Wednesday, June 7, 2017

How Political Correctness Has Turned Things Upside Down & Inside Out

I challenge anyone to read this article and tell me that this is progress. How does this situation make things better for society and individuals who are impacted by this? Does this promote incentive to strive at making one's self the best they can be and learn the lessons which come from going through the experience, or does it completely negate any benefit for those affected?

No, IMHO this is a prime example of how the leftist/statist is managing to turn the culture which has made our nation the greatest ever seen on earth, to one which is just as deprived, miserable and mentally unstable as the rest on the globe who've practiced such ridiculous depravity and utter nonsense which is counter to what nature and experience reveals to us as common sense.

Why do I feel so regarding this issue? As a former track and cross-country athlete in high school and college, I understand the madness this would have generated by me and my fellow athletes had such a thing taken place when I was competing in the 1970s. Only today, because the progressive agenda has managed to successfully - with the help of the mainstream media's adolescent meme of populism - brainwash the youth of our society to accept as normal, does the younger generations today accept it.

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