Saturday, June 3, 2017

Withdrawling From the Paris Peace Accords

Dear Reader,

Has paying attention to the left's claims about various social issues and global issues - like climate change - actually an exercise in mass psychological manipulation? I don't know about you, but I can't help but watch these news interviews at various events - this one being Earth Day - where participants are asked to share their thoughts on whatever the topic of concern is and every time we hear the same, consistent talking points which hold no logical, rational, reasoning to them; they're just talking points regurgitated! However, it's nevertheless confusing to me why they're concerned about the potential loss of life from these potentially devastating events, when most of them, I assume, are for abortion that's been killing the future population of our country for decades. (Oh, wait, it's the concern that the threat they're speaking about is going to kill them that causes them to be alarmed. I see.)

It's my speculation that the way this "peace accord" was crafted was deliberately done so that it would be so complex and confusing that the average Joe Sixpack or Jane Selfie would not be able to follow what it's really about, or what is really being done to impact them, so they would - as social conditioning has so effectively done over the years with mass media influence - follow along because they didn't want to appear stupid, confused, or opposing their peers mindless acceptance to what the left's leader were spouting. (You know the routine.)

For those who've made the mental effort to understand the ploy being foisted on citizens of the United States, the following piece from Tucker Carlson's Show on the announcement by Pres. Trump will more easily following the points he's making at the introduction to this topic recently. One of the very astute points Carlson makes is that that, despite the fact that liberals have been making these dire claims of impending doom for decades now, Pres. Obama in his first two years as "Golfer-in-Chief" had a Congress that could have easily passed this Paris Peace Accord had he focused on getting it to approve this treaty. But no, instead he chose to unconstitutionally skirt around Congress and play "emperor" with it by calling it something that it was not.

Tucker interviews the Mayor of Miami Beach after his introduction and, as is typical for all his guests he has on his show to ask them some key questions, the Mayor NEVER answers Tucker's key question about the unfairness of this accord. That, right there, should tell you something as an intelligent person regarding the left's awareness of this whole issue. They are attempting to "pull the wool" over the public's eyes about what they're REALLY up to with it. In other words, there's something they refuse to disclose that is part of their true agenda.

As Todd Herman of a local radio station is noted as saying, "Where there's a double standard, there's usually a hidden agenda."

And, just for the sake of another person's perspective, I urge my readers to view this video by Bill Whittle on this topic. He gets to the heart of what's really going on here; the weaponization of Science into politics!!! Watching this video and seeing the rest of the evidence he presents makes it rather obvious.

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