Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Free Speech and The Universities Today

No doubt you've seen the multiple incidences around the country over the past few years at various colleges and universities where a speaker with views which don't align or agree with the dominant ideological mindset or attitude of those professors and students which resulted in actions which have been fodder for the "drive-by media" to enhance their ratings by showing to support their narrative. 

One incident occurred here in my state at a college in the same city where our state's legislature holds its sessions and is considered one of the most liberal/leftist/statist colleges in the state. The Science professor who wrote an email to the student organization that was demanding all white students not attend classes on campus for their day of ethnic minorities celebration told them they might want to think twice about doing such thing and that it was not appropriate in a nation where diversity and inclusiveness was practiced. The reaction by the students of the organization got so threatening that the professor could no longer conduct his classes on campus where regularly held his classes. I'm sure most readers have, by now, been made aware of which campus this was and what went on. (Only recently has the college President spoken about any discipline for the students, who verbally threatened much of the school's administrative staff - including the college President, when he announced that they would receive a "warning" and if they did this again, there would be consequences. Ooohhh.... he sounds tough!)

Only a few days ago, a Senate Hearing on First Amendment and Free Speech was held and Sen. Ted Cruz made an opening statement which this article cites and has a video of it near the bottom of the page. I urge you to view the video, listen to his remarks, and join me in praying for civility and a return to the education of the basics which our great nation was founded on, but we have lost because too many far left campuses have thrown them out in order to advance the agenda of the political lefts' utopian vision that is turning society into tribes of ideology and divisiveness.

This is what you get when you raise a generation who has never been clearly shown the boundaries of common decency, civility, and respect for others their senior, as well as the need to understand the critical place in that civilized society for law and order. And... I won't even mention who modeled this lawless attitude for them recently.

There's either the rule of law, or there are no rules at all!

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