Thursday, April 6, 2017

Indoctrination Verification

 The concept of interviewing "individuals on the street" is not new, but its recent use has served to confirm my personal suspicions that it is making plain two things: one, people think they are informed about current events, and two, they're suckers for getting in front of a camera and having a microphone stuck into their face to prove it.

Here's a perfect case in point. The video on this page about students at Harvard University being asked the question; "Which is more threatening, President Trump's rhetoric, or ISIS?" makes for some interesting revealings about how people will tend to resort to expressing feelings - not reasoned thought and analysis, and using labels, or phrases which only reinforce what they've heard going around among their circle of friends and what they choose to listen to or watch; not that they have actually evaluated the elements of the issue presented with some form of disciplined process.

And these students at Harvard are supposed to be the smartest and most educated? I can now clearly understand why I heard my seniors in society, when I was young, occasionally say they were concerned about how things would turn out after they were gone from this earth!

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