Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Typical Diversion Away From Self Control and Responsibility

The radical leftists, as is their standard way of combating opposition to their ideology, are using the media as their propaganda tool to divert the public's attention away from the real issue. Last Friday Vice Pres. Pence spoke at an anniversary event for the Focus on the Family and the left's outraged response to this was to claim that restrictions on abortion are forcing women to have babies! Excuse me?

So, let me see if I understand this... a couple meets, and they get interested in each other and decide to have sexual relations. (More often, than not, these events occur spontaneously on a "first date" these days.) Did anyone force them to have sex? Did no one ever tell them about having "safe sex"? You know... using a condom would be "safe sex" which statistically results in preventing conception and the formation of a zygote (a multi-celled entity which grows into a fetus and eventually a human being with potential; if it's given a chance to grow to full term). So, if no one forced them to have sex - especially unprotected sex which increases the possibility for STDs - and the female conceived, who's responsible for bringing that child into this world by their actions?

But no... liberals do NOT want to take responsibility for their actions. Instead, in their minds it's the government's responsibility to remove their "gamble" that they wouldn't conceive by allowing them to remove it via the procedure of abortion; killing approximately 900 babies a day. And if anyone tries to tell them otherwise, they're being "forced" to have the baby! No, the liberals are just ignoring what they already know is the facts about the circumstance their "gamble" created for them and they are so spoiled and in denial about it that they do their best to place the "unpleasantness" of it all on those pointing out the consequences to them.

They want all the pleasure, and none of the responsibility or consequences which come with it. In short, they don't want to be the young adults they've become. I call it a version of the "Peter Pan" effect.

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