Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Agree to Disagree? Not anymore!

With all that's going on over the last decade as the Democrats have shifted hard left to the extreme, the old adage - agree to disagree - is no longer the civility standard of today's politics. In fact, efforts to work in a bipartisan manner have worsened over the past 40 years, a study shows.

George Soros's Open Society is now funding activists across the country to disrupt Pres. Trump supporters at rallies or spontaneous gatherings and get violent with them in various forms; from tearing up their signs they're holding, to actually assaulting them with physical injury.

I noticed it seemed to ramp up during the previous administration under Obama, when the president himself told the nation at least 26 times that we could "...keep your medical insurance plan, ...or keep your doctor, if you want to." when the Democrat controlled Congress was pushing through the Obamacare (A.C.A.) bill without ever looking at its contents. Yet, today with the Kavanaugh issue one liberal Senator after another, along with MSM talking heads, have been calling the judge a liar. Can you say, "double standard?"

More recently, cabinet and staff members of the White House, along with conservative Senators running for re-election, have been verbally harassed and chased out of public restaurants while dining with their spouse or family members. Such tactics are purely intimidation and bullying measures from Saul Alinsky's playbook.

I believe this is serving to wake up those usual side-line watchers in our nation who are common sense, fair minded people who are seeing this situation for what it really is; a desperate attempt by the left to seize and hold onto power "by any means necessary" while ignoring the very Constitution they swore an oath to uphold upon enter their office as a member of Congress.

I believe this segment of society will resolve to get off their butts, open their mail-in ballot, or go to their polling place, and vote to support a president and his Supreme Court nominee who's been wrongfully slandered, vilified, and destroyed by leftists who don't care who they destroy; including the accuser, Dr. Ford, in order to cling to power over the Supreme Court and their precious Roe v. Wade doctrine.

However, there's a danger in those voters under the age of 40 who have little knowledge or understanding of the history of our nation and how drastically it's changed over the past half century. Many millennials have only experienced the hyper-partisan climate of our nation's party during their lifetime and lack awareness of what their current president is attempting to achieve; the return of American greatness.

But the most ironic issue for me about this whole issue is that, while these leftists are beating their chests and sounding all sanctimonious about Judge Kavanaugh's supposedly abhorrent behavior, they're the party which has been for the past 50 years spouting "free love", and defending a current leader of the DNC who's a documented woman abuser; Keith Ellison

Civility and decency have clearly been kicked aside in today's political arena by the leftists who lost, but don't care about destroying our precious civil rights. Heck, even the ACLU has joined them in dumping any inkling of a presumption of innocence.

Update: Now that Kavanaugh has been sworn in as the newest Justice on the Supreme Court, the leftists are hell bent on carrying out their sense of "justice" on those who voted for him. In other words, they're doubling down on their harassment of those who don't agree with how they see things while losing control of power under Pres. Trump's restoration of America's greatness.

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