Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Left's Latest Strategy - Claim Trump Is Incompetent and Unstable

Are they serious? Oh yes, they are... very serious!

I've made a point over the last couple of years to watch and analyze how the left has covered and reacted to Donald Trump since he declared his candidacy. It's been well documented and reviewed how they scoffed and chuckled at the whole idea; making statements and passing remarks that it was just a joke and he'd drop out after a week, or month. No doubt, you've seen these clips yourself.

Now, as the duly elected POTUS who has gotten more done in one year than his predecessor ever dreamed of doing, even with an establishment GOP making all the more difficult for him, the media's initial shock and dismay has shifted from citing the Trump/Russian collusion meme as the DNC's lapdog, which has failed to produce anything of credible for prosecution, to obstruction of justice which has now backfired on the left to reveal that it was the DNC itself who paid for the fake dosiee' created by Christopher Steel - a supposed former "spook" who had "dirt" on Trump - as well as bureaucrats within the DOJ under then Pres. Obama (as I've pointed out in previous posts Comey, Lynch, Bill Clinton, McCabe, Strzok, Bruce Orh, Page, et al) to actually collude to influence candidate Trump's chance of winning against their Queen Hillary. 

Now, since these revelations have been uncovered through reporter investigations that potentially treasonous acts were committed in the process, the media is now shifting once again to a new focus that Pres. Trump is demented, delusional, and incompetent in order to convince the public that his stands against the NorKor tyrant, Rocket Man, and his decision to make good on his campaign promise to move the U.S. Embasy to Jerusalem is evidence that he has problems understanding what being POTUS is really all about; when actually it's because his actions and decision don't align with their ideology.

Brent Bozell, of MRCTV, and Tim Graham of the Dailywire, have written a great article on this issue focusing on MSNBC's Joe Scarborough as one of the many mainstream media "talking heads" who are carrying water for the DNC and the liberals of the country in order to maintain their TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). I recommend reading it.

To anyone who has learned basic strategies and tactics of socialist/communist agitators who scheme to undermine anyone who is in power which is antithetical to their ideology, this psychological warfare they are engaging in is right out of their playbook to place doubt and garner support for their effort to oust him from power; even to the point of beginning impeachment proceedings which will ultimately fail in the long run.

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