Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Translating the Nonsense of the Left

The letter posted below is from my Congressman. In reading it you will understand all too clearly just how absurdly liberal in his views about a wide array of topics he is. I've added in a few of my personal comments to some of his more ridiculous points in red font within his text.

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A message from Congressman Adam Smith

Home Issues Legislation Services

After years of silence, the House is taking combating gun violence seriously by passing two common sense gun reform bills in two days. On February 27th we passed H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act, and the following day we passed H.R. 1112, the Enhanced Background Check Act.

Passage of H.R. 8 represents the first step in enacting comprehensive gun safety reforms, by requiring a background check for all firearm sales. The evidence is clear: background checks work. Every day, background checks stop over 170 felons and some 50 domestic abusers from obtaining a gun from a federally-licensed dealer. However, in some states, those same prohibited purchasers can bypass these background checks by purchasing a firearm from an unlicensed dealer, or at a gun show. H.R. 8 closes the background check loophole, ensuring that under federal law, states that have not already addressed this dangerous loophole are required to do so. Washington state continues to be a leader in promoting gun safety and responsible regulation. With the passage of this legislation the House of Representatives has joined our state in taking a foundational step toward saving lives from gun violence.

Since 1998, the “Charleston Loophole” has allowed more than 60,000 guns into the hands of prohibited purchasers; by allowing a buyer to take ownership of a gun after three business days, whether or not the required background check was completed. With the passage of H.R. 1112, the House is closing this gap in federal law to only allow the purchase of a gun when a background check has been affirmatively passed. This is the type of action needed to stop the trend of gun violence and mass shootings, like the senseless 2015 tragedy at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

Congress has begun to address the epidemic of gun violence plaguing our communities. We must continue to pass long-overdue federal gun legislation to prevent gun violence and keep our communities safe.

Translation: We're going to do all we can to ignore the 2nd amendment for law abiding citizens, while at the same time ignoring the reality that it will never stop criminals from obtaining weapons for their use because they already don't respect, obey, or observe our laws.

Support for our Public Lands
On February 26th, I voted for the passage of a historic public lands package. S. 47, the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act designates the Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area in our backyard, permanently reauthorizes the Land and Water Conservation Fund, protects a million acres of public lands from mining, and authorizes The Every Kid Outdoors Act.

With the passage of this legislation, the Mountains to Sound Greenway will become the first National Heritage Area designated in the Pacific Northwest. The Greenway plays a vital role in preserving our natural resources and supporting economic development through opportunities for outdoor recreation. I thank Senator Cantwell for her leadership in the Senate, the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust for their advocacy, and the countless community members that made it possible for us to join together in preserving our wilderness and history for future generations.

Translation: While we claim to care about preserving history, we condone our party youth to tear down statues from history they disagree with.

Fighting Climate Change
Climate change is one of our greatest public policy challenges. I'm proud to support the Green New Deal - a resolution that makes clear not only the depth of the problem of climate change but also the necessity of addressing income inequality as part of the solution.

Translation: While we claim it's possible to achieve such a task, what will actually put us all back into a "stone age" civilization is not the type of transportation we'll have, but the cost of accomplishing it will.

The devastating effects on our planet from our dependence on fossil fuels has never been more obvious, and never before in our nation’s history has so much wealth been concentrated in the hands of so few people. We must respond to the climate crisis with policies that transform our economy and infrastructure by moving towards clean and renewable sources of energy, while making changes that create greater equality of opportunity and pay people the better wages they deserve for the work they do.

Translation: We tell the public wonderful sounding things we'll achieve, but what we aren't telling them is that the vast majority of the nation will be so destitute that the only ones able to survive will be those of us in Washington, D.C.

What matters most now is that we enact strong, science-based legislation and policies that can put us on a path to meeting the goals in this resolution.  The urgency of the climate crisis necessitates that we cannot wait. I look forward to continuing to work with the constituents I represent, my colleagues in Congress, and our stakeholders throughout our country as we craft policies to create a strong, green economy that gives everyone a fair chance to earn a decent living, have access to affordable housing, education and health care, and to support their families.

Translation: After our policies to promise the moon, and everyone else is experiencing what the Venezuelans are going through right now, we'll just come up with a new great sounding st of reasons why we didn't achieve our goals, but crashed the U.S. economy completely.

Questioning the Rationale for Proposed Climate Change Panel 
All manner of national security experts, Republican and Democratic alike, recognize the empirical threat that climate change poses to our national security interests. I fought to have that fact enshrined into law in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act - and President Trump signed it. 

In response to recent reports that the National Security Council (NSC) plans to assemble a secret panel to counter the scientific consensus on climate change and question its impacts on the national security of the United States, I have joined other House Committee chairs in questioning the creation of this panel. Read our letter to the President here

It’s completely inappropriate for the administration to try to form a climate denial panel to try to cast doubt on the risks of climate change, and it could put us in a worse national security position where we’re not prepared for what is to come. The law is clear about this now, and I will keep fighting to ensure that the Department of Defense is able to prepare for the realities of climate change.

Translation: We are in control of everything because our cause is just, even if it was 15 or so years ago that Al Gore claimed the oceans were going to rise and Florida was going to be underneath the ocean by now.

Removing U.S. Armed Forces from Yemen
On February 13th, I voted to support H.J.Res 37, which directs the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress.

The civil war in Yemen has led to the world’s worst humanitarian crisis with over half of the population facing severe food insecurity and 24 million Yemenis in need of humanitarian assistance. Passage of this resolution in the House sends a clear message to this Administration that Congress does not support the United States’ de facto support for the Saudi-led coalition in this conflict. Congress must continue to exercise much-needed oversight of this Administration, and any American involvement can and must be debated transparently. The United States should be focused on working towards a peaceful resolution to this conflict and taking measures to alleviate the devastating humanitarian situation.

Fighting the National Emergency Declaration
On February 15th, the President declared a national emergency in order to take funds supporting military families and military readiness and spend those funds on his wall. This appalling decision by the Trump Administration is an egregious example of the President putting his political agenda ahead of the interest of the United States. It is utterly disrespectful of U.S. national security and the needs of our men and women in uniform, and it further undermines his credibility in requesting the upcoming defense budget. All for a border wall that is the complete wrong approach to border security in the first place.

Translation: When our Pres. Obama did things which the majority of the nation disagreed with - like bailing out G.M. to pay back the unions - that was, of course, not appalling or egregious, it was just good policy to use taxpayers money without the consent of the House I work in here in D.C. Heck, we didn't care what he did, because he was "our guy"!

On February 26th, the House voted to terminate President Trump’s unlawful national emergency declaration, sending a clear message to the President and this Administration that the new House majority is serious about oversight and accountability. House Democrats are not going to stand by while the President abuses his power by declaring a national emergency to build his wall. I strongly support Congressman Joaquin Castro's resolution to terminate the national emergency. We will continue to fight this unlawful power grab.

Translation: Of course, it wasn't an abuse of power by Pres. Obama when he did an end run around Congress to arrange an agreement with Iran on nuclear develop-ment matters and then send them a pallet of CASH big enough to choke Godzilla! Nope, he was OUR GUY!

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