Thursday, January 11, 2018

Obama/Clinton Collude To Weaponize DOJ in 2016 Election

Investigations are now revealing evidence that Hillary Clinton and then Pres. Obama - as partners in crime - used a variety of sources and agencies within the D.O.J. respectively to attempt to both create the Trump Dossie and manipulate the general presidential election for Clinton during the campaign.

The following is a transcript from Sean Hannity's evening show on FOX News for today, January 11th, which I've recorded and transcribed myself. (As soon as I get the video of this portion of his openning monolog for this show, I will post it for those who would rather view it, than read it.)
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"Alright, the evidence of corruption and bias inside Inspector Muller's team, it just keeps piling up. Now, it does get complicated, I promise we'll go step by step, we'll break it all down for you tonight. 

But breaking right now, Sara Carter, investigative reporter, is now telling us that the top investigator, the guy we've been telling you about, Andrew Weissman, he met with journalist from the AP last April to discuss the news outlets' investigation into Paul Manifort. Now, the next day, the AP published a major expose' about Paul Manifort and alleged money laundering. And sources are telling Sarah Carter that the AP reporters in that meeting, they were actually promising to share documents and other information about Manifort with the Dept. of Justice. There's going to be a lot of news in the coming weeks about the media and all of the role they're playing in all of this. Now the AP tonight is denying this,saying it's categorically untrue.

Now, at the time of this conversation Weissman was the head of the department's fraud division and would, a short time later, would join Muller's team, the following month. And according to the report, Weissman notified his superiors about the sit-down with the AP reporters, and during that time he wasn't working for the Manifort case and he didn't have any documents related to it. This shows Weissman had prejudice going into the investigation against Paul Manifort.

Now, that's on top of his troubling history of Weissman, he led the controversial obstruction of justice case, remember, Arthur Anderson and the Enron scandal? Remember, he destroyed that company, tens of thousands of people lost their job, that verdict was later overturned in a Supreme Court unanimous nine/zero ruling. Weissman also put four Merril executives in jail for a year. Those convictions were also overturned in that case by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. This is why we have to question the decision of Robert Muller making these people like Weissman, and only Democratic donors, why given this history was he ever appointed? And why Muller filled that team with people who gave money to Hillary Clinton, the DNC, over $50,000 to candidates like this and Barrack Obama?

Also, a big follow up tonight on our exclusive reporting last night on the Clinton bought and paid for phony Russian propaganda dossier with all that salacious material that we have confirmed has been used, was used by the Obama administration to literally surveile members of the Trump campaign team and then, president-elect Donald Trump and members of his transition team.

Now, we've been all over this story from the beginning, but just to give you an idea of how serious this is, sources telling me, this is all going to be proven right. To quote him, "Hannity, you're way over the target at low altitude. And everyone on the 'destroy Trump' media will be proven so wrong on so many levels." He said, "You can't even imagine how bad this is gonna get."

Now, in addition to the phony dossier, being used to destroy members on the Trump campaign, Sarah Carter is reporting, and we have confirmed this, that information about this systemic FISA abuse will also be exposed soon; maybe as early as next week.

Now, surveiling the Trump campaign isn't the only incident, it goes way beyond that. This is the real, Russia Scandal, the media has never reported on. And it has nothing to do with what the "fake news" media has been spoon feeding the entire country for the past year on the Trump/Russia collusion, it doesn't exist! There's no evidence. Even top Democrats have been telling us, but nobody listens. And they still keep reporting it anyway. Unimaginable, take a look: [Video montage follows]
"Well, you know, the allegation, of course, is that the Russians, and the hacking and dumping of documents in the election, um, had essentially relationships with Trump campaign people. But, I'm not prepared to say that there's proof you could take to a jury." [Rep. Adam Schiff on MSNBC] June 18, 2017
"Do you agree with this conclusion that was reached, that there was no evidence of collusion?" [Stephonnopolis on ABC]
 "You know, we don't have any seen of that, George. And we've been looking through everything they possibly have. Uh, that has not led to that." [Unidentified Congressman in repsonse] June 11, 2017
"The last time I spoke to you, Senator, I asked if you had actually seen evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians, and you said to me - I'm quoting you now you said, 'No, not at this time.' Has anything changed since we spoke last?" [Blitzer on CNN]
 "Well, not... not ye..., no it hasn't." [Feinstein in response] June 18, 2017
"Just to be clear, there'sevidence, there's not been any actual evidence, yet." [Unidentified reporter on MSNBC]
"No, it has not, yet!" [Rep. Maxine Waters in response] May 18, 2017
Nooo, not yet.

Now, instead, the real collusion involves Hillary Clinton and the DNC spending millions of dollars trying to influence an election by funding all of this salacious, Russian source dossie', that the Obama administration then used to spy on an opposition party in a presidential election year. President Trump himself reacting by tweeting; 
"Disproven, and paid for by Democrats. Dossie used to spy on Trump campaign. Did F.B.I. use intel tool to influence the election? @foxandfriends Did Dems or Clinton also pay Russians? Where are hidden and smashed servers? [He's asking questions.] Where are crooked Hillary's emails? What a mess!"
By the way, it's only getting bigger. Now the President raises some very Constitutional questions here. There's so much about this dossier that we still don't know about. But here's what we do know. And we're going to break this down and dissect this entire scandal, so that everybody understands it; even fake news - CNN - they may understand how serious this really is.

Let's go back to October, 2015, the Washington Free Beacon, they paid FusionGPS to do standard, political, op research then candidate Donald Trump. It had nothing to do with Russian sources. Christopher Steele was not involved at all; the MI6 agent. Then in April of last year, when it was clear that Trump would be the Republican nominee, back in 2016, Hillary Clinton and the DNC, that Donna Brazile said Clinton controlled - especially the money - took over the funding of the project. All tolled, they would pay FusionGPS over $10 million through a law firm. By the way, the DNC, Hillary's campaign, they used the same law firm.

And the former British spy, Christopher Steele, then, at that point, when the Democrats were paying him, Hillary's paying him, he gets involved in June of that year. Now, keep in mind, according to Vanity Fair, Steele has paid Russian sources over the years as part of his "job". And during that summer, Steele, quickly goes to work, using current and former Russian government sources to produce what we now know is the phony, fake news dossier, that included the salacious and completely false information, including Donald Trump, in Russia at the Ritz-Carlton, Moscow, with hookers, urinating on beds. Wow!

Now, keep in mind, former F.B.I. Director, James Comey, he even testified under oath that the content of the dossier were unverified. Well, that apparently did not stop Steele from reportedly briefing news outlets, let's see, like the New York Times, the Washington Post, Yahoo News, the New Yorker, and fake news CNN, all about the dossier.

Now that may mean Steele was trying to influence the election with a dossier that Clinton paid for. Of course Clinton wanted this. Then fast forward, November 28th, according to reporter, David Kramer, an ally of Senator John McCain, he meets with Steele. Steele agrees to give him a copy of the dossier to give McCain, which Kramer does. Then, in early 2016, McCain then gives the dossie to the F.B.I. Director, James Comey. See how it all tying together?

And in January of last year, BuzzFeed, well they decided to publish this fake dossier that President Trump's personal attorney, Michael Cohen, just this week, is now suing over deffimation. Now here's where it gets shocking. According to reports, during the summer of 2016, former Trump campaign associate, remember Carter Paige, he's spied on. They used the FISA warrant. And we've found out from other reporting, that former Trump Campaign Chairman, Paul Manifort, he was surveilled before, and after the election. And now, thanks to Sara Carter and John Solomon and others, we have confirmed tonight, this new information, through three separate sources. We started it last night. 

The Clinton funded dossier with all that salacious material, that was used as a justification to obtain FISA warrants to spy on member of the Trump campaign, and then the President-elect. And we're learning more about the dossier from the very guy who helped create it, because Senator Feinstein released his congressional testimony. Now Feinstein's excuse is pretty lame, and pretty lame, she told NBC News today that the reason she released the information and the exchange with Congress, because, well, she had a bad cold. And the dog ate my homework! And that slowed down her mental abilities. Wow, really? So, what Feinstein did was a major breach of trust with Senate investigators, but actually, it provided some very interesting information.

Let's give you some. Alright, Glenn Simpson, of FusionGPS, alright, during that testimony, that he said he never even bothered to verify. What? Not even bother to verify? What Steele brought him from his Russian sources. And that he was against Donald Trump during the election. Shocking!

And we also know that Simpson met, remember? He met with the Russian lawyer, both before and after the meeting at Trump Tower. Remember the one with Don Jr. and Manifort and Jared Kushner in June of 2016. Oh, we're really supposed to believe that Glenn Simpson, who hates Trump, who never verified the dossier, that it's a mere coincidence that he's meeting with this Russian; as he testified to? And Simpson also met with former top DOJ official, remember, Bruce Ohr. Now tying that together. And Ohr's wife, Nellie, actually worked for FusionGPS.

I know this is a lot of information! Let me explain exactly what this all means. Clinton bought and paid for this phony dossier. This lie, this propaganda. She was hoping the Russian propaganda and lies would influence the general election. The Obama administration then politicized, and as I've been warning about, weaponized these powerful tools that we give our intelligence community and they used them to go after an opposition party in a presidential election year. So, we have Clinton putting the fix in. Remember, Bernie Sanders? We learned, from Donna Brazile the fix was in in the primary. It was a done deal. Bernie had no shot. The fix was also in... think about this, wit the Clintons. With the exoneration, before the investigation, in her email scandal. Remember, it was Comey and Peter Stzok, they were writing a letter of exoneration that they didn't even investigate yet. And then, she, here, was trying to use the dossier to fix the general election. 

So, what's being exposed are massive abuses of our constitutional and civil liberties. Our fourth amendment rights and protections against unreasonable search and seizure. And this is now, reaching a point that you can't even imagine. Top government officials, at the top of your government; they're all involved. They will be exposed!"

The show then goes on to discuss these facts with three guests; Sarah Carter, Peter Schwitzer, author of Clinton Cash, and FOX News legal analyst, Greg Jarrett.

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