Thursday, June 8, 2017

Sooner Than Later Will Be Better!

I've been following the topic of the national debt and economy for several years now. I'm not sure why, but it's something that has always peeked my interest. Then too, I must admit, I have a propensity for being a realist, you know, like the mayor of Realville on the radio, but also a healthy respect for the fallout of what will be the aftermath of an economic collapse and how one might fair in surviving it.

The older I get, the more I tend to believe the possibility of one - possibly worse than the Great Depression of the 1930s - is eminent. While the 2007/08 situation was bad - my wife & I each lost at least a third of our private investments to that housing collapse - more and more indications are mounting now that the next one is going to be three times worse because several factors are coalescing right now due to the questionable actions taken by the Federal Reserve over the past eight years.

Here's an article which explains a bit better what I'm talking about. I hope it is beneficial to anyone who might actually read it. Yes, I realize this is a promotional advertisement drumming up business, but then one must ask one's self, "Do I want to just blow this off and get caught flat footed should something like this really does hit again?" That's what I've asked myself in the past and realized I didn't want to risk losing everything I'd worked for over my lifetime. It's also a matter of leaving something for my spouse and children after I'm not here anymore.

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