Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Blame Game

In 2012, after Pres. Obama was re-elected for his second term to "...have more leeway once I'm re-elected to negotiate..." back in March of that year, the Republicans later got together to do some re-examination of the party's messaging and to establish new directives for the coming 2016 presidential campaign. While they had no idea who was going to demonstrate how it should be done - a.k.a. "The Donald" - the G.O.P. leaders knew they were not effective in communicating to the voters the principles and values the party stands for.

The Democrats, on the other hand, were smug with their continued control of the nation's agenda. Congressional bills and federal agency policies revealed just how far the leftists in power really wanted to take the country. And the "drive-by media" also revealed just how complicit they were in obfuscating issues and ignoring many things which clearly were not in the best interest of the country's future; the Paris Climate Accords, for one.

Four and a half years later in 2017, however, with four consecutive post presidential election losses for congressional seats staring them in the face, the Democrats are playing the blame game in order to explain why. This difference in party mentality illustrates clearly just how diametrically opposed their ideologies and philosophies are. Such tactics are the standard operating procedure of the left. They play on human emotion, rather than reason, ownership of decisions and strategies, and a willingness to recognize one's own faults.  Conservatives accept responsibility for their failures and do to work at discussing and revising, while liberals blame everyone else but themselves and refuse to accept responsibility.

But that refusal to accept responsibility is more significantly tied to the ideological foundation on which the Democrats operate. Theirs is one of control, from cradle to grave management on its citizenry because they're so smart, know best what is needed, and believe that the bigger government is, the better to run those programs and maintain those policies, even if it runs the country and its people over the fiscal cliff in the long term. They've developed a very complex and deceptive campaign of propaganda and double standard delusion that their agenda will ultimately lead to a utopian state in which everyone will be happy and without worry... because the government has the solutions to everything.

Conservatives, on the other hand, are willing to accept responsibility because they see the individual, their rights and responsibilities, as the foundation to a free society where laws which are observed and maintained, result in a more incentivized culture which provides greater opportunity to pursue happiness as the individual's desires and developed skills will take them. Every individual, regardless of their ethnic background, economic status, or sexual orientation, will have the equal opportunity to succeed and excel if government is kept out of their way by restricting its regulations and taxes on them.

Then too, the individual who has quietly watched the effects of the policies and laws implemented by these "control freaks" over the past eight years, have finally woken up and said, "Okay, finally there's someone who's not from 'the swamp' who understands us and our plight, and we can get behind this guy." and it's now carrying over to these other races which will strengthen the "fly-over" country's awareness that the Democrats need to be sent packing in order to complete Trump's agenda now.

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