Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Turning America On Its Head

I grew up in an era when it was popular to promote the social construct that law and order were paramount to a safe and prosperous culture. Now that's all changed.

Today, the left is pushing the narrative that human rights trump civil rights; that those who've entered the country illegally deserve the same rights as those who've been born here and lived all their lives contributing to the nation.

I've lived my entire life understanding that:
- following the laws, 
- not committing crimes against anyone,
- defending my country by serving it for four years in the military,
- and going to college to have a chance to give back to society's future generations by being a public school teacher for 30 years while raising my children in a neighborhood where I felt safe,

was being a good member of society and the country. In return, I would feel reasonable to expect as a result that I have earned some degree of respect, cordial treatment by those I might not agree with on certain issues, and otherwise be left alone to enjoy my golden years.

Yet, what are we hearing from the left today?

I just listened to a sanctuary city mayor on a show say that "Dreamers" deserve the same opportunities as regular citizens... even when they do things which break the law. Blocking the entrance to Disneyland was their protest action.

Now, they're telling me - as a white, Christian, male - that all of what's wrong with our country is that we W.A.S.P.s supposedly harbor some kind of "privilege" over other races! Bullshit! I had, growing up, just as many obstacles and hardships as they're encountering, yet I understood that persisting and applying myself would get me and my family ahead. And, it did! No, that type of statement from the left is nothing more than pure socialist propaganda to obscure the need for law and order which the left is working persistently to destroy. Instead, they're treating illegal immigrants who've murdered someone - Kate Stinely, for instance - or raped several women as though they deserve special treatment! And if they succeed, then our nation will turn out no better than the rest of the third world banana republics. In fact, some are now arguing that such a status has already begun in the enactment of certain situations that were set up in the previous administration.
You know, while I understand that these people were either brought here by their parents dragging them with them, or sent here with the future intent of having those children bring them into the country under the family reunification policy of the past administrations, it still doesn't give those people who've been here for between eight and four years any rights if they've not become naturalized citizens! Instead, they've waited, while growing up, for the federal government to pass some kind of legislation giving them a status which would allow them more time to decide whether they would bother becoming naturalized while taking advantage of the "kindness" of America's hearts because the left feels guilty about how good we Americans have got it.

How can I say that leftists are working on destroying law and order? Try the fact that California's Attorney General has announced to the entire state that since the start of the new year, the laws have changed making the whole state a sanctuary state. So, if any business cooperates with any federal agency or agents who are attempting to locate any illegal immigrants who may be working for the owner's business, the A.G.'s office will PROSECUTE that business owner! The only reason such absurd policies are being made like this is that the left has been progressively been moving to a more ridiculous position and is desperate to regain power after losing to Pres. Trump.

This is clearly stepping over the line! If anyone's going to be prosecuted under federal laws, it will be the state A.G. of California and those who are aiding him in prosecuting business owners since there is clear court precedent for federal laws being paramount; especially when it comes to federal issues like immigration. Now the situation can go two ways; restoration of law and order, or literal civil war!

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