Legislature responded to the catastrophic net pen collapse last summer by passing a bill to phase out farming of nonnative finfish in our waters.
We passed the Fair Chance Act, which will reduce government spending by helping people become more productive members of society. The best way of preventing a person who has been incarcerated from reoffending is to get them to work. This will help those who have paid their debts to society become productive members of society.
And tomorrow the governor will finally sign into law a ban on bump stocks, taking this carnage-inducing technology out of the hands of those who would do us harm.

Your voice in Olympia,
Gael - Signature


The Answer To The Question

I suspect every reader has, sometime in their life heard this question, or wondered it yourself. However, because of who provided the answer, not as many, if only a few, are aware of the answer he provided to this question. The premise of this question presumes that Christianity's existence is to eliminate its foe; evil. No, Jesus told us in the Lord's prayer that we ask to be delivered from its influence on our lives, not to eliminate it.

So, here it is, with the answer...

John 3:16

Self-absorbed Importance

For over a year now, we've been subjected to the rants and slanders of the "elite" against our duly elected president. The eye rolling in reaction to movie stars, rock stars, designers, and other celebrity types' remarks is common place for many who voted for him, or have come to realize he has the interest of the working stiff at heart.

Finally, Prager U has produced its latest video explaining why over half the nation could care less about what these self-absorbed individuals say or do in order to try getting their sheeple to follow along, or agree with their hate.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Dick's "Sporting Bads", Not Goods

In the aftermath of the Parkland, Florida massacre Dick's Sporting Goods has made a corporate decision based on a meeting held shortly after the tragic incident:

Their decision, in my opinion, is a typical corporate "group think" style response which includes false notions that the underground/illegal gun market doesn't exist and that by just keeping firearms from law abiding citizens it will solve the problem and stop future massacres from happening. How ignorant and irrational is that? Such a proposal only plays on the emotions. To understand why I say this, watch this video of a state delegate, running for State Senator to unseat Sen. Tim Kane, explain the issue well.

What the CEO's statement fails to recognize about these " are brave enough, and do what they're doing..." is merely a parroting of the indoctrination received in their public schools from their left oriented teachers who dominate the teaching profession. It also doesn't reveal that as a result of their actions, future marches to put pressure on local legislatures and assemblies will be orchestrated and funded by leftist anti-gun organizations, celebrities, and foundations.

This is how the socialists/progressives have structured their network of support for their furthering their agenda; using the old '60s style protest marches, which is actually an earlier strategy of communist and revolutionary agitators to create social pressure on elected officials who are ignorant of the facts and concepts behind this right to keep our government in check and defend our lives in our homes, or on the increasingly risky and violent streets.

As other conservative bloggers, no doubt, have already suggested, I'm personally never going to set foot in a Dick's establishment again. At least we who understand the underlying concept of the 2nd amendment in the Constitution, we still have the power of the wallet which they can't control. We can still shop elsewhere for sporting goods, rather than supporting "sporting bads".

How Close Are We, or Have We Already Lossed Them?

It's nearly impossible to predict how close we are to losing the freedoms and liberties this nation has known for over 200 years. But, it seems today, there are many signs and warnings that we are getting very close. And, just what would these signs and warnings be?

What would you think if this happened to your family's children while raising them?

Judge Sylvia Hendon [in Ohio recently] ruled that the parents brought this on themselves by not giving their child what she is demanding.
Is that how parenting is supposed to work?
Are parents only in charge as long as they do whatever the child demands?

And what is the "this" of which this snippet speaks about? Transgender transitioning! Here's the full text of an email from "Public Advocate" I received explaining it:

An Ohio judge has just declared “gender non-conforming” to be a scientific, medical fact.

And because of that, a loving pair of Christian parents has just lost their God-given authority over their child.

These loving parents refused to endorse their daughter’s growing mental instability over the past few years.

You see, the now 17-year-old has decided she is in fact, a boy.

Towards this end, she has insisted that her parents call her by a new masculine name and start getting her hormone treatments to destroy her femininity and make her appear more male.

Yet her Christian parents know better.

Which of course, is their right as her parents.

They’ve refused to endorse this insanity -- only calling her by her true name and refusing the hormone treatments.

They believe that the best course of action for this mental disorder is Christian guided therapy.

But now a radical leftist judge has ruled that since they won’t give their child exactly what she demands, they have forfeited their parental authority.

The judge declared that her “transgenderism” is an undeniable, medical fact-- the same as if a child had cancer.

And since her “condition” is undeniable, it is legally “wrong” for her parents to deny the Left’s prescribed course of treatment -- “gender transitioning.”

Now the child is in the custody of her grandparents who are apparently endorsing this insanity and plan to start approving medical treatments immediately.

Judge Sylvia Hendon ruled that the parents brought this on themselves by not giving their child what she is demanding.

Is that how parenting is supposed to work?

Are parents only in charge as long as they do whatever the child demands?

This is the Homosexual Agenda at its core: the destruction of real, nuclear families that acknowledge and respect the Lord God’s created natural order. [Emphasis mine.]

They are working for an America where parents are completely helpless before their perverse sexual agenda.

They brainwash children through government-run schools to doubt their own gender and to hate their parents.  And then they use the courts to strip parents of the legal authority that belongs to them by divine right.

This, is Gender Insanity.

Boys being convinced they are actually girls -- somehow. Young girls destroying their ability to have children with massive testosterone treatments.

It’s abusive of the worst kind.

And anyone who says this is all wrong, loses in the courts and the press.

This is “the Emperor has no clothes” on steroids.

Except -- with the Homosexual Lobby’s control of Mainstream Media and Obama’s judicial cronies still in power -- those who point out the truth are the “crazy ones.”

We are accused of being “hateful” because we refuse to deny reality.

But we can only be marginalized as long as the voices brave enough to speak out are few and far between.

Your average American knows this is all insane, but they are afraid to speak out.

If, for some reason, you doubt this is actually happening, I invite you to watch this video from Tucker Carlson's Fox News channel.

Now, I'm not saying that every student out there is going to pull this type of thing on their parents, and I acknowledge I'm not privy to the family circumstances involved in this situation for this particular instance. However, if the growing clout and influence of these kinds of organizations aren't an indication to you that our nation's very core fabric of the family unit concept isn't being threatened by their agenda, and isn't a sign or portent of things to come, then I'm sorry, I've wasted your time reading my post. 

But think for a second... what do such legal decision imply for the future of the nuclear family? It has already deteriorated immensely and negatively impacted our younger generations immensely from divorce alone. Do we, as a society and culture in this modern age not care any more about the ramifications of such things on our children that we just brush off those things which further deteriorate their potential for a sound and productive life as either a child or adult?

Perhaps this social mindset alone is a sign which points to the reality that we've already seceded our freedoms and liberties to those who have organized and relentlessly pursued their agenda to impose their values on us who don't believe it is a threat.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Voter Fraud? What voter fraud?

More evidence of the liberal/progressive/socialist/statist's agenda is clarifying their true intentions since Trump was elected President and not Hillary. I can't help but wonder...
After going through the article link below, and watching the sequence of videos below, what do you think the intention of liberals are regarding their defense of illegals in our country, and do you notice a pattern here?

And... there's this series of videos from Tucker Carlson's nightly show on Fox News about Chicago's new "city key" ID the mayor's giving all illegals. It gets interesting when the issue of using it to be able to vote is pointed out in each new clip in the list below.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Overthrow of America on Steroids

As I've stated in previous posts, I've long believed that 
communism has been patiently and persistently 
implementing its long range plan to overthrow our country
and turn it into an oppressive dictatorship with "new left" 
politicians in charge.
For a minute, let's just contrast what I grew up with to what 
I'm now retiring with. 

When I was going to elementary school we would sing in 
unison "God Bless America" after reciting the Pledge of 
Allegiance to start off the day's lessons. Today (I 
occasionally substitute at a public school) most students 
stand and face the flag - it's a state law requirement – but 
few put their hand over their heart while even reciting the 

As for singing "God Bless America", are you kidding?

One of the primary objectives of the Communist Party “55 
item” list, read into the Congressional record back in the late 
1950s, was to break down the nation's moral code. They 
understood all too well that, if they didn't accomplish this, 
they could not overthrow the country from within. Need I ask

how that's turned out?

It's not necessary to illustrate how this overthrow has been 
gradually implemented over the decades since then. I do 
believe, however, that the last administration spent eight 
years successfully implementing a plethora of policies which 
are now showing themselves to be part of that trend.

How? Ann Coulter's most recent article, "Amazing 
Breakthrough to Reduce Mass Shootings!" and its opening 
paragraphs illustrate my point nicely:

As fun as it is to ridicule the FBI for devoting massive
resources to chasing down Hillary Clinton’s oppo
research while blowing off repeated, specific
warnings about school  shooter Nikolas Cruz, we’ve
put a lot on the agency’s plate.

We’re hauling in nearly 2 million manifestly unvetted
Third World immigrants every year, leading to a slew
of FBI “Watch Lists” with a million names apiece. In
2015, Director James Comey said that there were
ISIS investigations in all 50 states — even Idaho and
Alaska! And that’s just one terrorist organization.

Maybe the FBI brass would still be a bunch of
incompetent, PC nincompoops if we weren’t dumping
millions of psychotic and terrorist foreigners on the
country. But even the most efficient organization
would have trouble keeping track of the Nikolas
Cruzes when our immigration policies require 
approximately one-third of the country to be
constantly watching another third of the country.

Consider how the left has moved us closer to the country's 
overthrow: the factual revelations which have, and are now, 
accumulating about the I.R.S., the D.O.J., and F.B.I. being 
politicized and weaponized at the highest levels in order to 
control, or suppress, the left's opposition to what was being 
done; nationalizing health care and doing what they could to
keep Trump from being elected, then, attempting to 
impeach him. Many patriot minded professionals - lawyers, 
law enforcement, and scholars - have said that the actions 
taken by the previous administration are things which usually 
only happen in third-world "banana republic" countries! 

With the media assisting the liberals with psychological 
misdirection of the public about how to fix things, the 
socialists/communists have us right where they want us: at 
each other's throats. Students are screaming at those who 
are trying to have rational debate on critical rights issues, 
using phrases like "burn her", while others are just tuning it 
all out because they either don't know what to think, or are 
too afraid to take sides for fear of reprisals from the 
opposition. You can't turn on a television show today without 
at least some reference to LGBT or a blatant display of 
affection by two individuals of the same sex. Everything is 
upside down and inside out.

what's actually happening? If not, we’ll never be able to turn 
the trend around.