Monday, July 10, 2017

The Great Hoax

In light of this article, I pose the following hypothetical scenario.

The setting is as follows:

Date: Winter of 2001
Place: The home of Al Gore; the disgruntled loser of the presidential campaign against G.W. Bush
Present at meeting: Al Gore, George Soros and other unidentified global elitists

The following is a hypothetical conversation which might have taken place amongst guest attending this meeting called by Al Gore.

Al: Gentlemen, as you know I've called you together for the purpose of collaborating on a plan of action that will further the implementation of our New World Order which I would have helped implement had I been elected, but had stolen from me by the Supremes.

George: Whatever our plan is I will commit billions to supporting.

Al: Thanks, George. That's very much appreciated.

Person X: I suggest we come up with a plan that will be global in scope; it must be something which will impact the future well being of the entire planet.

Person Y: I know, let's have a massive asteroid headed straight for the earth.

Al: No, no. That was a good movie, but people know that was just a great thriller movie. We need something better.

Person Z: Geez it hot in here, Al. Could you have one of your household staff turn the air conditioner on, please? I'm sweating and I hate ruining my dress shirt like this... very displeasing!

Person Y: That's it! I know what we could use for controlling the entire planet... the threat of increasing climate temperatures.

Al: Wait, what? How would we pull that off?

Person X: That's easy, Al. We use George's funding to pay climate scientists at key universities in, say Europe and in the U.S. to use their climate study data to show that the temperatures are projected to climb much higher in the next few decades if something isn't done to curb that prediction soon. The ignorant masses out there will be swallowing it enthusiastically.

George: How easy would it be to achieve compliance from the scientists? What do we know now that we could use to as the "culprit" for the cause of this temperature rise you are suggesting? We already know that we can rely on our press around the globe to buy this if we utilize our assets already in place for other progams we're currently promoting.

Al: We'd also need someone to go on tour to promote this; someone with some degree of credibility within the left's ranks. Anyone got any suggestions?

Person Y: Are you kidding me, Al? You're a natural pick for that job. Think about it... you've got nothing better to do now, so why not?

Al: I don't know if I could pull it off well enough. Do you?

George: Hell, Al, if you can be a former Senator and the Vice President, of course you can!

Al: Thanks, George, I appreciate your vote of confidence in me. I'll need to do some boning up on science.

Person X: Don't worry about that, Al. We'll set it all up for you. Oh man... they'll eat this stuff up if we manage to work this program correctly.

Person Z: Yea, all you've got to do is claim that our cars, buses, trains, planes, and industrial production plants are adding an element to the atmosphere that is creating this increase in overall climate change... I suggest we call it "global warming", or something like that.

George: I like this! Good ideas, guys.

Al: Alright, let's end this meeting for now and reconvene in a month to discuss it further. George, I believe you're hosting our next meeting?

George nods in agreement.

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