Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Straight Out of Havard

I received the following message from a friend. Just watch it - see link below - and see for yourself, then decide.

Given the type of garbage - and by "garbage" I mean faux creations which are staged and intended to elicit a viral impact on the Internet - that is put out by so many these days, I am a bit dubious to believe that this is an actual selfie recording of what happened to someone. If this is the case, which I strongly suspect it is, then cudos to her acting, because it's very convincing.

However, because this very attitude, which was demonstrated by some of my former students when I was still teaching, I am inclined to believe this illustrates the core mind-set of the left's youth - a.k.a. millennials - to a "T".

I got this type of attitude from some students who demanded a "B" on a test they got a "D" or "F" on because they felt they deserved it. So, this is actually no surprise to me and causes me to doubt that it's a "set-up" production.

If this video is merely a faux one, then she performs it to perfection. For me, this is a great way of illustrating the massive divide between Ivy League colleges and the world of business which exists today.

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