Monday, August 7, 2017

And Just What IS This Country All About, Mr. Brennan?

When, in an interview on CNN, former CIA Director John Brennan states that "... it is the obligation of the officials in the executive branch to refuse to carry out his orders, because they are “inconsistent with what this country is all about.”, just what is Mr. Brennan thinking our country is all about?

Let's realize that it's now widely accepted that the "deep state" is considered part of the opposition to Trump's administration and its efforts to "drain the swamp". The CIA is certainly part of that "deep state" along with many of the other national security organizations meant to protect the United State's national interests. However, it seems, based on such concepts as Mr. Brennan is expressing here, that the "deep state" is more interested in their own survival and ability to continue operating behind the curtain of any scrutiny, than preserving the Constitutional Republic we now have kicked to the curb.

So, obviously Mr. Brennan's concept of what our country is all about isn't what most conservative voters and constitutional scholars understand the country is all about. Is this country all about letting in migrants from other countries with no limits? Is it about supporting them with social services which drain the coffers they never contributed to and leave nothing for those who paid into it over their careers? Is it about keeping the current bureaucracies which make it extremely difficult to get ahead financially in this current circumstance of taxes and regulations?

A friend at church told me last winter shortly after the election that things had become so bad that it could most likely result in some outbreaks of civil war in parts of the country, if not totally. I now understand why he said this. If the establishment in "the swamp" is going to completely ignore the people's election choice and oust Pres. Trump with the "fishing expedition" that's now going on under Mueller, then it's not hard to imagine how they will react.

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