Then, the testimony of former F.B.I. Director James Comey began, and within the first quarter of an hour after it began, the bars were filled with nothing but long faced shock that his testimony was not what they'd expected to hear. What happened? The media had told them that Comey was going to lower the boom on "The Donald", after all, and they believed this meme just like they believed that Hillary was going to win the election. How could this be?
The rest of the day was somber; spent concocting a way to come out of this whole thing looking smarter than the embarrassment that had just occurred. So, the talking heads and other leftist officials began claiming that they never stated that the President was under investigation. But, that's not what Dan McLaughlin, reporter for the National Review, points out in his article on this very point.
Don't forget... Comey also revealed in his testimony on Thursday that A.G. Lynch encouraged him to call the investigation a "matter", rather than call the Clinton email scandal what it actually was; an investigation! But, if you understand just how the "Swamp" creatures operate, you know that most likely, nothing will come of the A.G. for her accepting Bill Clinton onto her aircraft on the Arizona tarmac only days before Comey's testimony on July 5th. (He laid out all the illegal activities Hillary engaged in, but then claimed she didn't show sufficient "intent" to prosecute her.) Dick Morris, former advisor to both Bill and Hillary, believes Comey should be prosecuted. Why not? Petraus was, and convicted for a lesser crime!
Remember this?
Rush Limbaugh, in his monologue today, pointed this out. Because of Comey's earlier closed session testimony, all Democrat Congresspersons KNEW that Trump was not under investigation. And, if Schumer, Warren, along with other fellow leftists knew, sure as the sun rises, so did the media. He called the Democrats and the media "reprobates" of the lowest order because they knew this, yet STILL continued promoting the lie that Comey refused to end all of this by not disclosing Trump was never under investigation. This lends greater credence to the article I shared which points out how Comey's appointment by Obama was a deliberate effort to make sure Trump, if elected, would not succeed. He also pointed out that Sen. Rubio asked what is probably the most critical issue of the whole eight month investigation: Why was this fact of truth the ONE thing which was the one thing which was not leaked?
Welcome to the machinations of the "Swamp"! The corruption of our political system is so corrupt it takes someone with the level of Trump's experience in New York as a property developer to understand how to negotiate the unbelievable quantity of crocodiles waiting to eat you alive.