Mariana Flores of University of California San Diego.
What she apparently doesn't realize, or care to understand, is that if you don't participate with your fellow travelers in a march against Trump, then you won't risk getting hit by car while walking on the I-5 freeway!
Yet, she's filed a lawsuit against UCSD stating that the university failed to stop the protest march in order to protect her!
As Forest Gump is quoted as saying... "Stupid is, as stupid does."
Monday, January 8, 2018
Answering the Question - Is There An Afterlife?
There are three general groups of people; Christians who believe there's an afterlife, Atheists who believe there is no afterlife, and those who don't know, or either aren't curious or don't care about it.
Those who don't know, aren't curious or don't care, tend to discount the possibility of an afterlife for several and varying reasons. They have no physical evidence that there is because our physical experience isn't capable of detecting it; although there are those who may have encountered a spiritual form such as a ghost or apparition. The pleasures of our physical existence give them enough reason to discount any possibility that an afterlife exists, so it's understandable to take the easy conclusion that our physical existence is all there is.
Those who believe there is no afterlife, such as atheists, believe so because they are certain - for various personal reasons - that there is no God and that we are merely the most sentient form of animal on this planet due to evolutionary progress over epochs. Until we experience, or encounter, other sentient beings from other planets from other distant solar systems, then the fact that the planet we're on happens to be the only one in the entire universe makes it that much more difficult to discount God's unique creation. Have you noticed the rise in claims that we've been visited by aliens? And I don't mean from just over the southern border, either.
Christians, who believe there is an afterlife because they believe there is an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent God understand the reasons behind why it is a reality as Dennis Prager, in his latest video, explains. I urge you to watch and review to consider the points made in it. Then, if it makes sense to you, I hope you accept Jesus Christ - His only son who sacrificed himself for our redemption - into your heart, confess your sins, and share the video link with others, and begin, or resume, reading the Bible.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
The Left's Latest Strategy - Claim Trump Is Incompetent and Unstable
Are they serious? Oh yes, they are... very serious!
I've made a point over the last couple of years to watch and analyze how the left has covered and reacted to Donald Trump since he declared his candidacy. It's been well documented and reviewed how they scoffed and chuckled at the whole idea; making statements and passing remarks that it was just a joke and he'd drop out after a week, or month. No doubt, you've seen these clips yourself.
Now, as the duly elected POTUS who has gotten more done in one year than his predecessor ever dreamed of doing, even with an establishment GOP making all the more difficult for him, the media's initial shock and dismay has shifted from citing the Trump/Russian collusion meme as the DNC's lapdog, which has failed to produce anything of credible for prosecution, to obstruction of justice which has now backfired on the left to reveal that it was the DNC itself who paid for the fake dosiee' created by Christopher Steel - a supposed former "spook" who had "dirt" on Trump - as well as bureaucrats within the DOJ under then Pres. Obama (as I've pointed out in previous posts Comey, Lynch, Bill Clinton, McCabe, Strzok, Bruce Orh, Page, et al) to actually collude to influence candidate Trump's chance of winning against their Queen Hillary.
Now, since these revelations have been uncovered through reporter investigations that potentially treasonous acts were committed in the process, the media is now shifting once again to a new focus that Pres. Trump is demented, delusional, and incompetent in order to convince the public that his stands against the NorKor tyrant, Rocket Man, and his decision to make good on his campaign promise to move the U.S. Embasy to Jerusalem is evidence that he has problems understanding what being POTUS is really all about; when actually it's because his actions and decision don't align with their ideology.
Brent Bozell, of MRCTV, and Tim Graham of the Dailywire, have written a great article on this issue focusing on MSNBC's Joe Scarborough as one of the many mainstream media "talking heads" who are carrying water for the DNC and the liberals of the country in order to maintain their TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). I recommend reading it.
To anyone who has learned basic strategies and tactics of socialist/communist agitators who scheme to undermine anyone who is in power which is antithetical to their ideology, this psychological warfare they are engaging in is right out of their playbook to place doubt and garner support for their effort to oust him from power; even to the point of beginning impeachment proceedings which will ultimately fail in the long run.
I've made a point over the last couple of years to watch and analyze how the left has covered and reacted to Donald Trump since he declared his candidacy. It's been well documented and reviewed how they scoffed and chuckled at the whole idea; making statements and passing remarks that it was just a joke and he'd drop out after a week, or month. No doubt, you've seen these clips yourself.
Now, as the duly elected POTUS who has gotten more done in one year than his predecessor ever dreamed of doing, even with an establishment GOP making all the more difficult for him, the media's initial shock and dismay has shifted from citing the Trump/Russian collusion meme as the DNC's lapdog, which has failed to produce anything of credible for prosecution, to obstruction of justice which has now backfired on the left to reveal that it was the DNC itself who paid for the fake dosiee' created by Christopher Steel - a supposed former "spook" who had "dirt" on Trump - as well as bureaucrats within the DOJ under then Pres. Obama (as I've pointed out in previous posts Comey, Lynch, Bill Clinton, McCabe, Strzok, Bruce Orh, Page, et al) to actually collude to influence candidate Trump's chance of winning against their Queen Hillary.
Now, since these revelations have been uncovered through reporter investigations that potentially treasonous acts were committed in the process, the media is now shifting once again to a new focus that Pres. Trump is demented, delusional, and incompetent in order to convince the public that his stands against the NorKor tyrant, Rocket Man, and his decision to make good on his campaign promise to move the U.S. Embasy to Jerusalem is evidence that he has problems understanding what being POTUS is really all about; when actually it's because his actions and decision don't align with their ideology.
Brent Bozell, of MRCTV, and Tim Graham of the Dailywire, have written a great article on this issue focusing on MSNBC's Joe Scarborough as one of the many mainstream media "talking heads" who are carrying water for the DNC and the liberals of the country in order to maintain their TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). I recommend reading it.
To anyone who has learned basic strategies and tactics of socialist/communist agitators who scheme to undermine anyone who is in power which is antithetical to their ideology, this psychological warfare they are engaging in is right out of their playbook to place doubt and garner support for their effort to oust him from power; even to the point of beginning impeachment proceedings which will ultimately fail in the long run.
Saturday, January 6, 2018
The Embarassing Truth About Liberals
MRCTV's latest video by Brittany Hughes points out the devastating truth when it comes to gun violence deaths in America.
To say anything more about this topic would just be repetitious and she does it best.
"Chicago shooting fatalities outnumbered U.S. military deaths last year 18 to one. It is now statistically safer to be a soldier in Afghanistan than it is to be a 16-year- old kid standing on a street corner in the Windy City."
To say anything more about this topic would just be repetitious and she does it best.
Welcome to Your "Brave New World"
I would be willing to bet most Americans who are busy working and raising their families are not even aware such things are going on in our nation today. But, isn't that how such agendas are successful in being advanced? Here's G. Edward Griffin's remarks about the leftists'/socialists'/communists' latest push to move the country further towards their goal of collapsing the greatest government ever devised by man:
You can find the article and video clip from Tucker Carlson's show of the interview, with a professor's defense of such social tactics, here.
Tucker Carlson interviews Professor Jason Nichols of the University of Maryland about the double standard in mainstream media when it comes to race. It now is fashionable for the left to criticize white people and ‘white privilege’ for literally every problem and injustice imaginable. Increasingly, the Marxist narrative is that wealth and advantage among white people has come, not from productivity or creativity or self discipline or the work ethic, but from a capitalist system that exploits the working class. This narrative is an important part of the psychological conditioning of the masses – including white people – to believe that the only way to eliminate poverty and injustice is to eliminate the last vestiges of the old system of free-enterprise capitalism and replace it with socialism, communism, or some other variant of collectivism. A secondary goal of this narrative is to encourage everyone to view their racial identity as the most important aspect of their lives and, thereby, drive yet one more spear into the heart of America. The ploy is as old as warfare. It’s called Divide and Conquer. -GEG
You can find the article and video clip from Tucker Carlson's show of the interview, with a professor's defense of such social tactics, here.
Friday, January 5, 2018
NFL's Blatant Hypocrisy
In 2012 the NFL had an issue with Tim Tebow kneeling for each game to pray, they also had an issue with Tebow wearing John 3:16 as part of his eye-black to avoid glare, and made him take it off.
In 2013 the NFL fined Brandon Marshall for wearing green cleats to raise awareness for people with mental health disorders.
In 2014 Robert Griffin III (RG3) entered a post-game press conference wearing a shirt that said "Know Jesus Know Peace" but was forced to turn it inside out by an NFL uniform inspector before speaking at the podium.
In 2015 DeAngelo Williams was fined for wearing "Find the Cure" eye black for breast cancer awareness.
In 2015 William Gay was fined for wearing purple cleats to raise awareness for domestic violence. (Not that the NFL has a domestic violence problem...)
In 2016 the NFL prevented the Dallas Cowboys from wearing a decal on their helmet in honor of 5 Dallas Police officers killed in the line of duty.
In 2016 the NFL threatened to fine players who wanted to wear cleats to commemorate the 15th anniversary of 9/11.
So tell me again how the NFL supports free speech and expression, all of a sudden...
It seems quite clear based on these facts that the NFL has taken a position against any action by NFL players demonstrating RESPECT for any issue: For God, social causes such as mental health, cancer, domestic violence, for cops killed arbitrarily for being cops, for the Memory of 9/11...
But, they will allow demonstrations of DISRESPECT for our National Flag, our National Anthem, for America, and for the American People, if it will help mollify a particular Group and its supporters (such as BLM, and other leftists)
That is who and what the NFL has shown itself to be.
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Welcome to 2018
I received a letter from a fellow conservative which I feel expresses extremely well regarding the sentiments of the country when it comes to Congress. I share it with you because the writer is asking us to share it with others.
Mike Pence
Russell Senate
Washington, DC
Paul Ryan,
of the House,
Longworth HOB
D.C. 20515
I’m a 68 year
old Vietnam
Vet and
retired 3M
Executive. I
am on the
verge of
leaving the
Grand Old
Party. No big
deal for you –
huge deal for
me. I have
come nearly to
the end of my
loyalty to a
party that
seems to have
lost its
lack of
displayed by
the two of you
-- for
reason you’ve
decided to not
support or
defend the
duly elected
President of
the United
States -- is
beyond me.
Trump is not
the typical
but he is the
President of
the United
States. It
appears from
where I sit
that you both
have decided
to lay down on
the job you’ve
been elected
to serve. The
60 Million +
people that
voted this
President into
office made
this decision
based upon the
requirement to
have someone
outside the
beltway to
lead the
nation. As
distasteful as
this appears
to be for not
only the
Democrats, it
appears to be
distasteful to
the GOP
Your lack of
action on
issues that
this country
needs is
visible to
electoral map
of the U.S. is
RED because
mobilized the
These same
voters are
going to clean
house again in
2018 if you
don’t start
acting like
Former Arizona
state lawmaker
Kelli Ward is
out in front
Senator Jeff
Flake by 25
points today.
Can you say:
“We are tired
of GOP leaders
in Washington
D. C.?” This
is only going
to increase
across the U.
S. for all GOP
candidates if
they continue
to demonstrate
no backbone
and will not
support our
description of
where this
country is
headed was
voiced by
“Friends, this
isn’t George
“1984.” It is
2017.” |
I look at the
current GOP,
I’m struck by
a comparison
that I
heard. This is
a basketball
example that
really does
reflect what
the GOP
appears to be
today. The
metaphor is
the Harlem
and the
Generals. The
Democrats are
and the GOP
are proud to
be the
Generals. The
Generals know
going into the
game that they
are going to
lose, but it’s
a nice gig and
they get to be
on the court
with the big
boys. The GOP
and The
Generals don’t
mind losing –
they just want
to be in the
game! Sound
is exactly how
it appears to
the loyal GOP
voters out
here in
America right
now. Why is
forward? We
have the
Presidency, we
have the
House, we have
the Senate!
What’s wrong
with this
picture? We
are wasting
valuable time
here, Senator
McConnell and
Ryan. The
voters are not
going to waste
time in 2018.
This is the
last chance
for the GOP
before it
morphs into
something none
of us
And, by the
way, when are
you going to
support the
laws on the
tearing down
statues: the
are running
wild and the
GOP is laying
freedom of
speech? UC
are worried
about what
shoes the
first lady is
wearing and
the media is
it. What a
world we are
living in.
Well there you
have it.
Trump and Vice
Pence are
being copied
on this plea
for help.
Hitch up your
pants and
stiffen your
It’s about
time! I know
what’s coming
because I live
in a state
that has
already gone
off the cliff
have already
won here!! I
mean the
have an
extensive cc
list of over
1,500 people.
I'm asking
them to send
this note to
10 of their
We the people
will not sit
still while
this country
is being
abused and our
values are not
The Left will
not take this
country away
from us..
W. Wahlert
Donald Trump
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