Sunday, September 30, 2018

Just How Big Should Our Government Be?

How big should the government be? And what is its proper role in the daily lives of Americans? The Left and Right have opposite answers.

It's no wonder that in today's political environment Congress gets very little done! 

To acquire insight into these questions, watch this video.

However, to understand more clearly the differences between the Left and Right regarding how we can make society better, watch this video

I hope these help enlighten you as to why we are going through the current Kabuki theater in the Senate, and the Left's reaction to having a president who is working at dismantling what they've worked for so many years to build toward; a global government.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Critical Question

The following article by Newt Gingrich - former Speaker of the House - is worth sharing in light of what's at stake for our nation:


If Not Judge Kavanaugh, Then Who?

Originally published at Fox News

If Not Judge Kavanaugh, Then Who? If not Judge Kavanaugh, then who? This is the question Republicans should ask themselves as they prepare for Thursday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

If this decent human being, with an exemplary record as husband, father, friend, and judge can be smeared and maligned, who is going to be capable of surviving the Left’s ruthless dishonesty and willingness to lie, intimidate, and destroy?

If the Left can succeed in vilifying someone with Judge Kavanaugh’s integrity and record, they will be in a position to say to President Trump, “nominate a moderate who is acceptable to us or we will smear your next nominee into rejection, too.”

Republicans should have no doubt what is at stake in the current desperate, despicable, dishonest smear campaign against Judge Kavanaugh.

The absurdity of the most recent New Yorker smear should make clear what this fight is about – power. When an anti-conservative story is so phony that The New York Times can’t bring itself to publish it, you know it is absurd. The New Yorker has set a new low for defamatory articles with no foundation in facts.

The very dishonesty of The New Yorker smear seems to have liberated Senator McConnell and others to be blunt about the character assassination that is underway.

Seen in this context, the goal of the Thursday hearing will have nothing to do with seeking the truth. When there is no corroboration for 36-year-old memories, how can the truth be the goal?

Democrats have already practiced the politics of hysteria, defamation, and character assassination. The “Spartacus moment” of Senator Cory Booker was a warning of how hysterical, hateful, and aggressive the Democrats will be. Senator Mazie Hirono’s assertion "I just want to say to the men in this country: Just shut up," gives you some idea how she will approach the Republican male senators in the hearing.

If the truth is not the goal, then on what should Republicans focus?

Put simply, there is no alternative to confirming Judge Kavanaugh.

The character assassination of conservative judges first succeeded against Judge Robert Bork in 1987 and then failed against Justice Clarence Thomas in 1991. While the Left has made Anita Hill a heroine, the fact is, at the time, 11 Democrats joined 41 Republicans in voting for Justice Thomas after dramatic hearings chaired by then-Senator Joe Biden. In fact, since the Left has to offer occasional sacrifices to its mythologies, Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential chances may be evaporating as the Left brings the Thomas hearings into their current passion. I’m not the only one who thinks so. Look at Willie Brown’s recent column.

This third character assassination campaign is desperately intense on the Left because the balance of power on the U.S. Supreme Court is at stake. For more than 60 years, liberals have been able to rely on a left-leaning Supreme Court to impose radical values on America. For six decades, lawyers have dominated the American people and changed policies by judicial fiat, which they could not otherwise get passed through the political process involving American voters.

Now, with Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination, President Trump has threatened to move the balance of power on the Supreme Court to the right for the first time in two generations.

Left-wing radicals understand that this nomination may be an even greater threat to their goal of a radical America than President Trump is.

Judge Kavanaugh is 53 years old. If he stays on the Supreme Court until he is Justice Ginsburg’s age, he will still be writing opinions in 2050. This potential three-decade shift in Supreme Court power is what has galvanized the Left into frantic levels of desperate character assassination.

Republicans should be under no illusions.

If they allow Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation to be defeated by this kind of character assassination, they will have rewarded a level of hatred, vitriol, and viciousness that has never before been seen in judicial confirmations.

Given the Left’s willingness to malign even the most honorable nominees, what candidate would let his or her name be submitted? Candidates would have to know that many left-wing activists would be willing to lie about them to destroy their confirmations.

The question for this Thursday’s hearing is: Who governs America?

My prediction is the Democrats will verge on hysteria and employ relentless character assassination for the entire day.

And then the question for the Democratic Senators in the states President Trump carried in 2016 will be: Do you stand with the President or with the left-wing fanatics the people of your state repudiate?

Don’t assume all the pressure will be on the Republican side.

There is now no alternative to confirming Judge Kavanaugh if the politics of denigration are to be defeated.

There is no clever moderate compromise. There is victory for decency and the rule of law, or there is victory for hysteria, mob rule, and the maligning of decent people.

This is why the answer to my initial question is: There is no second option. There is only victory or defeat.

Your Friend,


P.S. This November, voters will decide between two competing alternative universes. In my new e-book, The Republican Choice for 2018: Win or Lose, I lay out a strategy for Republicans to win. Read it here>>

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Another Woman?

Or, more accurately, if only Kavanaugh had been a liberal, we could let this pass!

Yep, according to the Dummiecrats another woman from Judge Brett Kavanaugh's freshman year at Yale has claimed she was assaulted by him. Whatever happened to the standard in legal matters such as this of innocent until proven guilty? Think about this for just a minute: One of the most powerful people in the country -- a US Senator -- refuses to admit that everyone should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Because of these kinds of smear tactics, I can't help but smell the stench of the "swamp" even reaching the northwest. Based on this story, I can't help but get the sense that there are a few women who deliberately are framing men for the specific purpose of taking them down at the time needed, while aided their friends who have similar ideologies. Such actions by liberals to achieve their political goals makes it abundantly clear that they are nothing but sleazy, unscrupulous bottom feeders. 

Let's be honest about this! The radical leftist Senators who are testifying on camera to various media outlets with statements of "I believe her!" are nothing more that what Aurthur Miller, playwright of "The Crucible" was pointing out. Here's the scene in that play which is labeled accusations

And, then there's the point then Sen. Biden, (D) Maryland, made during the Thomas/Hill hearing back in '91.

“The last thing I will point out, the next person who refers to an FBI report as being worth anything, obviously doesn’t understand anything. FBI explicitly does not, in this or any other case, reach a conclusion, period. Period,” Biden said. “The reason why we cannot rely on the FBI report [is] you would not like it if we did because it is inconclusive. They say, ‘He said, she said, and they said. Period.” (Emphasis mine.)

Thanks to Mark Levin for bringing this to our attention. Source: NTK

To understand what role feminism plays in this scenario, watch this PragerU video on the topic.

My prediction... there will be a "tit-for-tat war" which exposes various Dummiecrats in Congress in the months and years to come from anonymous sources. Also, no sensible person will allow a president to nominate them for a seat on the Supreme Court when this kind of character assassination is the Democrats' new standard.

Do I think it will be treated with the same level of media hype as this Supreme Court nominee has been? Are you kidding me? All one has to do is look at Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton and Keith Ellison to know how that will go.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

So, What's The Big Idea?

To those who've been reading my posts here realize it's obvious that I am displeased, or unhappy, with those who are not conservative; liberals, socialists, communist, or indifferent to what America stands for or represents. 

Why is it that conservatives understand and cherish about our country while liberals seem to constantly be fighting most everything it stands for? 

In both principles and the values, our Founding Fathers were intelligent enough to understand what was necessary for a nation to exist which would offer people of future generations to enjoy freedom and liberty.

Conservatives want to maintain the opportunity for anyone, regardless of who they are, to succeed by their own efforts within the framework of a limited, hands off form of governance that stays out of the way of an individual's desire and initiative to prosper.

Liberals, as a political party, have more recently escalated a shift to the far left - some are blantantly socialist, like Bernie Sanders - seeking to control every aspect of life in America; regulating massively from a bloated bureaucratic government that aspires to impose its will on citizens who are forced to pay ever increasing taxes while getting inferior results from its inept and regressive programs. (For further understanding about the outcomes of such concepts, check this PragerU video about who Karl Marx was and what his Communist Manifesto created.)

Why is it that conservatives have always honored and respected the military, while liberals have only recently jumped on the social bandwagon in supporting soldiers. This is a far cry from the days of the Vietnam War era treatment by liberals who called soldiers returning home "baby killers" as the walked through the airport to meet their loved ones.

I've never really believed that liberals' sincerely appreciate the sacrifice so many have experienced because of the way their political leaders have viewed and deal with issues pertaining to the military.

Could it be because they really don't agree with the big idea behind why so many younger men are willing to serve their country and give the ultimate sacrifice? I invite you to read this article which very adeptly explains what that big idea is.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Democrat's Bombshell Letter Admits Withholding Intelligence From POTUS!

A September 18, 2018 letter from four Congressmen to three intelligence agency directors admits that a verbal assurance in late June had been given them by those directors to not provide the White House with access to sensitive information. (Note: A link to a PDF of the actual letter is within this article. See link provided above.)

Coats - Director of DNI - Rosenstein - Deputy A.G. of the DOJ - and Wray - Director of the FBI - were sent a letter from Rep. Nancy Pelosi,(D) CA, Rep. Adam Schiff, (D) CA, Sen. Charles Schumer, (D) NY, and Sen. Mark Warner, (D) VA are the recipients and authors respectively.

This action by these elected official in the federal government is tantamount to subversion in their collusion with these directors of Executive branch agencies in arranging an assurance to withhold intelligence from their Commander-in-Chief.

The degree of resistance by Democrats' to POTUS and his Supreme Court nominee's confirmation process also reveals the level of insanity and hijacking of the rule of law and common sense when it comes to this Senate hearing process by the accuser.

It is apparent from the mountain of growing evidence which is only now coming out, that Dept. A.G. Rosenstein is not long for his current position at the F.B.I. either.

 To better understand why I say this, in case you haven't already watched this, I urge readers to view the recent broadcast of Sean Hannity's show on this topic.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Descent Into Anarchy?

To anyone who is following the current developments regarding the Judge Brett Kavanaugh hearings for U.S. Supreme Court, it should be obvious why I've given this post the title I have.

For those who may not, for whatever reason, allow me to recount what's been going on for several decades now, but only over the last decade has it begun to accelerate at an exponential rate.

As far back as the end of the Eisenhower Administration the nation was warned in his farewell address to, "...beware of the military industrial complex."

During J.F.K.'s Administration which followed, historical research has revealed that Kennedy was considering shutting down the C.I.A. His V.P., Lyndon Johnson, was under investigation for criminal activities as a Texas Senator, and Kennedy was intending to dump him and take on a replacement for V.P. in the '64 election. Yet, as we all know, he was assassinated in Dallas a year before the election took place.

In the Nixon Administration steps were taken to begin the global economic initiative with the trip to China and his efforts to normalize relations with the communist country. Looking back, we now are realizing that, while it might have resulted in cheap goods, it was not a good thing for our country. Nixon also took our U.S. currency off the gold standard which many economists have questioned for various reasons as a sound policy.

During the Carter Administration the Shah of Iran was allowed to be deposed and the Ruhollah Khomeini immediately returned from exile in France to assume control and radically reform the nation into an Islamic state. The taking and holding of hostages at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran for 440 days cast national shame on the U.S. This nation now poses the greatest threat to other middle-eastern nations; most importantly, Israel.

The Reagan Administration attempted to deal with the pressing issue of immigration with a deal in Congress to provide amnesty to those illegal aliens in the country at that time in exchange for funding for a southern border wall to keep future border jumpers from entering the country. The funding never was placed into future budgets from Congress; with the "can" kicked down the road to today's circumstance.

In the Clinton Administration efforts were taken to establish the global economy by establishing NAFTA, among other arrangements. This "free-trade agreement" with both Mexico and Canada witnessed over the next several years the exodus of manufacturing in America; especially the "rust belt in the mid-western states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

During the Bush Jr. Administration and the 9/11 aftermath, our nation experienced a resurgence - although considerably temporary - of patriotism and a resolve to protect our nation from future threats when the Congress promised the nation that it would implement measures to mitigate, as much as possible, any future threats from foreign nations; more specifically Islamic Jihadist ones. Those measures have largely been ignored.

Throughout all of these decades, our nation adhered to the Constitution's rule of law and presumption of innocence for anyone accused of a crime.

However, things began to change in an accelerated fashion when candidate Barrack Obama, who on October 31, 2008 screamed into a microphone in a campaign rally, "We are only five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America!"

Over his two term presidency we learned just what he meant by those words.

He, and his A.G. Eric Holder, began implementing a series of policies - mostly through a plethora of executive orders - which divided the country using an array of Saul Alynski tactics and strategies along racial lines and redistributing the wealth of those who'd worked hard to get where they were by labeling them as greedy capitalists who weren't paying their fair share. 

The Democratic Party during this period gradually radicalized as they passed the "Affordable Care Act" before ever reading the bill during the first two years of the new administration, while conveniently ignoring the growing immigration issue; only to later blame Republicans for its inaction.

Now, with the surprise upset of Trump winning over Hillary Clinton, the left has ratcheted up their hysterics because he - the "outsider" - wasn't supposed to win; Hillary was! Enter the clearly "in the pocket" lap dogs of the media and their bias for Hillary and against Trump.

Over the ensuing two years of the Trump Administration revelations have exposed the multitude of facts which have trickled out from F.O.I.A.s that it was the DNC and the Clinton campaign which were the actual ones colluding with a foreign spy and Russian sources to concoct a dossier of lies in order to frame and take down the duly elected president.

Never mind the fact that the president's policies and actions have resulted in a long list of accomplishments which have boosted the economy, decreased unemployment for all races, the appointment of Judge Gorsich to the Supreme Court and initiated international shifts in diplomacy and secured the nation's safety from threats. Not to mention the events like Ferguson, MO, Trevon Martin, and eventually the Antifa anarchists at certain college campuses to suppress free speech.

But those examples have turned out to be only the start of the rapid abandonment of the rule of law and our adherence to our Constitution. How?

The Kavanaugh hearings, as we know, have at the last hour before confirmation votes were to take place this week, had a bomb dropped by Sen. Feinstein (D) of CA regarding the sexual assault allegations claimed by a woman of the judge some 36 years ago while in high school. Shades of Judge Thomas and Anita Hill all over again.

Here's a very interesting collage of videos on this matter.

Liberals are using the #MeToo movement's recent momentum to use as a means to block his confirmation vote before the mid-terms this November out of resentment for Republicans not having hearings for the Obama appointee to fill the vacancy by the unexpected death of Justice Scalia.

The liberal leftists in Congress are now making statements which presume Kavanaugh's guilt before any testimony from Dr. Ford and despite a lack of any specifics or evidence; totally ignoring the standard our Constitution has operated by for over 240 years. (For an opposing view by women who've clerked for him, I recommend watching this video.)

To add insult to this insane behavior, the accuser - Dr. Ford - is acting as though she can call the shots and demand that the F.B.I. investigate her claims before she'll even testify to the Congressional Committee.

For one thing, no individual has any grounds or right to tell a Congressional Committee what the rules are, and another, a sexual assault claim is strictly a state matter and NOT a federal one.

This set of circumstances makes it obvious that this situation is purely a means for leftist liberals to maintain a semblance of control which they realize they are losing under the Trump Administration's successes, to stall the confirmation vote, and a way for them to garner their base's support to vote in the mid-terms in hopes of gaining control of Congress. (For a different presentation on this, check out this video.)

If they do, then we can expect to see impeachment proceedings, a return to Obama style policies to erase changes made by Pres. Trump over the last two years, and increases in taxes. Not to mention the measures which will force commuters into mass transit systems that will suck our life blood from the remaining middle-class which is already shrinking.

Senator Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) said that Democrats could hold the seat vacant for two years if Judge Kavanaugh isn't confirmed and the Democrats take over the Senate in November.  

Here's an excerpt from Bill O'Reilly's web site on this issue:
It was sad but not surprising to hear liberal CNN commentator Chris Cuomo say that the presumption of innocence should only apply to court cases, not the court of public opinion in America.

Think about that for a moment. That means that any unproven accusation can be validated on the whim of opinion. No one is entitled to a doubt benefit in his or her life.

The media is already doing this, most often by putting the word “disgraced” in front of someone’s name when no action other than an allegation has been established. Thus, the national press drives the “accusation as fact” industry which is quickly destroying the fabric of a just society.

Senator Diane Feinstein and her cohorts knew that Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his family would be grievously hurt by a 37 year old accusation of sexual assault very short on facts. Feinstein even admits she does not know the truth and held back accusation details until they could be used for maximum political benefit. Her and her party’s goal is to keep Judge Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court and, apparently, anything goes.

Now, Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Ford, will apparently forego testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee along with Judge Kavanaugh who is eager to testify.

Why, Dr. Ford? Why not tell your story to the world if it has devastated you for 37 years? Most who oppose Kavanaugh will applaud your courage no matter what you say. The entire Democratic Party, Hollywood, and many powerful media chieftains are actively rooting for you. That’s a lot of support.

Our nation is at an extremely dangerous moment in its political and social history. Are we going to let it degrade further into a socialist condition and become Venezuela? I hope and pray not.

This is why it is so critical for every conservative who understands what's at stake right now, gets out to vote and gets out the vote this November to support local conservative candidates for county, state, and national offices.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Mid-term Blues or Mid-term Surprise?

The media hype is focusing our nation on revisiting the kabuki theater of 25 years ago; Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill and the salacious sleaze that the left loves to use against anyone who threatens their grasp on power, while looking the other way when any of their own are exposed - a.k.a. rapist Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton or Ted Kennedy.

Only today it's Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford.

My question is, Why are the Democrats using this obvious tactic again when there are many voters who remember what went on not that long ago with Thomas and Hill?

I predict this move will backfire on them. The result will only be more voting to back those conservative candidates who are supportive of the president's agenda; improving the economy, lowering unemployment rates for all, and working to resolve long standing international issues which have been concerns for most Americans.

In case you don't believe me, just take a look at this article and go through it very carefully. Don't just skim through it, but actually check out what some of the links provide as proof and evidence of the impact Trump's policy of "Promises Made, Promises Kept" is doing to many former voters who didn't really know just how much they were being snookered by the Democrats for so long.

And finally, for those looking for the humorous side on this issue... see the image below.