Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Narrow Narratives, Selective Reporting and One-Sided Diversity

Does this sign I saw in a restaurant's bathroom recently  strike you as ridiculous? It does for me. Why? Because it completely ignores the reality that companies which specialize in harvesting trees for various paper, or wood, products - like Weyerhauser - have, over several decades in the past, taken deliberate measures to make sure this natural resource is a renewable one.

But these types of narratives, perpetuated on our younger generations, seem to only focus on virtue signaling about one's individual actions, rather than the facts behind the use of paper products and the reality of ongoing practices which promote sound management. 

If anything, preserving our land is accomplished through the application of scientifically proven forest management practices which prevent the loss of millions of acres to the recent forest fires which have ravaged our lands due to policies which have ignored such practices. 

But many, if not most, of today's younger generations have not been taught these facts and realities; only the narrative that we're destroying our natural environment. So, it's no wonder we see such propaganda in many establishments today. It reinforces their misguided understanding.

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Selective Reporting 
Last Friday's tragic news of the shooting of Muslims in mosques in New Zealand burst onto the A.P. and U.P.I. wires as though it was the only thing to report on. But why didn't it do the same with the mass killings of Christians in Nigeria by Islamic militants?

What? You didn't hear about this? Gee, I wonder why that is.

These two reports - one from MRC TV and the other from MRC Newsbusters - provide the details of what the Media (D) selectively omits from its news for public consumption. Why? Simple... it doesn't fit the narrative that Muslims are victims, while Christians despised, or are just a bunch of "...people who cling to their Bibles, and guns..." as their favorite President once said.

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One-Sided Diversity

On the academic scene, Pres. Trump is apparently signing an Executive Order requiring colleges and universities receiving federal funds to apply the doctrine of free speech to guest speakers on their campuses. Dick Morris suggests it should also require diversity of teaching political ideology in their classes on political science.

The personal story he shares in his Lunch Alert for today reveals an interesting perspective on just how void of diversity colleges and universities are when it comes to teaching any alternative political views which most have evolved into over the last several decades. It's because of such one-sided ideology that the vast majority of youth today have a lop-sided view about government's role in our lives.

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