Friday, March 29, 2019

What Everyone's Missing In the Media

The Media (D), which includes all but FOX News*, is abuzz on a 24/7 cycle, now that the Mueller report has been handed over to the acting A.G. Bill Barr. Some within the ranks are actually making very good points regarding the swirling speculation about just what this initial letter from the A.G. actually means.

This, to me, shows just how lacking today's MSM is in giving their viewers a broader view of what is actually the more important issue for our nation. While the MSM is supposed to be neutral in reporting what's going on, it is - for the most part - not.

But what is it that is missing out of all of this? It is Hillary's whopper of a lie against her campaign opponent.

The source and origin of all of this for the past two and a half years, which has dragged the nation through one of the most incredible and unbelievable political scandals in the nation's history, is her campaign apparatus, the fact that evidence now has revealed that then Director James Comey and his F.B.I. cronies acted both unethically and illegally in seeking a FISA warrant based on the very dossier her campaign funds and the DNC paid for, and ultimately Comey exonerating her when it was never his job to pronounce such findings and rulings. These are now undisputed facts found by the committees in Congress.

A glimmer of hope is showing itself when a few commentators are mentioning that Pres. Obama is possibly culpable in all of this as well. But, given the realities of high power politics, I'm not holding my breath on this.

That's what everyone in the Media (D) today is missing among all of this buzz! 

What, to me is even sadder is that much of the people who understand or know this information will not do anything - call, write to their representatives or local newspaper editors, to demand that a new, more in-depth investigation be conducted to return faith by voters in our nation's justice system... something which, amidst the multitude of circumstances weighing our nation down - flooding of immigrants across our border, sanctuary cities/states, homelessness, the opioid epidemic, etc. - is continuing to tear our culture apart.

* Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Shannon Bream and others on FOX News are under pressure from the leftists to not report about these findings of fact I cite here.

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