Monday, June 5, 2017

Charles Krauthammer on Build the Wall


There's been a lot of debate on whether our nation should build a wall.

One side is against it. To some the idea is akin to the Berlin Wall in Germany, but is that a correct analogy? To others who believe we should be an open society - like those who support George Soros' movement - feel we should let everyone who wishes to come and take advantage of the opportunities our nation provides. But that obviously is ignoring the reality that there would eventually be a limit at which those opportunities would no longer exist because an overwhelming number would completely disolve, or overtake, the American culture which made it unique among the world.

The other side is for it. To some the idea preserves our nation's sovereignty and culture. This, in turn, prolongs the opportunities our form of representative democracy provides, like no other in the world. It is also a matter of maintaining law and order. As many who have lived during the past 60 or so years will attest, this issue has clearly been under attack and has accelerated exponentially over the past ten years with the recent administration's policies. With more and more unrest and chaos dividing the nation over this issue, a pall of madness seems to have gripped the nation; especially for those who are against keeping our nation's sovereignty and law and order.

In this video from Prager U, Krauthammer lays out what he believes is a viable solution. Again, there will be those who feel it is a sensible one. Yet others will feel that allowing those who've illegally entered the country should not be rewarded by allowing them to stay without some form of fine. Otherwise, they see it as making the concept of sovereignty and law and order a sham and a joke. This is the kind of no win situation our leaders over the past 50 years have given us.

And I've not even mentioned the proverbial "elephant in the room" issue of our nation's national debt and its unfunded liabilities which no one wants to even talk about.

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