Saturday, August 26, 2017

Dropping Like Flies

It's not looking good... the darkness seems to be looming over the horizon.

Over the past several months the President Trump's people chosen to assist him in making policy decisions has been consistently resigned, or been fired for various reasons. I don't recall this many, although there were a few here or there, in previous administrations; especially the democrat ones.

What's going on? As always, there are different ways to look at this. One way is that those who've left had skeletons that were outed from the closet which were damaging enough to force them out either through a request to resign, or not skilled adequately for the demands entailed in the position. Another is that the political opposition is digging into their background and using the media to do one of two things; expose questionable character issues about them, or manufacture them, promote them through the media - "people have a right to know" - long enough to damage their credibility to the point of them bowing out.

The latest is Sabastian Gorka, (the people's comments are most interesting in this article) preceded by Steve Bannon, Anthony Scaramucci, Reince Priebus, Sean Spicer, and Preet Bharara. One can't help but wonder how many more will be ousted in the coming months. 

The media narrative is that Trump's administration is in chaos. The loyalists who still support him see it from another perspective; the establishment in D.C. who don't want to see their control of a global agenda modified are patiently working behind the scenes to strip from the staff of those who would advise the President on policy decision and effectively isolate him to the point of ineffectiveness regarding his campaign promises. The elite currently in control view it as threatening their ability to maintain the status quo that's been in place for decades.

Some might say, "But, Trump's flip-flopped on the Afghanistan situation!" To those who pay attention to the media spin on everything regarding his administration which has only been in for nine months will buy it hook, line and sinker. For those who listened to Trump explain why he changed his tune from the campaign and understand that as a candidate limited knowledge and understanding of what's actually going on and at stake, will realize he's making a more informed and appropriate decision. If it were Obama suddenly reversing his Afghanistan policy for whatever reason, you could be certain that the media would've supported him with devotional accolades.

What I am disappointed about Trump's dealing with the media opposition is that he's not utilized the resources available to him like Pres. Reagan did. I believe he would be much more effective if he were to make occasional outreach messages to the country explaining in specifics what and why he's doing what he's decided to do on a particular policy decision. Get the country informed directly rather than allowing the press to spin it.

If he doesn't incorporate at least some level of this proven approach, I tend to feel that the current tactics from the likes of Waters, Schumer, Pelosi, and McConnell will neutralize his ability to remain the President for long. The rhetoric and hype of the social justice faction in the country are gaining too much momentum with their statues take-downs, reactions to the SDSU's president asking the Muslim Student Assoc. to condemn the recent Barcelona attack, and forcing opposition groups to cancel their rally, like freedom of speech advocate groups in San Francisco today.

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