Monday, June 5, 2017

Senator Murray's Reply - My Response - on Immigration

Below is a reply I received from one of my two liberal Senators on my communication regarding immigration. Interspersed among her points, I shall comment with my thoughts (italicized) about what she says: [Note: the pasting by me of her letter's formatting as I received it reveals that the office aide who composed this response used parts from differently formatted boiler-plate sources.]
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Dear Mr. Higley:

Thank you for writing to me in regard to the United States immigration system. It is good to hear from you about this very important issue.

Well, at least she's trained her office aide to start out politely and try to soften me up with cordialitites for starters.

For many years, Congress and the American people have engaged in spirited debate about reforming our nation’s immigration laws. It is clear that our immigration system is broken and that fixing this system is critical for families, communities, and businesses in Washington state and across the nation.  

No... really? And who has been responsible for breaking it? (Hint: Go look in the mirror, along with all the other elected representatives who've made Congress a career, in both parties! Remember 1986and the broken promises from that amnesty bill?) The second half of the second sentence in this paragraph is where she begins to show her true ideological colors regarding this issue. Critical for who, those you've allowed to enter our nation illegally, some who've murdered, raped, or gotten our men, women and children addicted to drugs, sold into the human trafficking industry, etc.?

President Trump issued a series of executive orders that ban travel from several majority-Muslim countries, call for a deportation force, and attempt to cut off funding to so-called sanctuary cities and counties that prioritize the safety of their citizens over local immigration enforcement. Instead of working to bring Americans together to unite behind commonsense reforms, he continues to create chaos and confusion for immigrant families in the United States, refugees, and travelers. I am deeply disappointed, but not surprised, to see President Trump turn his divisive campaign rhetoric into actions. To undo the harm President Trump has caused, I have cosponsored legislation to rescind these executive orders and I have called on President Trump to abandon this misguided approach.

Oh boy, here come the real "zingers" in this paragraph. The gloves are off now! Pres. Trump's the one who has created the chaos and confusion? Oh... those poor innocent illegals who have made our communities less safe. According to her it's Trump's fault that they're being threatened with the possibility of deportation. Has she even checked what Mexico's own immigration laws and enforcement are? Obviously not! But, she is the savior of the oppressed, the social justice warrior who will come to the defense of the oppressed that are facing harm from Trump!
In order to fix our broken immigration system, I have long supported comprehensive immigration reform that protects families, strengthens our economy, enhances our security, and reflects our core values as Americans. As a United States Senator I have supported laws to protect DREAMers —undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children, earned a diploma or served in our military, and have followed the law. In addition I have worked to create pathways to citizenship, reduce the use of detention, keep families together, improve the visa system, and eliminate the immigration court’s backlog. Comprehensive immigration reform is good for our businesses, our workers, and our economy, which is why we need immigration policies that both protect workers and provides employers certainty in a system that has often left them without answers.  

Senator... I don't care how much you've worked as a Senator over your nearly 35 year career as a politician, they're STILL ILLEGAL!!! Let's just be honest about this. What you and your party are counting on is a voter base to replace those American citizen who are now leaving the Democrat Party in droves because the truth that everyone knows is that your party has moved from being against minorities having equal opportunities in the days of Jim Crow and the K.K.K. - what most youth today don't realize is the hidden truth of the past - to the party which has promoted welfare to the minorities in order to keep them on the "government plantation" and dependent and ignorant.

I will continue to call for comprehensive immigration reform that measures up to our long-held American values, ensures that while we are being tough on those who are a threat to our public safety or national security, we are enforcing our immigration laws in a smart, humane way for millions of undocumented immigrants. I will fight for as long as it takes. It is inspiring to know that so many people in Washington state and across the country refuse to remain silent. We must recommit ourselves to working as hard as we can to move our country forward and continue to speak up when our values are threatened. I will continue to work to fix our broken immigration system.

Oh... now she's gettin' all patriotic and acting like she's 
keeping her constituents safe from all those bad folk. If her definition of "enforcing our immigration laws in a smart, humane way for millions of undocumented [a.k.a. illegal] immigrants" is to ignore federal law by maintaining sanctuary cities - like Seattle - then, as far as I'm concerned, she's qualified for sittin' in prison for treason! And, just who's "values" is she talking about here? Not my values, that's for sure! She'll continue working to fix the broken immigration system until it achieves what her party's ultimate goal is... to infiltrate this nation to the point of taking it over so they have totalitarian control.

Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me, please know that I will keep your thoughts in mind.  If you would like to know more about my work in the Senate, please feel free to sing up for updates at  

Sincerely, Patty Murray
United States Senator

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