Thursday, August 10, 2017

Today's College Experience; From A Millennial

We've all heard the points made by many "pundits" about the problems with colleges in the U.S. today. But, have we heard about it from millennials who've actually been through it and listened to what their experience was like?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the current social climate on too many college campuses today; far from it! My point in sharing this particular Prager U video in this post is that there actually are some good outcomes for those with the ability exercise whatever level of critical thinking skills they may have developed from that experience. What makes it more interesting, is that some have even benefited from their revelation; like this student who shares her revelations about where too many millennials are stuck today with not much more than paper to show for their loan debt.

The NORK Missile Crisis - Nothing New

For those of us who are old enough to recall the Cuban Missile Crisis, the current situation with North Korea has some aspects which are familiar, while others are different. Let's examine a few of them for the sake of those who weren't around back in the early '60s. (The following is my understanding and recollection of the incident. For more official detailed sources, please use this link, or do your own search.)

The Soviet Union - it was under communist rule then, with Nikita Khrushchev as its leader and the cold war was full on - had secretly made a deal with Castro's Cuba; a satellite of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR). In exchange for financial aide from the Soviets, Cuba's Castro agreed to build and place nuclear tipped missiles within Cuba; only 90 miles away from Florida and potentially giving Kruschev the ability to hit any major city in the U.S.

The newly elected President Kennedy(D) - who today, based on his economic policies, would be considered a conservative - learned of the missile launch bases being constructed in Cuba from recon fly-overs of U2 aircraft taking photographs. It was also learned from intelligence that the Soviets were transporting by ships the first batch of missiles to Cuba across the Atlantic Ocean. After unsuccessfully attempting to talk Premier Kruschev out of continuing the transfer of missiles, President Kennedy ordered the military to DEFCON 3 (an acronym for Defense Condition with the scale of danger ranging from 1 to 4, with one being lowest and four being "go to war").

All Air Force B-52 bombers were loaded with nuclear bombs and put on alert; a moments notice to launch from their base and head out over the North Pole, while the entire nation's missile defense system was prepared to launch its dozens of nuclear missiles should the decision be made to back the President's demand to cease and desist the placement of the Soviet missiles on Cuba, maintaining the Monroe Doctrine of Western Hemisphere sovereignty from foreign (Eastern Hemisphere) interference and threat.

Also, a blockade of ships by the U.S. Navy on the eastern side of Cuba was set to intercept the ships loaded with missiles. As the days went by and attempts at negotiating seemed to be failing, tensions mounted across the nation. Citizens watched with growing anxiety that a nuclear war might break out if things couldn't be resolved between the two nations. Kruschev, at the last minute, blinked, and ordered the ships bound for Cuba to turn around. The Cuban Missile Crisis was over and both nations breathed a huge sigh of relief. (Later, revelations disclosed that a deal had been struck between the U.S. & the Soviets that, if the U.S. removed missiles from Turkey that were pointed at the U.S.S.R., then the missiles headed for Cuba would be turned around.)

It should be pointed out that, because of the "Red Scare" of the decade of the '50s after Sen. Joe McCarthy went after Soviet spies in the U.S., fallout shelters had been built with the purpose of being able to sequester hundreds, if not thousands of citizens into underground bunkers that were supposedly capable of surviving a nuclear holocaust. While there certainly weren't enough for everyone, it did provide the public with a sense of comfort to know that their government did intend to provide some measure of protection for those fortunate enough to survive to carry on some semblance of life afterwards.

However, those fallout shelters no longer exist. They've been turned into other uses or destroyed in some locations. This is due in part to two major factors; one, the yield of newer nuclear warheads increased to the point which would make it very unlikely that anyone would survive, and two, detente had reached a point at which a nuclear war was no longer a likelihood for either nation to carry out. 

Over several decades, and with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, the cold war between the two nations also ended. But, the nuclear arsenals of both countries didn't just disappear. Fast forward to the more recent administrations and it is now obvious that the Clinton administration's weak, if not deliberate policies of appeasement during the '90s, has allowed the development of one of the last "hold-outs" of hardcore communist regimes to acquire nuclear missile technology to the point at which we find ourselves today.

Sadly, today's media - backing the ideological policy of appeasement - is having kanipshun fits over the current President's verbal remarks and is considering them more dangerous than the threats made by the "potbelly" dictator, Kim Jong Un. I guess they're not very concerned that other countries are threatening to wipe our country out. Given their attitude towards other threats - like ISIS cells within out country, or immigrants infiltrating our cities and sucking our tax dollars to support them - it's understandable.

Some will speculate that, because they believe Trump is crazy, or mentally unstable, this situation will lead to Armageddon.  On the other side of that "coin", there are those who view this stance by Trump to be what is necessary to call the "potbelly dictator's" bluff, and eventually the situation will resolve itself; much like the Cuban Missile Crisis eventually did.

Monday, August 7, 2017

And Just What IS This Country All About, Mr. Brennan?

When, in an interview on CNN, former CIA Director John Brennan states that "... it is the obligation of the officials in the executive branch to refuse to carry out his orders, because they are “inconsistent with what this country is all about.”, just what is Mr. Brennan thinking our country is all about?

Let's realize that it's now widely accepted that the "deep state" is considered part of the opposition to Trump's administration and its efforts to "drain the swamp". The CIA is certainly part of that "deep state" along with many of the other national security organizations meant to protect the United State's national interests. However, it seems, based on such concepts as Mr. Brennan is expressing here, that the "deep state" is more interested in their own survival and ability to continue operating behind the curtain of any scrutiny, than preserving the Constitutional Republic we now have kicked to the curb.

So, obviously Mr. Brennan's concept of what our country is all about isn't what most conservative voters and constitutional scholars understand the country is all about. Is this country all about letting in migrants from other countries with no limits? Is it about supporting them with social services which drain the coffers they never contributed to and leave nothing for those who paid into it over their careers? Is it about keeping the current bureaucracies which make it extremely difficult to get ahead financially in this current circumstance of taxes and regulations?

A friend at church told me last winter shortly after the election that things had become so bad that it could most likely result in some outbreaks of civil war in parts of the country, if not totally. I now understand why he said this. If the establishment in "the swamp" is going to completely ignore the people's election choice and oust Pres. Trump with the "fishing expedition" that's now going on under Mueller, then it's not hard to imagine how they will react.

What Did He Expect?

Here's a comment post from "harndawg" in an article about the non-news story of Colin Kaepernick not being picked by the Miami Dolphins football team. His remarks focus on how critical thinking no longer plays into youth's decision making about the consequences of their actions, but are based more on how they believe their importance overrides any critical thinking.
Just my two cents, but here are a few of my thoughts/rants:

1. Not Standing for the flag: There are so many things I could say here so I will try to make it short. I am 20 yr. vet of the military, the military fought for his right to not stand for the flag…I don’t like it, but he has that right. That said, for every action (positive or negative) there is always a reaction. In this case, what did you think would happen Mr. Kaepernick??? I hope you did not think that (to paraphrase the Rock) “the millions…(and millions)…” of NFL football fans would all be on your side in this…to say nothing of TV networks, sponsors and (oh yea) football owners. You had to know going in that you were going to piss off the very same people you were hoping would support you, and that those people that you pissed off might send a message back to you.

2. Fans: I think that one of the issues fans have with you protesting the flag was that you have no problem staying, living and making a lot of money (well maybe not so much now) in the country that flag represents, yet on the other hand you’re going to disrespect that same flag for your personal issues. In essence it seems like your saying “it’s alright to take your money…but not alright to at least respect the flag of the country that provided you that opportunity to get where you are.” I don’t think you understand how lucky you are to be in a country that allows you this right…try doing this in North Korea, China, Russia or even the Middle East.

3. Business: Here is a very hard pill to swallow, The NFL (as well as MLB, NBA and the NHL) are a business. The bottom line for owners is making money. If I worked at McDonalds or a Major Corporation like Northrop Grumman, should I do something that the organization I work for is unhappy with, they won’t hire me again. Why would the NFL be any different? To quote (L. Ron Hubbard I believe from one of his SF books) “Banking is Banking and Business is Business…” you made a decision that could affect Banking and Business…did you think it would not affect you? 

4. Skill: Here is the hardest pill to swallow…You’re a gifted QB…but not that gifted…If your skill level was so much better than other QB…you would have been hired months ago. Look back at the NFL over the last 5 years and see how many other players have screwed up far worse they your actions…and yet they were back in the NFL the following season…things that should make you co…hmmmmmmmm
I would love to say more…but this is longer than I wanted it to be and to be honest, longer then you deserve…

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Looking At The Bigger Picture

Our nation's current situation doesn't look good.

Our Constitution is being ignored.

The Dept. of Justice is only now beginning to gear up to go after criminals; like MS-13, Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Eric Holder, and Loretta Lynch. Clearly, A.G. Sessions has got his work cut out for him.

The mainstream media is pounding their drum about a false news story; Russia/Trump Collusion for the purpose of distracting the nation from the real acts of treason committed by prior administration individuals.

Leaks are coming out in the papers more frequently than Tweets from Pres. Trump. 

Special prosecutor Mueller, looking into the Russia/Trump Collusion investigation which has produced not a single scintilla of actual evidence over the last year, has hired a bevy of Obama/Clinton supporters onto his team and has been given carte blanch as to what he can consider looking into; a fishing expedition.

North Korea is "thumbing its nose" at the world by developing nuclear ICBMs with repeated tests.

Our social justice warriors and Soros funded anarchists are going off the deep end with their childish rants on our college campuses across the nation to suppress free speech.

The Democrats, and some Republicans, are doing their best to play the role of obstructionists in Congress.

Seth Rich, a DNC worker, mysteriously ended up dead on the streets of D.C. and the police aren't even interested in investigating the murder, calling it a "botched robbery". It is speculated by some that he was involved in releasing Hillary Clinton's emails to Wikileaks.

Obamacare is imploding and millions of people across the nation are suffering with ballooning premiums.

ISIS has infiltrated our nation's major cities and the F.B.I. has reported that there are cells in every state in our nation.

California is threatening to secede from the nation to become its own country, taking the fifth largest economy and its growing debt, with it.

Now news has recently broken about Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz's IT guy was arrested for attempting to flee the country with oodles of cash after being denied access to computer systems by Capitol Security. And the Congresswoman from Florida kept him on an exorbitantly high salary for months after being cut off.

To say there's a shortage of news stories and circumstances which indicate that the past administration has done far more damage to our nation's future is the understatement of the century! 

Perhaps we should say a prayer each day for the protection of our liberties and freedoms which seem to be hanging on a thread.

Remember Benghazi?

With the constant drum pounding of the narrative by the media of the "Russian/Trump Collusion" fake news, our nation's attention has been successfully distracted away from the real treasonous actions of two government individuals; Pres. Obama and Sec. of State Hillary Clinton.

To understand why this is the case, consider the following information:

(Note: While this explanation tends to support other reports proffered earlier, I find its veracity to be questionable because of the last sentence which doesn't line up with the fact that a military chopper landed at the pickup site to retrieve Bergdahl from Taliban members.)

From Wikileaks:
So here's the REAL story.  Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi in order to retrieve US made Stinger missiles supplied to Ansar al Sharia without Congressional oversight or permission.

Hillary brokered the deal through Stevens and a private arms dealer named Marc Turi. Then some of the shoulder fired missiles ended up in Afghanistan and were used against our own military.
It was July 25th, 2012 when a Chinook helicopter was taken down by one of our own Stingers, but the idiot Taliban didn't arm the missile and the Chinook didn't explode, but had to land anyway.
An ordnance team recovered the serial number off the missile which led back to a cache of Stingers being kept in Qatar by the CIA.  Obama and Hillary were now in full panic mode and Stevens was sent in to retrieve the rest of the Stingers. [Stevens met earlier that same day before the attack on the consul with Turi in an attempt to broker a deal for getting the Stinger missiles back. It obviously didn't go well for Stevens.] This was a "do-or-die" mission, which explains the stand down orders given to multiple commando teams.

It was the State Dept, not the CIA, that supplied them to our sworn enemies, because Petraeus wouldn't approve supplying these deadly weapons due to their potential use on commercial aircraft.  Then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus after he refused to testify that he OK'd the BS talking points about a spontaneous uprising due to a YouTube video.
Obama and Hillary committed treason and THIS is what the investigation is all about, why she had a private server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and why Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack was the result of a YouTube video, even though everyone knew it was not. [Remember, Susan Rice was sent out to the network station Sunday shows - five of them - to promote the cover story about the video.]
Further...the Taliban knew that this administration aided and abetted the enemy without Congressional approval when Boehner created the Select Committee, and the Taliban began pushing the Obama Administration for the release of 5 Taliban Generals [in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl].
Bowe Bergdahl was just a pawn...everyone KNEW he was a traitor.  So we had a traitor as POTUS that is not only corrupt, but compromised and a woman that is a serial liar, perjured herself multiple times at Congressional hearings.
Perhaps this is why no military aircraft was called in...because the administration knew our enemies had Stingers.
While this most likely is actually what occurred, the "power players" in high places have made certain that they will be immune to any prosecution because, as is the standard operating procedure in "the swamp", they have "dirt" on those who would pursue any prosecution against them.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

"Auntie Maxine" Reveals Her True Mental Condition

Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D) of CA was a guest on The View recently and she was asked if she was going to run for president in 2020. After denying she was, she was asked if Trump is impeached whether she was going to go after VP Pence. Her answer to this question reveals several things to me:

  1. How stupid she is.
  2. She wants to meddle in every country's elections.
  3. She thinks someone other than Pence is the VP.
  4. She believes everyone on earth gets to vote in everybody's elections.
  5. She keeps getting re-elected in her congressional district because she's as brain-dead as her constituents in her L.A. district where she condoned the brick being thrown into the head of the truck driver pulled out of his cab and assaulted by hoodlums in the street during the riots in the '90s.