Friday, April 28, 2017

Here's the Real Reason Why Several Republicans Do Not Want to Repeal Obamacare!


A representative from the United Nations sent a letter to the Trump Administration warning that the repeal of Obamacare would be a violation of international law.

No, this is not borrowed from The Onion... it comes straight from the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commission.

We've included the memo below... but please keep reading.

This formerly confidential notice claims that -- pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 33/9 -- the United States government is required to ensure "the rights to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health and the right to social security of the people of the United States of America." (Emphasis ours.)

It goes on to state that article 5 (e) of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination -- ratified by the United States during the Clinton Administration -- requires the U.S. government to "guarantee the right of everyone to a number of economic, social, and cultural rights, without distinction as to race, colour, or national, or ethnic origin... [which include] the rights to public health, medical care, social security, social services, among others."

As a "party" to the United Nations and its treaties, the United States is obligated to provide public healthcare to remain in compliance with international law... a mandate that is wholly repugnant to the American form of government which exists to defend the people's individual rights to "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness" under a federation of constitutionally limited governments.

But according to the United Nations, if the United States fails to provide government-run healthcare we are "discriminating" and violating "human rights" as defined by an international organization unelected by the American People.

If we are to retain our national sovereignty in this age of global governance, we must sever all ties with the United Nations.

If you agree it's time to remove the United States from the United Nations -- and the United Nations from the United States (its New York headquarters) -- we're urging you right now to sign the petition to Congress and tell legislators to pass the American Sovereignty Restoration Act and place it on the President's desk in 2017.

Defend American Sovereignty! Sign and send the no-cost petition to your U.S. Representative and Senators now!

The good news is, President Trump has already slashed U.S. funding for some United Nations programs.

But as we've seen, we can't stop there. With the latest memo in mind, its clear that there are decades worth of "agreements" the United States has made with the supranational overseers at the United Nations... and we need to opt-out while there is still time.

The United Nations is positioning to be the Biggest of Big Governments -- and the furthest from the People. That's why it's so important that we demand members of Congress to end our membership in the United Nations by passing the American Sovereignty Restoration Act without delay.

Specifically, this important legislation...

  • REPEALS the United Nations Participation Act of 1945.
  • REPEALS the United Nations Headquarter Agreement Act.
  • TERMINATES financial contributions to the United Nations from the United States. 
  • WITHDRAWS United Nations presence in United States government facilities and repeal diplomatic immunity.
  • REPEALS United States membership and participation in the United Nations educational, scientific, and cultural organizations.
  • REPEALS the United Nation Environment Program Participation Act of 1973.
  • REPEALS United States participation in the World Health Organization. 
  • REPEALS involvement in United Nations conventions and agreements.
President Donald Trump has made it very clear that he is determined to serve "America First." That's why it's crucial that citizens demand members of the House and Senate to pass the American Sovereignty Restoration Act and place it on the President's desk.

Defend American Sovereignty! Add your name to our urgent petition right away!

Please help us spread this message far and wide --

Liberty First,

Constitutional Rights PAC

P.S. Here is the United Nations document that we told you we would share.
Please spread the word about this so that other outraged patriots will take action in defense of our right to govern ourselves.



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