Sunday, August 6, 2017

Looking At The Bigger Picture

Our nation's current situation doesn't look good.

Our Constitution is being ignored.

The Dept. of Justice is only now beginning to gear up to go after criminals; like MS-13, Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Eric Holder, and Loretta Lynch. Clearly, A.G. Sessions has got his work cut out for him.

The mainstream media is pounding their drum about a false news story; Russia/Trump Collusion for the purpose of distracting the nation from the real acts of treason committed by prior administration individuals.

Leaks are coming out in the papers more frequently than Tweets from Pres. Trump. 

Special prosecutor Mueller, looking into the Russia/Trump Collusion investigation which has produced not a single scintilla of actual evidence over the last year, has hired a bevy of Obama/Clinton supporters onto his team and has been given carte blanch as to what he can consider looking into; a fishing expedition.

North Korea is "thumbing its nose" at the world by developing nuclear ICBMs with repeated tests.

Our social justice warriors and Soros funded anarchists are going off the deep end with their childish rants on our college campuses across the nation to suppress free speech.

The Democrats, and some Republicans, are doing their best to play the role of obstructionists in Congress.

Seth Rich, a DNC worker, mysteriously ended up dead on the streets of D.C. and the police aren't even interested in investigating the murder, calling it a "botched robbery". It is speculated by some that he was involved in releasing Hillary Clinton's emails to Wikileaks.

Obamacare is imploding and millions of people across the nation are suffering with ballooning premiums.

ISIS has infiltrated our nation's major cities and the F.B.I. has reported that there are cells in every state in our nation.

California is threatening to secede from the nation to become its own country, taking the fifth largest economy and its growing debt, with it.

Now news has recently broken about Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz's IT guy was arrested for attempting to flee the country with oodles of cash after being denied access to computer systems by Capitol Security. And the Congresswoman from Florida kept him on an exorbitantly high salary for months after being cut off.

To say there's a shortage of news stories and circumstances which indicate that the past administration has done far more damage to our nation's future is the understatement of the century! 

Perhaps we should say a prayer each day for the protection of our liberties and freedoms which seem to be hanging on a thread.

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