Monday, June 5, 2017

Informing Jurors of Their Rights is Now ILLEGAL in Michigan

A few questions first:
  • Is it illegal to stand on a sidewalk and hand out pamphlets to anyone going by?
  • Is it illegal to educate people about your personal point of view on any issue or topic?
  • Is it legal for a judge to have an individual arrested for doing the two things above without first asking the individual a few questions about his activity and intent?
It appears the leftists in our country have now shifted their power to deny anyone of their rights to the judicial branch of our government. What evidence do I have for making such a statement? This link about a court case in Michigan explains clearly how a judge apparently felt threatened by a man outside the courthouse sharing printed information about being a juror.

What's even more alarming about this case when one learns of the details is that not only were the jurors for the case not allowed to hear key points about the case, but that the jurors, ignorant of these facts, found the man guilty. 

I recently served on jury duty at my local courts. I know for a fact that, based on the process that goes on for selection, there's no legitimate concern by the judge that justifies this case.

Is this what our legal system is supposed to stand for; strong arming individuals who cause a judge to be concerned, and then rigging the case? More importantly, how much longer will it be before we hear of other states' judges pulling the same kind of power play against their citizens? Or, has it already happened, but we just aren't aware of it?

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