Sunday, October 28, 2018

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

The advances in technology are beginning to dominate our culture today in most every aspect.

Smart TVs, self-driving cars, wi-fi, regular updates to computers and phones, GPS, smart beds, and the list keeps on growing.

With it comes the ever repetative news of Google, Facebook (a.k.a. Fascistbook), and Twitter's invasive collection of data about Silicon Valley and how these tech-titans are collecting almost every bit of data from every cell phone and computer user for sale.

It's now known that Google is working with China again to develop a censored search engine which many believe may be implemented there in the future.

Those adults working in Silicon Valley are driving this behemoth of an industry, and one would naturally think that those adults who have children would be providing them with the latest and best technology available given the incomes they're pulling down.

Not so, says SFGATE's latest article, a San Francisco based online publication.

The Silicon Valley nannies are the phone police for the children of most workers with children at many tech-giants in the San Mateo/San Jose metropolitan area of California these days.

So, while these companies are working furiously to saturate the use of their products, those workers who are parents are being very strict about their own children's use of those products.

What does this tell you? Might this example of our modern tech culture be one of the many? (Caution: This may be disturbing and shocking to some viewers.)

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