Friday, April 7, 2017

Remember the Mizzou Kerfuffle?

In checking my emails and looking through the various articles for the latest developments, I stumbled across a comment which contained a link. Upon opening that link, I was shocked to learn that the particular professor who was at the center of the protest/riot controversy several months ago at Missouri State University campus was hired by a college I am an alumni of after being fired by Mizzou!

This prompted me to communicate my sentiments regarding this revelation... here it is:
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Dear President McCullogh,

I guess it's a good thing that your basketball team won big this season. After all, it brings in the bucks! But, the news I learned today causes me to contact you.

As an alumni who acquired my masters degree from your university, I am appalled and ashamed to learn that Professor Melissa Click - formerly of Mizzou, where she was fired for her actions at a protest - has been hired at your institution. I don't understand why, but the idea repulses me.

As a retired public school teacher (K-12), and currently a Pierce County Planning Commissioner, I want to thank whoever was responsible for hiring Ms. Click at Gonzaga U. for confirming my decision to NEVER financially support an institution of higher learning who is willing to bring onto their staff someone who saw fit to "muscle" a reporter and ignore their 1st amendment right of free speech and assembly. I don't know about Gonzaga U's. staff, but I take such Constitutional rights seriously.

I will no longer mention to anyone I see in public, wearing a G.U. piece of gear - sweatshirt, t-shirt, hat, etc. - that I also am an alumni of G.U., nor will I advise any high school students to consider applying for G.U., as I am now embarrassed to be associated with a school that chooses to support such radicals who subvert our country's freedoms and liberties.

I hope this sentiment of mine is only one of many that come from fellow alumni!

J.M.H., WA

Thursday, April 6, 2017

A Double Negative Statement Reveals the Truth?

"I leaked nothing to nobody!" Susan Rice.

I'm somewhat pleased to learn that Glenn Beck's crew of broadcasters also caught, and pointed out, a grammatical problem with Susan Rice's statement when she was asked if she actually did request the unmasking of names in the NSA's spying on various targets of Trump's campaign transition team during the transition period after the election.

To see what I'm getting at, watch this video and follow along with how Pat explains the problem of her statement to the reporter who was interviewing her.

Is It Really Racism, or Just Coping an Attitude of Victimization?

My reply I sent to a friend who shared a link to an article written by our city's "Social Media Coordinator" for all the neighborhood councils that are the local, grassroots level of governance participation, is in quotes below. His message conveys an attitude issue that seems to be popular among millennials these days who tend to get bent out of shape because they don't get their way all the time.

"Even if this article he wrote is over a year old, it's a prime example of how some are obsessed with 'victimization', so they resort to claims fantasizing about white people's motives. Personally, I don't care if an individual who applies for a job has purple skin with pink polka dots... if they have an attitude and continually express sentiments that they're not feeling welcomed, or like they don't fit in, they've got a problem, not me! I'll treat anyone I deal with as someone who deserve respect and personal dignity, unless they regularly pollute my experience and let it impact everyone else they encounter because they can't let go of an ideology they're obsessing about. Then actions must be taken to deal with the issue because workplace productivity is more important than their fixation.

Sad! It's also sad that he doesn't even know how to use the form of 'diversity' in the last sentence before the list in item #1. '... not diversity your leadership.'? It should say, 'diversify' instead. But, that's just me and my obsession with the proper use of English grammar."

If he really wanted to get readers to join his efforts to change the social climate for minorities in the city, he should at least try to come up with some positive suggestions for them to try. The overall sense from this article is nothing but negativity! Why hang onto this meme of "Institutional Racism"... as though we're still applying Jim Crow laws today, or something.

How Local Liberals Are Killing Seattle's Small Businesses

And they say they're for the "little guy". Riiiiiiigggghhhhhhttt!!! Mayor of Seattle Ed Murray unveils his newest plan to raise funds for city's homeless, "safe" heroin shooting spaces for addicts, and doing nothing to remedy the city's repetitious gridlock.

In reading this article about the science for banning sugared drinks, why not share this information and ask the public to exercise more healthy choices and be responsible for their own health, rather than ruining the economic circumstances for everyone and playing "nanny protector" for them? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, doing that makes these liberals feel good.

Ahhh... but the catch of it all is whether the city's council will approve the mayor's plan. I guess that depends on whether there's enough organized opposition to give council members enough intense "heat" over it. Like that'll ever happen in this liberal dominated urban dystopia!

Farage: The E.U. is Acting Like the "Mafia"

As Great Britain negotiates its exit from the European Union, Nigel Farage is the lone voice exposing the machinations of this corrupt body of bureaucrats and politicians who are more interested in their maintenance of power and control, than in allowing a former member - who's said, "No, thanks!" - to exercise its will, sovereignty, and autonomy.

Indoctrination Verification

 The concept of interviewing "individuals on the street" is not new, but its recent use has served to confirm my personal suspicions that it is making plain two things: one, people think they are informed about current events, and two, they're suckers for getting in front of a camera and having a microphone stuck into their face to prove it.

Here's a perfect case in point. The video on this page about students at Harvard University being asked the question; "Which is more threatening, President Trump's rhetoric, or ISIS?" makes for some interesting revealings about how people will tend to resort to expressing feelings - not reasoned thought and analysis, and using labels, or phrases which only reinforce what they've heard going around among their circle of friends and what they choose to listen to or watch; not that they have actually evaluated the elements of the issue presented with some form of disciplined process.

And these students at Harvard are supposed to be the smartest and most educated? I can now clearly understand why I heard my seniors in society, when I was young, occasionally say they were concerned about how things would turn out after they were gone from this earth!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Who Do You Think We Should Thank for This?

The proverbial "Pandora's Box" has been opened. Let's pray that this type of incident doesn't escalate over time from here on out, or things will spin out of control pretty rapidly.