Monday, June 19, 2017

How the Mainstream Media Directs the Narrative

Last Sunday's (Father's Day) Meet the Press interview by Chuck Todd with Jay Sekulow - lawyer for Pres. Trump - is a perfect example of how the press is actually the ones in charge of framing the mindset of the public who watch... unless they are able to exercise logic and critical thinking skills in following the exchange of this conversation; and there are many who either choose not to do so, or are unable to. Thus, much of the public accept at face value what they hear and disregard any explanation of the discussion/argument.

I invite you to read and watch this article/video of that interview and determine for yourself just how this process, of which I mention here, occurs. It's apparent to me that Todd and others are not interested in letting go of their meme regarding this whole orchestrated attempt by the left to negate the election outcome and carry out a political coup by accusation and no evidence to back it! 

So, what's really going on here is the media is running a "psy-ops" campaign - more commonly known as propaganda - on the nation with a made up issue that is generating a reality of its own. I would have to say that it's our modern version of Sen. McCarthy's Communist Campaign of the early 1950s and nothing more. The Democrats in the media are exercising this narrative to divert the nation's attention away from the real issue of their own illegal activities during Hillary's term as S.O.S. and the Democrat Party's machinations during the campaign!!!

Another example of media bias and hypocrisy: I guess there is a difference if you're Democrat or Republican!

And here's a well said remark by one individual about all of this:

"Something to take notice of is how ruthless, mean spirited and relentless the "Left" is against anything Republican or Trumpish....right down to shooting people just because they are Republicans. Hey we did not like Obama because of his policy to lead from behind, weaken the military, embracing Radical Islamic Jahadists, destroy marriage, punish success, reward the nonperformers, anti Police and anti GOD and the list goes on and on but Republicans never behaved in the manner that the democrats do and because we did not like Obama policies we were branded as racists......"

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