Thursday, June 15, 2017

By Any Means Necessary!

In stepping back from the minutia of various news stories, leaks, and claims by an array of "swamp creatures" in Washington, D.C., I have begun to construct what I believe has most likely gone on behind this whole charade. Here's my summation of it all without getting into the weeds on it:

Unable, unwilling, or both, to accept the results of the presidential campaign liberals at the top of the establishment food chain in our nation's political arena, a meeting - or at least a dialog in some way - was initiated within only days of the election to devise a way to try and reverse, or change the outcome as much as possible, so that the Democrats can maintain at least a modicum of control in Congress other than what they already have succeeded in controlling by moderating some of the Republicans in Congress.

How to achieve this objective is their desperate effort to combat the growing loss in elections over the past administration's eight year term in the White House. From all of what's transpired over the past eight months of this evolving case it appears that the liberal establishment - most likely led by Hillary and close friends of the campaign - determined that since their previous coup in 1974 against Pres. Nixon was ultimately successful in forcing him to resign, and that their total collusion with the mainstream media has now become an even more efficient and effective means by which to influence the voter base about what is happening, a similar campaign against Pres. Trump must be carried out to oust him from the White House. (Let's not forget who was a member of that investigation team against Nixon then; that's right, Hillary Rodham who was ultimately kicked off the team due to her dishonesty and efforts to hide documents and records pertaining to the investigation.)

Given that Pres. Obama supported Hillary's campaign, and, given that we now have reason to believe that F.B.I. Director Comey's appointment by the then "Golfer-in-Chief" for being in command of an agency that would carry out the liberals' long range objectives should an unexpected outcome occur (see my post titled, "The Corruption's Deeper Than We Thought!") I believe Comey is the Democrat's inside operative to sabotage and hinder Trump's administrative efforts to even begin to turn the ship of state off its current course towards an ever growing socialistic state of cradle to grave control.

I understand that anyone reading this theory might object by saying, "No! Why would Comey sacrifice himself as the "patsy" for the Democrats with the possibility of going to prison if his disclosure of his leaking information to the press through his college buddy and not calling Lynch on her demand to him for calling it a "matter" rather than the investigation it was? That just doesn't make sense!" It doesn't make sense that he's already testified that those two things occurred, either. But, my speculation - and knowing the liberal establishment as I do - I wouldn't be surprised that they've told Comey, "Hey look, if you'll do this for us, once we're back in power in 2021, then we'll pardon your sentence to get you out and set you up comfortably for the rest of your life!" I know this theory sounds rather "out there", but you can't discount the absurdity of what's gone on in other significant issue which have been revealed about how the liberals have made claims and manipulated those revelations via the mainstream media! The current handling of the Alexandria, VA shooting of Congressional members and staff by the liberals/leftists by connecting it in their weird way to the Gifford incident of 2011 to motivate the P.O.S. that carried out the Alexandria shootings the other day, is our most current example of why I say this.

An article in the National Review posted today by former prosecutor Andrew McCarthy on this whole effort to claim that Pres. Trump is now under investigation for obstruction of justice by Muller - the special prosecutor who's a close friend of Comey's (which is, BTW, not allowed under the rules for being appointed and the media is doing their best to maintain the meme that Muller is untouchable and "pure as the driven snow" as to his unbiased position in all of this) - poses a question which supports my theory I've posed. See what you think.

Then too, Ann Coulter has now chimed in with her own masterfully written column article about this whole issue. In doing so, she documents the reaction of the leftists when candidate Trump refused to say he'd accept the outcome of the election as the hypocrites they are.

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